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Note: You can change font size, font face, and turn on dark mode by clicking the "A" icon tab in the Story Info Box. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements. Life had been pretty good to Jack and Jenny. They were in their mid thirties, had been married for just under ten years and were doing ok. They didn't have children yet but neither was worried, there was plenty of time for that. They were just enjoying themselves. Jack's job in finance paid well and they took at least two holidays a year, had a nice house and both drove late model cars. Jack considered himself lucky, not least because Jenny was a very beautiful woman with a body that always turned heads when they were out.

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My wife finally gets the idea after all these years. There are so many genres and narratives to chose from in this list that it's difficult to know where even to start!? A trick, a Treat, and an unknowing wife. It also has a bisexual undercurrent which is intricately woven with themes of female supremacy. I didn't even like gin and tonics, and I'd never before been to this particular bar, but tonight, I was determined to do something different. It's a book that goes from pretty quickly and will take you along for the ride of your life. My wife and I recently attended a company Xmas party that her company put on for its employees. The Receptionist. My BBW ex wife and I meet and end in a heavy session My wife's secret life. My wife and I were on a vacation to the beach and saw 3 young guys on the side of the road with their thumbs out and a sign saying they were headed to the beach also.

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