runbox email review

Runbox email review

Runbox is an email provider from Norway, which was first launched in the year The Runbox service is owned by Runbox Solutions AS, which is known for also providing web runbox email review services. Runbox Solutions AS is currently owned by employees and other key personnel. Runbox v.

Runbox has been working in the secure email industry for over 20 years, and it shows. Find out more about how we test. Runbox is a Norwegian-based email service and one of the best secure email providers with over 20 years of industry experience. In our search for the best secure email providers, we decided to complete the following Runbox review. Runbox has quite a complicated pricing structure with a number of different subscription levels. To get started, you will have to sign up for a Main Account, which comes with email aliases and the ability to add sub-accounts.

Runbox email review

In this new and updated Runbox review, we took a closer look by testing out the service. In particular, we wanted to see how it stacks up against other secure email providers and the more intense threat environment. We use and recommend NordVPN , one of the top services that has passed independent privacy and security audits. Like our last look at this service, this review covers Runbox 6, which is the current version. Version 7, which was in beta when we passed by here in , remains in beta today, in But, when it does, it should add several crucial features, such as a Calendar and PGP support. From the home page, you can choose to log into Runbox 6, or the Runbox 7 beta. I recommend you go with version 6. Version 7 has many useful features, but it is beta code. That means it could well have bugs in it that would expose your messages, or otherwise cause problems. Click the relevant button to log into the version you want to use, as shown in the following image:. Runbox is somewhat behind the curve when it comes to the features it offers.

These include:.


First, let me say I have no affiliation with Runbox, nor do I know anyone personally at Runbox, nor do I have any financial interest in the company or its products. I am simply reviewing their email solution after studying alternatives for months. If this review gets a little long-winded, I apologize. I just want to be thorough. I am a computer scientist by training and trade. I ran my own email server for about 13 years before giving up and first using a web hosting service, and then google workspace. Since I am getting rather long in the tooth, I began to worry about what would happen to my domain if I die or become incapacitated. Loss of domain would result in loss of email for my whole family, not just me. And there are many ways I could lose the domain: the domain provider could be compromised, I might forget to renew the domain, a problem with a credit card could result in the domain not be renewed, etc. Since no one in my family had the knowledge or the desire to maintain the domain, much less learn how to maintain and administer either the domain or the email service, I needed to look for a simpler solution and still be able to help my family with their email needs.

Runbox email review

Runbox is an email provider from Norway, which was first launched in the year The Runbox service is owned by Runbox Solutions AS, which is known for also providing web hosting services. Runbox Solutions AS is currently owned by employees and other key personnel. Runbox v. The app code base is available on GitHub. However, the backend is not yet open-source, and older versions of Runbox are also still entirely closed source. The firm's base in Norway is generally considered to be good in terms of privacy the nation does not have mandatory data retention laws that apply to email providers. However, it is worth noting that the nation is part of the greater Nine Eyes agreement, which means that government intelligence agencies are likely to be performing some surveillance and communicating with the likes of the NSA and GCHQ.

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Signing up for Runbox was easy and quick. The Snowden leaks turned out to be a boon for Runbox. Daniel Blechynden. The Runbox Terms of Service requires users to register using their real name. With a passion for digital privacy and accessible information, he created RestorePrivacy to provide you with honest, useful, and up-to-date information about online privacy, security, and related topics. This information is securely stored on the same servers that our services run on. As the name implies, this is an area in which you can store any files you want access to through the Runbox interface. Anybody wanting to purchase a new domain using Runbox Domain Hosting, or extra storage space can do so at various bolt-on prices. Your email address will not be published. Users can use the account with up to 10 previously registered custom domains.

In this new and updated Runbox review, we took a closer look by testing out the service. In particular, we wanted to see how it stacks up against other secure email providers and the more intense threat environment.

With that being said, this could still be a solid alternative to Gmail , as it offers more privacy. Even worse, when you scroll down, the Runbox header scrolls off the top of the screen, taking with it the menus and options you need to work with your messages. Admittedly, this pricing structure is a little complicated compared to some other email services. Runbox is an email provider from Norway, which was first launched in the year However, anybody that pays for a subscription should be aware that their data is also held for five years after the end of a subscription to comply with Norwegian bookkeeping laws. The firm's base in Norway is generally considered to be good in terms of privacy the nation does not have mandatory data retention laws that apply to email providers. Users can elect to pay for Runbox via credit or debit card, PayPal, or Bitcoin for added privacy. Find out more about how we test. The sections include:. Micro users also now get access to custom domain names. All but Micro support using your own domain name, in addition to the runbox.

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