pokemon sun and moon ghost girl

Pokemon sun and moon ghost girl

Acerola is a friendly young girl who is the Captain of the trial of the Thrifty Megamart's abandoned site on Ula'ula Island, pokemon sun and moon ghost girl. Acerola is the last living member of an Alolan royal family. Afterwards, she directs the player to their next trial on top of Mount Hokulani. She later appears as a member of the Alola Elite Fourhaving taken on the position after kahuna Nanu turned it down.

Don't like the ads? Then create an account! Users with accounts will only see ads on the Main Page and have more options than anonymous users. Acerola is a young girl, who has purple hair and purple eyes with bags under them. She wears a patchy dress of black, dark purple, and light purple, with two ribbons coming from her back, a gold arm band on her left forearm and light purple sandals.

Pokemon sun and moon ghost girl

Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived Page 1 of 3 Next Last. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Boards Pokemon Sun So, does a ghost girl show up in this game? GigaMan91 7 years ago 1. Remember that girl in the demo that wanted you to see her off at the terminal because she was afraid of boats? It was the very last timed event, and she gives you a Comet Shard for your trouble. Before she leaves, she says to herself that she will finally see her mom and dad again. As she walks towards the gate, a Machamp is walking back and forth in front of you, and once she reaches the gate, she disappears behind the Machamp as it walks by. The scene emphasizes this moment. LegoTechnic 7 years ago 2.

After Ash won, she bade him farewell as he headed back to Melemele Island. Elite Four Olivia.

Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived Page 1 of 2 Last. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. WizardofHoth 7 years ago 1. Lagochocobo13 7 years ago 4.

Don't like the ads? Then create an account! Users with accounts will only see ads on the Main Page and have more options than anonymous users. Acerola is a young girl, who has purple hair and purple eyes with bags under them. She wears a patchy dress of black, dark purple, and light purple, with two ribbons coming from her back, a gold arm band on her left forearm and light purple sandals. Her hair is a rather messy short bob with her bangs collected in a small ponytail, just above her forehead with a badge. She also owns a shiny mimikyu who she nicknamed "Mimikins". Throughout the game, Acerola strikes a playful personality towards the protagonist, Lillie , Nanu , and the other Trial Captains. She 'drags' Lillie along shopping, which is taken to mean that she enjoys shopping herself. She first appears when helping the protagonist and Lillie when the pair are searching for a book in the Malie library, to which she offers the book in a cheeky tone.

Pokemon sun and moon ghost girl

In the anime , it is associated with Ho-Oh. The area around its face resembles headgear, such as a helmet. On top of the helmet are two curled horns or ears with a wispy horn between them.

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Berzerker 7 years ago 7 I saw it during teh gost tiral and now i is ded "People who quote themselves are total scumbags. Help to get scizor. Can you encounter Gengar in wild? Ula'ula Island. Elite Four battle. Sarah Natochenny. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Focus Energy. Latin America. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Despite their best efforts, Acerola and the others were completely outmatched by the rampaging Ultra Beasts. Does that count?

Acerola is a friendly young girl who is the Captain of the trial of the Thrifty Megamart's abandoned site on Ula'ula Island. Acerola is the last living member of an Alolan royal family.

In A Haunted House for Everyone! Shadow Ball. Swap breeding question Help. Sign in to edit. Those who cannot sacrifice anything, can change nothing. Lillie I saw this one theory before it released that Lillie was either the ghost girl's sister or the ghost girl herself. Current Wiki. Ability : Snow Cloak. Help desk Watercooler. Phantom Force. In Adventure in the Dark Dimension , the Trial Captains and island kahunas were revealed to have spent six months on Exeggutor Island training to prepare for another clash with the Ultra Beasts. Lauren Kammerling.

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