reservoir rock properties pdf

Reservoir rock properties pdf

Properties of Reservoir Rocks Daniel M.

By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Knowledge of the physical properties of the rock and interaction between hydrocarbon system and the formation rock is crucial in understanding and evaluating the performance of a given reservoir. These data are usually obtained from two main sources: core analysis and well logging.

Reservoir rock properties pdf

The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. In general, naturally occurring rocks are saturated with fluids, water, oil, or gas Amyx et al. Any formation rock can produce oil, gas, and water which are considered as reservoir rock. A reservoir rock is a rock has an adequate perme- ability and porosity to permit fluids flow, to accumulate and to extract in viable volumes Daniel and Lapedes Normally, hydrocarbons exist in sandstones, carbonate, and shales formations and also are present in metamorphic and igneous rocks basement rock. The principal reservoir rocks are sandstone and carbonate formations. Typically, the physical properties and the composition of the sandstone and carbonate reservoir rocks are varying Cecil The scale of investigation used in reservoir studies is microscopic geological thin section , macroscopic wireline log, core plug , megascopic reservoir mod- elling grid cell , and gigascopic well test. In this section, the focus will be on microscopic and megascopic scales to characterise the reservoir. By studying a core sample of any reservoir rock under telescopic equipments, to determine the reser- voir rock and the reservoir textures either solid or brittle.

Note: When you click on clear, the curve, the relevant concentration of U, Th, K and the total activity are cleared out from the memory. Make sure the pycnometer is empty no sample inside.

This presentation gives a basic overview of the basis of reservoir rock properties. It contains a detailed analysis of reservoir rock properties. Reservoir Rock Properties. Reservoir Rock Properties 1 of Download Now Download to read offline.

The most prominent features of reservoir rock are porosity, permeability, and fluid saturations. These properties related to the pore media system and its fluid distribution and flow forms. By carrying out laboratory analyses, using core samples, reservoir rock properties can be investigated. This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar.

Reservoir rock properties pdf

The principal goal of reservoir characterization is to construct three-dimensional images of petrophysical properties. The purpose of this chapter is to review basic definitions and laboratory measurements of the petrophysical properties porosity, permeability, relative permeability, capillarity, and saturation. Pore-size distribution is presented as the common link between these properties. These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves. This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution. Unable to display preview. Download preview PDF. McGraw-Hill, New York, pp.

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Then write down the wetted weight. In this case the brine pressure is set to some value. During the cutting process, the noise level depends on the material to be cut, the type of disc used, the rotation speed and the cooling. This may be accomplished by 1 coating the rock with paraffin or a similar substance, 2 saturating the rock with the fluid into which it is to be immersed, or 3 using mercury, which by virtue of its surface tension and wetting characteristics does not tend to enter the small pore spaces of most intergranular materials. Because a large fraction of the initial reservoir water may have been displaced by the invading filtrate, the tracer method results in incorrect values for reservoir-water saturation. If a material is isotropic, then the signals recorded on S1 and S2 should be equivalent. Publisher : Springer Cham. Care was taken to maintain uniform saturations throughout the core as well as to conduct the test such that a close correspondence to drainage conditions existed. The change in rock-bulk compressibility may be of importance in areas where surface subsidence could cause appreciable property damage. Pore volume Vp is determined by a porosity measurement, and oil and water saturation may be calculated by the above equation. Hence, it is possible to obtain fairly representative values of in-place water saturations by using oil-based muds. The shape factor is a function of the core diameter and the size of the gasket opening. The flow sheet of this machine is illustrated in Fig. Related Papers. Automatic saturator is a device used to prepare samples for such experiments.

You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar.

Good contact between the core sample and the electrodes is usually achieved for phase angle less than 2 degrees. Basic Petrophysics. Therefore, to determine the quantity of hydrocarbons accumulated in a porous rock formation, it is necessary to determine the fluid satura- tion oil, water, and gas of the rock. Possible loss of sand grains in crushing. A simple cell is shown in Fig. Note: if the coefficient R2 is less than 0. In the gas-bearing portion of the formation there is no significant variation in water saturation with depth or method of determination. Top 10 reservoir engineer interview questions and answers. When gas is being used as the measuring fluid, corrections must be made for gas slip- page. The notes in some places cover more material than can reasonably be covered during the course and in other places have deliberate gaps for more discussions. The mercury-injection test data must be corrected for wetting conditions before they can be compared with results from the restored-state method. Porosity and types. The ramifications of this are that the shear wave arrives amidst reverberations of the earlier P- wave making its detection more difficult.

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