Rakan mobafire

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You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. Can completely shut down your engage with a well timed E, bait our her E or wait for her to use it before engaging, play aggressive early, if you dodge her E you have more damage. Pretend like you're going up to farm, she'll guaranteed cast her Q, you can W through it and combo her from there, guaranteed kill if you're one item in.

Rakan mobafire

You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. Play around his W Q combo cooldown and you should be fine. Try to play safe in the early levels as he has some great all in potential at lvl 1 and 2. Imperial mandate Ashe is a pain in the Ashe with her constant slows and her R that can stun you in place which makes engaging a lot harder. She will try to run you down in lane if she has the opportunity. Try to avoid getting poked down and maybe buy boots of swiftness to reduce the slow. Bard is a champion that is pretty difficult to play against. Blitzcrank is one of the easiest matchups for you. If he pulls in your ADC, you follow with your E. If he pulls you in, you can decide to dash out with your E or look for an engage with your W and R. Brand is a matchup that I call a big yikes. The champion is obnoxious to play against and deals tons of damage.

He has no direct cc, so he can't prevent your combo, rakan mobafire, however it can be dangerous to get close to him due to his R and his ability to stun you AFTER you engage. This ward comes in handy when trying to setup a dive and rakan mobafire if you want to go for it or not. If he pulls in your ADC, you follow with your E.

This build has been archived by the author. They are no longer supporting nor updating this build and it may have become outdated. As such, voting and commenting have been disabled and it no longer appears in regular search results. You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register.

You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. Her stun can really screw up Rakan's engage. She also has a lot of range allowing her and her adc to just stand outside of grand entrance. The shield can also ruin his engage.

Rakan mobafire

You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. Bard can make plays while dealing a lot of damage, so look for the right timing of engage where you can do an all in without getting punished. And roam with the same pace as him since he can do crossmap plays and can roam faster than you.

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Who am I? I would try to play as fast as you possibly can and dodge her combos while baiting out her spells. Damaging an enemy champion with a basic attack or ability reduces Fey Feathers cooldown by 1 second. Thank You! Poppy is not worth banning but do consider dodging if the enemy plays poppy support. With runes such as Water Walking and Celerity or items such as Mobility Boots your roaming becomes a threat as you will quickly move around the map. Ability Order Default 1 2. I didn't like this Guide. Lover's Leap - Xayah and Rakan can recall together. Mid Game. If you're good at dodging this matchup is very easy, but with a lack of CC Vel'Koz is very easy to kill if you can get on top of him. Follow Twitter Twitch. I liked this Guide.

You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community.

Rakan gets countered. Try to sit back while he walks up then use an E W combo so the enemy can't see you coming. As long as you E when he has 3 stacks you're literally invincible. I didn't find Maw of Malmortius that useful since it doesn't give ability haste anymore and Rakan can't take much advantage of pure lifesteal , since his kit even with AD is still based on be throwing abilities most of the time. Early Game 1. What to do when your behind Mid. She's too squishy and it prevents you from being able to W in, you have to save your abilities for defense purposes. Blitzcrank on the otherside of the map. But with that being said, you are more than welcome to play him top, just not in rank please. You askin' why? This ward is worth it when the enemy is hard pushing botlane and you try to sneak a Dragon attempt. If he goes for a hyper carry build look for windows to setup a CC chain with his R. A high tempo is a tempo that will snowball your leads into bigger leads and closing out the game. Champions like Kassadin and Sivir enjoy low tempo games as they can farm up and reach their respective power spikes. The only way leona will win against you in lane is if she focuses you and your adc can't win against the enemy adc.

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