Scp 017

Special Containment Procedures: SCP is contained in an acrylic glass cage, cm by 50 cm by 50 cm, scp 017, centrally suspended in a concrete room measuring 6 m by 6 m by 4 m. Attached to the scp 017, ceiling, and floor of scp 017 room are high-intensity arc lamp spotlights pointed directly at the acrylic cage, to ensure that SCP is constantly exposed to light from every angle. Personnel assigned to the SCP control room are to monitor the functionality of the spotlights and the emergency generator system and call for maintenance immediately upon knowledge of a burnt-out lamp or an issue with the generator.

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Scp 017

Special Containment Procedures: SCPJ is to be cordially uninvited from all events, get togethers, and special occasions. If SCPJ makes contact with intent to be at a function or event, the event should take place as intended and no changes should be made. However, all attendees of said event should be informed not to mention the existence, or the effects, of SCPJ to SCPJ, and just pretend to be overjoyed that she showed up in the first place. Description: SCPJ is a temporal anomaly which is, in essence, a field of time displacement. The effect of SCPJ varies with no known causality, but the field can cause time displacement in measures varying from 15 minutes to 3 hours. The only subject seemingly affected by the field is SCPJ. She is 67 years old of above average means and is in annoyingly good health. She has the seemingly preternatural ability to externalize blame, particularly on members of her family. The subject also displays a remarkable inability to read a clock or watch. Her residence falls within the area affected by SCPJ. When the subject is intending to leave her residence, the temporal field activates. She then experiences the time displacement, making her between 15 minutes to 3 hours late to every god damned thing I have ever invited her to. SCPJ is summarily reminded that she did not have to pay any tuition money since the graduate was the recipient of a full scholarship.

But, they didn't fill in all the space, because you can't fill in nothing forever.

Researcher Boyd closed the hatch behind him, and turned to face the containment vault's occupant. Boyd thought he looked like an old fashioned tramp, complete with bindle and permanent five o'clock shadow. But yesterday he'd looked like a wino, and the day before a washed-up boxer. This look wasn't new. Boyd sat down across from the entity, and pulled an empty manila envelope out of his jacket. SCP pulled up itself up to the table, and grinned a toothy smile.

If any light is not working, immediately fix it. No one can enter except to repair the lights. Laconic Description: SCP is a black shadow cloud that might have something under the cloud. If it sees anything having a shadow, it will encase the thing and make it disappear. Additional Context: There is a reference to a document the original writer planned to write but didn't in the end. Create account or Sign in. SCP Wiki. GoI Formats. Explained SCPs. Recently Created Pages.

Scp 017

Special Containment Procedures: SCP is contained in an acrylic glass cage, cm by 50 cm by 50 cm, centrally suspended in a concrete room measuring 6 m by 6 m by 4 m. Attached to the walls, ceiling, and floor of the room are high-intensity arc lamp spotlights pointed directly at the acrylic cage, to ensure that SCP is constantly exposed to light from every angle. Personnel assigned to the SCP control room are to monitor the functionality of the spotlights and the emergency generator system and call for maintenance immediately upon knowledge of a burnt-out lamp or an issue with the generator. The only circumstance under which personnel are allowed entrance is to replace lamps. Personnel entering the room are required to wear the designated full-body reflective suits, and must be cautioned not to step in front of functional spotlights. Description: SCP is a humanoid figure approximately 80 centimeters in height, anatomically similar to a small child, but with no discernible identifying features. SCP seems to be composed of a shadowy, smoke-like shroud.

Foxy the pirate

Boyd didn't respond, choosing instead to tap his pencil against the clipboard and raise a single eyebrow. The similarities to the research objects are obvious. Due to remoteness of location, chances of being discovered are slim. We regret to inform you that your toy proposal has been rejected, for failing to meet the following criteria:. SCP was known for spinning stories to distract from having to answer questions. SCPJ is summarily reminded that she did not have to pay any tuition money since the graduate was the recipient of a full scholarship. Any attempt at finding the whereabouts of SCP's victims have been unsuccessful, so it is unknown if it teleported them to somewhere else into a pocket dimension like that of SCP or simply consumed them. Difficult to avoid all shadows. SCP reached into its own jacket, and pulled out the manila envelope. She has the seemingly preternatural ability to externalize blame, particularly on members of her family. When touched, pulls the user into an undisclosed location in deep space. Mature pages are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older.

Special Containment Procedures: SCP is contained in an acrylic glass cage, cm by 50 cm by 50 cm, centrally suspended in a concrete room measuring 6 m by 6 m by 4 m. Attached to the walls, ceiling, and floor of the room are high-intensity arc lamp spotlights pointed directly at the acrylic cage, to ensure that SCP is constantly exposed to light from every angle. Personnel assigned to the SCP control room are to monitor the functionality of the spotlights and the emergency generator system and call for maintenance immediately upon knowledge of a burnt-out lamp or an issue with the generator.

Very little action has taken place since then, other than the tragic loss of Agent Brom to the object when he accidentally came in contact with it while doing field work at the location. Sentencing: Not applicable. Any attempt at finding the whereabouts of SCP's victims have been unsuccessful, so it is unknown if it teleported them to somewhere else into a pocket dimension like that of SCP or simply consumed them. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Location - Unknown. PROBLEM The Prometheus Labs physics lab has proven the existence of an object which could be used to dispose of any type of matter harmlessly, at little to no cost past the initial investment to find the object. She is 67 years old of above average means and is in annoyingly good health. Greeks had it on point, y'know? Jay Ordeaux26 Makyzi! Main Forum.

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