reksai combo

Reksai combo

Her un-burrowed Q on towers enables fast reksai combo pushing and tower destruction. With Hullbreaker it enables her to apply immense pressure to side lanes and controlling map objectives.

Home Blog Rek'sai Guide. My name is Corso and I am a multi-season Challenger Jungle main. I have been actively boosting for 7 seasons, and coaching for over 4 years. She has always been considered a strong and proactive early-game champion that falls off horribly in the mid-game and late game. With the correct understanding of your role, effective build pathing, and a creative mind for finding picks and fights, Rek'sai can stay more than relevant throughout the course of the match. That is assuming you are unable to end the game pre minutes which in almost every case is the goal. The general lack of vision means that you need to maintain an insanely good understanding of who the potential threats around you are.

Reksai combo

You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. Olaf wins this match up pre-six. You can win after six if you haven't fallen behind, but you need to knock him up before he gets his ult off. Rek'sai loses this match up at all points in the game. He also gets insane amounts of armor from his grit passive. This is my priority ban if I want to play rek'sai in high elo. Less of a threat the further down the ladder you are, as players aren't as good at kiting. Rek'sai can threaten kindred at most points in the game. The new items in season 11 make this match up really easy as it is very difficult for Kindred to kite you.

This turns your 1 for 1 trades into 1 for 0 trades and reksai combo keep you in the fight a little bit longer, reksai combo. Rek'sai destroys Skarner in the 1v1 early game, so try to abuse this as much as possible. Careful though!

You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. Whacky little amumu won't offer much resistence. Be aware of the CC he has, which can set up plays for other champs. Dodge his Q with your ult to deny the healing. Consider buying an Executioners early.

This guide has not yet been updated for the current season. Please keep this in mind while reading. You can see the most recently updated guides on the browse guides page. You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register.

Reksai combo

You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. Olaf wins this match up pre-six. You can win after six if you haven't fallen behind, but you need to knock him up before he gets his ult off. Rek'sai loses this match up at all points in the game. He also gets insane amounts of armor from his grit passive. This is my priority ban if I want to play rek'sai in high elo. Less of a threat the further down the ladder you are, as players aren't as good at kiting.

Elias harger

Maxing it increases the true damage AND greatly reduces the tunnel cooldown and the re-use cooldown of tunnels. Her W is a shapeshifting ability. You are able to nearly instantly attain maximum Conqueror stacks during a correct engagement on an enemy player for a start. Shyvana won't do anything in the early game typically, so you have free roam to torment her lanes. This leaves open significant windows of opportunity for Flash Engages or Ganks throughout the match on a much lower cooldown than your opponents will have. When you are able to fully get behind your opponent, simply keep a small gap between you and their character model. Into mixed damage teams, or when you are not necessarily ahead the delayed incoming damage from Ignore Pain normally is not enough to prevent you from being instantly killed - that in combination with health regeneration only coming from successful kills often this purchase can feel lackluster. Also prodive tenacity, which is useful against CC heavy teams even if they are not full AP. The following are some fast early clears you can look to do to set yourself up for some fast level 3 ganks. Champions such as Udyr, Karthus and Olaf come to mind. Due to lethality items being relatively cheap, this build will ramp up relatively fast. Ideal Strong Ok Low None. Make sure you have dragon warded at all times against this champion. Choosing one comes down to personal preference. Find him, flash on him, and delete him.

Learn more about Rek'Sai's abilities, skins, or even ask your own questions to the community!

Consider Mercs if the enemy team has enough AP. Problem: the enemy is covered by minions. This will allow you to clear faster on your next camp rotation. Join or Log In. Extreme Threats. Nerfed pretty hard, you likely won't find her in the jungle anymore. Rek'sais finishing move: Void Rush. Ultimate Hunter. Regardless of the Mythic Itemization the Inspiration Tree holds many benefits that simply outweigh any other secondary tree options. His E-Q Combo can be knocked up with your W. Every character model hitbox is different per champion, some knockups can be done at an obsurd range. Also prodive tenacity, which is useful against CC heavy teams even if they are not full AP. Champion abilities such as Viktor E, Graves Q can kill you as you are ultimating towards those characters as a few examples. Go visit the "What not to pick" Section in the In-Depth Runes section for more information on other keystones!

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