Playmobil database

PlaymoDB, Playmobil. As I prefer to work from a Spreadsheet, I created yet another database of all sets, available to download as an Excel file. Contents playmobil database all DS catalogues to

In an idea was born, perhaps too pretentious for its time. Today, that collaborative tool is already finished. Klickypedia is the place in which the international community can create the Playmobil library of your dreams. Explore it! They're here, all Playmobil sets organized and cataloged like you always wanted; by release year, themes, tags, promotional, Write a review of your favorite sets.

Playmobil database

All sets database 18 July I can make this spreadsheet available in other formats, just ask! I have colour coded the background or text in some cells, but this colour information may not be saved in other formats. Why did I do this? I found no one source of information on PM sets to be totally comprehensive. I also wanted to be able to sort and filter the information and search for words in the set titles, so a spreadsheet seemed a good idea. If you want some tips on sorting, filtering and searching, see here! I collected data from several sources and cross-referenced. I have included all 4-digit and 5-digit set numbers sets which appear in PlaymoDB. PlaymoDB for set names, themes, set numbers, klickies per set. Collector 3rd edition for many release dates and set versions. I have also given page numbers for all sets on pages , and of the book. Datenbank-Setinhalt mit Inhaltsverzeichnis at Klickywelt Photos of set contents of many pre and a few post sets, some set contents still sealed in original bags, some sets show box pictures only. I have also included a list of all unused set numbers in the ranges , , and There are currently unused 4-digit numbers and unused 5-digit numbers in these ranges.

I will add the English names as they become available last checked 18 June


All sets database 18 July I can make this spreadsheet available in other formats, just ask! I have colour coded the background or text in some cells, but this colour information may not be saved in other formats. Why did I do this? I found no one source of information on PM sets to be totally comprehensive. I also wanted to be able to sort and filter the information and search for words in the set titles, so a spreadsheet seemed a good idea. If you want some tips on sorting, filtering and searching, see here! I collected data from several sources and cross-referenced. I have included all 4-digit and 5-digit set numbers sets which appear in PlaymoDB. PlaymoDB for set names, themes, set numbers, klickies per set.

Playmobil database

In an idea was born, perhaps too pretentious for its time. Today, that collaborative tool is already finished. Klickypedia is the place in which the international community can create the Playmobil library of your dreams. Explore it! They're here, all Playmobil sets organized and cataloged like you always wanted; by release year, themes, tags, promotional,

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Aug 18, 0. Sets They're here, all Playmobil sets organized and cataloged like you always wanted; by release year, themes, tags, promotional, You can change your preferences. I have also given page numbers for all sets on pages , and of the book. Write a review of your favorite sets. Please, review the Cookies that this site uses and its functionality. Privacy Policy Required. Datenbank-Setinhalt mit Inhaltsverzeichnis at Klickywelt Photos of set contents of many pre and a few post sets, some set contents still sealed in original bags, some sets show box pictures only 4. Wordpress internal cookies for correct site functions Cookies Used Required. Searches of Playmofriends and other Klickywelt topics 7.

Since I had in mind a huge project, perhaps too pretentious for its time. Today, after years of planning and more than a year of hard work, that collaborative tool for fans where we can publish and edit content ourselves, is already finished.

Have you always wanted to organize your collection? May be helpful to manipulate quantities of data about klickies, especially if you like working with spreadsheets like me! They're here, all Playmobil sets organized and cataloged like you always wanted; by release year, themes, tags, promotional, Write a review of your favorite sets. Internal cookies used for analytics of source traffic, not shared with any external site, and advertising ones through google adsense shared with that platform. Wordpress internal cookies for correct site functions Cookies Used Required. Security cookies to prevent spam and attack to site. I used the following sources: 1. All sets database 18 July There are currently unused 4-digit numbers and unused 5-digit numbers in these ranges. Any corrections to data will be gratefully received. Please, review the Cookies that this site uses and its functionality.

1 thoughts on “Playmobil database

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