paz metal gear

Paz metal gear

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A young Costa Rican girl who cherishes peace. She is studying the nation's Peace Constitution under the guidance of Galvez at the yet-to-be-sanctioned United Nations University for Peace. She was held captive by the mysterious armed force initiating military deployment in various parts of Costa Rica. She, alongside Galvez, entreats the "Soldiers Without Borders" to eliminate the armed force and restore peace to the nation. This force captures Paz and is tortured, leading to scars. After Coldman captures Paz again due to Galvez not being around to protect her Galvez is actually a Russian who works for the KGB, who must remain hidden at that point in the game it is decided that she would be better off with MSF where she'll be safe at Mother Base.

Paz metal gear

Pacifica Ocean was raised in the United States from a very young age. However, her loyalty was partially born out of fear, as she believed that disobeying Cipher would result in "a fate far worse than death". She was also the only agent that had actually met Cipher face-to-face and received orders from him directly, in this case, to contact Big Boss, with other agents only gaining their orders via proxies. She was eventually trained to become a triple agent for the organization, later operating within both the CIA and the KGB. In order to become a Cipher agent she endured many hardships including extreme training, starvation and days spent without sleep. Some of her compatriots died and others betrayed her and left her for dead while she did exactly the same to them. By overcoming these hardships she proved herself to Zero to be the right candidate to strike back at Snake for abandoning him and his organization. In , "Paz Ortega Andrade" was held captive by the CIA mercenary group Peace Sentinel , after she had stumbled upon a supply port facility north of Puerto Limon , while "searching for a lost friend. Paz was eventually able to escape, although her friend did not make it out in the process. She was later relocated to the control room where Coldman intended to launch a nuclear strike on MSF's Mother Base , via the unmanned Peace Walker weapon. Zadornov planned to have Peace Walker instead launch into Cuba to ruin America's reputation, and attempted to convince Paz to shoot Coldman with his Makarov pistol. However, despite Coldman's previous actions toward her, she could not bring herself to shoot him, so Zadornov pulled the trigger himself. Paz was soon rescued by the MSF and their Sandinista allies, while Zadornov and a dying Coldman were taken into their custody. Paz later broke down into tears on board Kaz's MSF chopper due to the intense events of the mission, with Kaz lecturing her that she shouldn't pick up a weapon unless she knew how to use it, as aiming a gun itself didn't make it a deterrent.

However, despite Coldman's previous actions toward her, she could not bring herself to shoot him, so Zadornov pulled the trigger himself. Paz was directly ordered by Zero to carry out such an alternative outcome in her mission, although she said in her diary that she felt it was extreme. Edit as much as you wish, paz metal gear, thatbritishgirl porn one little thing

She ejected from the cockpit and was thrown into the ocean. Big Boss however had his doubts whether Paz had really died as he stated she had been ejected in full Scuba gear. In Ground Zeroes, it's revealed that she indeed survived and was found by a Belizean fisherman. She was then taken by Cipher to Camp Omega to be interrogated. Chico attempted to rescue Paz after becoming aware that she had been captured but is also imprisoned at the camp when found. Skull Face later remarks to Chico that he witnessed the painless demise of a female prisoner whose identity is unknown, then calling Chico a 'traitor'. It's later known that Paz had been severely tortured and was left chained up in a room below the camp.

Pacifica Ocean was raised in the United States from a very young age. However, her loyalty was partially born out of fear, as she believed that disobeying Cipher would result in "a fate far worse than death". She was also the only agent that had actually met Cipher face-to-face and received orders from him directly, in this case, to contact Big Boss, with other agents only gaining their orders via proxies. She was eventually trained to become a triple agent for the organization, later operating within both the CIA and the KGB. In order to become a Cipher agent she endured many hardships including extreme training, starvation and days spent without sleep.

Paz metal gear

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. But he resists and after a hard fight, Big Boss comes out the victor and Paz ends in the sea. Once you get on the helicopter, he removes a bomb from the belly of Paz, placed by Skull Face to kill Big Boss. However, you will find that Paz had another bomb and saves Big Boss by throwing herself from the helicopter. Before her rescue, Skull Face had promised to Paz that Big Boss would be safe if she would tell him where Zero is, and so, she confessed.

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Cancel Create Link. In addition, her condition is being equipped with Bob-Ombs, which either referenced her plan on framing MSF with a nuclear strike on the East Coast in Peace Walker , or her demise via Skull Face implanting her with two bombs in Ground Zeroes. Kaz turns angrily to the comatose Paz You spying bitch! Pacifica Ocean is a pun of the name "Pacific Ocean," the largest of the Earth's oceanic divisions. My name, my age, my mission - Cipher gave them all to me. They can tell us more about what's up ahead. Paz eventually regained consciousness, being brutally interrogated by an angered Kaz Miller due to the attack on Mother Base. After listening to all of Paz's Diary, another conversation with Chico is unlocked. What are you going to do now? It is my one and only purpose. The cover of the book "Paz" was reading in The Phantom Pain. Where are you? Tell me where he is.

A young Costa Rican girl who cherishes peace.

In addition, attacking Paz even once ends with an automatic mission failure which is depicted with Paz calling Snake a "creep" shortly before storming away, and Snake, during the game over sequence, attempting to apologize to Paz in the Game Over style. Cipher [Zero]? I will fight Big Boss. Where are you? However, by the time of her imprisonment at the United States Naval Prison Facility in Cuba up to her death, her hair had been shaved to the extent of looking like a crew cut, presumably as a form of dehumanization since Chico's head wasn't shaved during his captivity. She also briefly came down with an illness while onboard Mother Base, with Miller and Strangelove trying to help her recover although she drove them off due to Miller trying to demonstrate how to use suppositories as well as Strangelove trying to put an "Indian miracle cure" on Paz's chest, respectively. The guard left his post and the dude was gone when he got back. Use your keyboard! His orders may have been unreasonable, but I will never repay my debt entirely. Paz will react if the player places a magazine near her. The cover of the book "Paz" was reading in The Phantom Pain. Paz appears in Super Smash Bros.

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