
Join Pastor Rick for this series devotional developing the daily habits that will make you a happy person as he walks through Philippians, the happiest book in the Bible.

God is far more concerned about who you are than what you do, but he does use your work and your workplace to develop your character. Pastor Rick uses this message to explain how your workplace is a life course in character development. God wants you to work so you can express what he made you to be. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains how you can know if your job is right for you. How do you put on the full armor of God? devotional

Connect with Pastor Rick Warren. Listen Donate. Daily Hope Devotional. If you allow it to, pain will deepen and mature your love for God and others because suffering helps you become sensitive to the suffering around you. Read More. Whenever you experience something painful in your life, you have a choice: You can run from God, or you can run to God. Running from God never made sense to me. Sometimes God uses pain to protect you and guard you. Pain in one area can keep you from having an even worse pain in another area; it protects you from greater harm. Do you know the difference between correction and punishment? Punishment is a penalty for the past, and correction is training for the future. Correction is discipline, not punishment.

God cares about every detail of your life—including the work you do. The Habits of Happiness. Listen Donate.

God gave you a heart, and in your heart he placed passions, desires, and dreams. But unless they are under his control, they will be misused, they will be abused, they will be misapplied, they … Continue reading To Get More Passionate, Get Closer to God. Read full devotional. God cares about every detail of your life—including the work you do. In this series, Pastor Rick helps you understand why you work, what you should be working for, and how God can use you in your workplace.

The Bible says when you go through a season of loss, the first thing you need to do is release your grief. Tragedy always produces strong emotions — anger, fear, depression, worry, and sometimes guilt. When we have experienced a major loss, these enormous feelings bubble up within us. Some people never directly deal with grief in life. They stuff it. They push it down. In fact, Jesus taught the exact opposite. When people are Christians, we know they will go on to Heaven, so we need not grieve like the world. Our grief can be different. What do you do with your feelings? devotional

How do you put on the full armor of God? Pastor Rick teaches in this broadcast why prayer is essential for preparing yourself for spiritual war. Prayer is how we fight the battle! And the best time to put on your spiritual armor is in the morning, before you even set foot out the door. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches in this broadcast how to submit your thoughts to God as he leads you to truth. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains how God hears and answers your cries for help, no matter how deep the well of pain and grief seems. God wants you to know he can handle your anger, your gripes, and your grief.

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Read full devotional. You Make Me Crazy. Do you know the difference between correction and punishment? Read More. In their return to Saddleback Church after the death of their son, Pastor Rick and Kay share the very personal story of Matthew and his battle with mental illness. Listen Donate. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains how you can know if your job is right for you. If you allow it to, pain will deepen and mature your love for God and others because suffering helps you become sensitive to the suffering around you. More Articles About Pastors. Purchase this series. Correction is discipline, not punishment. Pain in one area can keep you from having an even worse pain in another area; it protects you from greater harm. You think it all depends on you.

How do you put on the full armor of God?

This past year has been such a season for many… Continue Reading. Satan implants the following thoughts into your mind: Doubt. The moment you step across the line spiritually and begin following Jesus, you say, God wants us to learn to be generous, because he wants us to be more like him. Listen Purchase. As a follower of Jesus, you have fiery darts coming at you all the time. Read More. What is Real Love? Follow DailyHope Join the conversation. Follow on Instagram. God is far more concerned about who you are than what you do, but he does use your work and your workplace to develop your character. But unless they are under his control, they will be misused, they will be abused, they will be misapplied, they … Continue reading To Get More Passionate, Get Closer to God.

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