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Letters to the Editor: Primos, soon after Somos Primos went online, Prodigy hotmail noticias begin to receive wonderful emails, grateful for the encouragement and help to research their family history, prodigy hotmail noticias. I was so happy to hear how Somos Primos helped them. Unfortunately, I did not think to include their letters in upcoming issues until July
Robbie Hunsinger on fri 28 feb 97 I am interested in setting up my Shimpo RK-2 so I can throw standing up. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Marvin S. Flowerman on sat 1 mar 97 I've been dthrowing standing up or sitting on a very high tri-pod seat for several years in order to minimize back strain. I simply built a very sturdy 14" high wooden stand, set my Shimpo wheel on it so that the feet of the wheel were at least an inch or more in from the edge of the stand.
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Thanks Jay, jnbfarias sbcglobal. It makes me very proud to be a member of the Lozano Family oscaroke cox. Got the newest info for Hispanic Heritage Month!
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Your team of people have renewed my faith and belief that there are others out there who really do care about the Californios, the history and the truth. You have done a fantastic job of trying to bring about understanding and harmony between the two races. Valerie Hall Vhall98 worldnet. I read the family tree of Don Juan Galindo and wife , excellent work. The article, "Woman to Woman" which describes what Alice Paul one of our BPW champions suffered is a "must read" for all women, and men, too. We continue to do our part back in Texas. Keep up the good work! Kenneth D. If you live in a rural area, finding one will be a breeze. I learn something new every time I read it. That was pretty good too, for various reasons. My goodness, what a rich and informative issue. How can I find out more or what can I do? Don't stop! I know you must get hundreds of mail on these lines, but I had to write.
But for some purposes the Spanish seems more suitable! Lila Guzman Lorenzo yahoo. I have opened your attachment and decided to print all pages because the material you have forwarded is an absolute treasure of information. I have a Pacifica wheel and ordered the leg extensions with seat and love it. It is greatly appreciated. Can you recommend a professional and reliable genealogists, perhaps yourself, that I could hire to help me research the Spanish-language material? BUT: You do not tell us what is wrong with your back. I have heard only good things about your organization and look forward to working together in tracing the Pacheco lineage. No doubt, Victoria would be so pleased with you and she definitely would be happy to have her long, long years of research finally published and made public. It gives me insight of our movimineto en la NETA.
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