Ron desantis high school girls

By Ryan Bort. Donald Trump recently has been ramping up his attacks on Ron DeSantis ahead of a potential Republican primary showdown. Trump going heavy on the "DeSantis is a pedophile" stuff today. The photo Trump shared on Tuesday was ron desantis high school girls published in by a Democratic blog called The Hill Reporter, which noted that the girls in the photo were seniors when it was taken in

Ron DeSantis that accused him of drinking alcohol with minors when he was a high school teacher. He would never do such a thing! The picture shows a year-old DeSantis smiling between three women with blurred out faces, whose ages aren't clear. One of the females in the photos is holding a brown glass bottle but DeSantis isn't pictured drinking. Still, the caption reads, "Here is Ron DeSantimonious grooming high school girls with alcohol as a teacher," followed by the vomit emoji.

Ron desantis high school girls

Ron DeSantis Tuesday, seizing on a story that his rival for the Republican presidential nomination partied with underage students when he worked as a teacher at a Georgia high school. Two of them referenced a story published by the far-right website Hillreporter. Trump reposted a photograph originally posted by a Truth Social member who goes by the handle Dong-Chan Lee, and who uses a profile photo of the alt-right meme Pepe the Frog, featuring Trump's signature hairdo. The image showed what appeared to be DeSantis flanked by three young women that had been captioned, "Here is Ron DeSanctimonious grooming high school girls with alcohol as a teacher. Trump, who so far is the only Republican to have formally declared himself a candidate for the presidential election, added his own commentary to go with the photo. In another repost, Trump added more sarcastic commentary, writing "No way? Having drinks with underage girls and cuddling with them certainly look [sic] pretty gross and ephebophiliaesque," Trump posted. There are few issues that resonate with the far-right wing of the Republican Party more than an accusation of sexual relations with a minor. Adherents of the QAnon conspiracy theory network, for instance, believe that the government, especially members of the Democratic Party, are made up of Satan-worshiping pedophiles. Trump has also shared QAnon memes on Truth Social. DeSantis, who is widely believed to be planning to announce his own presidential candidacy, has so far adhered to a strategy of ignoring Trump's attacks on him, such as his coining the nickname "Ron DeSanctimonious. Trump went on to promote three more messages posted by Lee that took aim at DeSantis for his vote on a border security bill when he was a House member in , for not sharing Trump's false belief that the election was stolen and a story in which DeSantis was quoted as saying he was glad that violent Jan. A poll released Monday by the conservative Club for Growth showed that DeSantis leads Trump by 9 percentage points in a hypothetical head-to-head primary match-up.

Clearly it must be true. Ted Cruz to the assassination of John F. In this article: Donald Trump, Ron Desantis.

On Tuesday, Dec. Ron DeSantis and the Legislature. The association also barred the girl from participating in boys sports for 11 months. The student, a 10th grader who played in 33 matches over the last two seasons, was removed from the team last month after the Broward County School District was notified by an anonymous tipster about her participation. Her removal led hundreds of Monarch students to walk out of class two weeks ago in protest. The governor was in Iowa on Tuesday, campaigning for the Republican presidential nomination. He has made his enactment of the law and others that are similar a campaign cornerstone.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis dismissed former President Trump's spreading of a rumor that the governor allegedly partied with underaged girls while he was a high school teacher in Georgia. On Tuesday, Trump responded to two photos posted to Truth Social of a man posing with three women, with a caption claiming that it was of DeSantis "grooming high school girls with alcohol as a teacher. He would never do such a thing! Asked about Trump's attacks, the governor told reporters on Wednesday, "I spend my time delivering results for the people of Florida and fighting against Joe Biden I don't spend my time trying to smear other Republicans. The suspicions the former president raised about his arguably greatest GOP rival is the latest attack on the governor, who Trump has repeatedly warned about running against him for president in It will get much uglier in the next few months. DeSantis responds to Trump accusing him of being a groomer: "I spend my time delivering results for the people of Florida and fighting against Joe Biden…I don't spend my time trying to smear other Republicans. The photo Trump responded to traces back to an October report from HillReporter. The report noted that the photo, provided by an anonymous source, was taken before graduation, "meaning the young girls would still have been DeSantis' responsibility at the time.

Ron desantis high school girls

Ron DeSantis that accused him of drinking alcohol with minors when he was a high school teacher. He would never do such a thing! The picture shows a year-old DeSantis smiling between three women with blurred out faces, whose ages aren't clear. One of the females in the photos is holding a brown glass bottle but DeSantis isn't pictured drinking. Still, the caption reads, "Here is Ron DeSantimonious grooming high school girls with alcohol as a teacher," followed by the vomit emoji. The original message Trump reshared was from a user named Dong-Chan Lee, whose Truth Social describes him as a "paleoconservative" and Trump supporter.


The parties were after graduation, the Times reported, anonymously attributing the information to two students. Jan 12, 30, 7, Sub Culture. Nov 4, 37, 17, It will get much uglier in the next few months. Trump on Tuesday reposted a photo on the social media app, Truth Social, showing what appeared to be a younger DeSantis smiling alongside three women, whose faces were blurred. VRAMdemon said:. Uncommon Knowledge Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground. According to the story, information about the photograph was provided to a Hill Reporter by "a source with close knowledge of the matter. Join the AnandTech community: where nearly half-a-million members share solutions and discuss the latest tech. By Ryan Bort. That would mean the photo was taken in

Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday escalated his feud with potential rival Ron DeSantis, by accusing him of drinking alcohol with students when he was a high school teacher. On his Truth Social page, Trump responded to a post that included a photo allegedly showing the the governor of Florida standing next to a group of female students, one of whom is holding a beer bottle. Trump, resharing the image, responded , "No way?

Reactions: Perknose and Pohemi. Journalism you trust. As for the word at the end of the message, Collins English Dictionary defines ephebophilia as "the condition of being sexually attracted to adolescents. That's just the nature of it. Nikki Haley, South Carolina Sen. Kruesi, Kimberlee, and Karena Phan. They reported they weren't bothered by it at the time, though they now questioned it, the report said. Aug 2, 5, 2, CPUs and Overclocking. Petersburg candidates vote on the Rays deal? Trump reposted a photograph originally posted by a Truth Social member who goes by the handle Dong-Chan Lee, and who uses a profile photo of the alt-right meme Pepe the Frog, featuring Trump's signature hairdo.

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