my candy love episode 13

My candy love episode 13

Because you tried to catch a boy undressing in the locker room!

Episode As soon as I found the right result, this page will be updated. Illustrations: 5 Total. You can get 1 out of 5 in a single playtrough. The illustrations are based on outfit.

My candy love episode 13

Post a Comment. Episode Fairy Godmother:. Ha ha, very funny… How much did you pay him to do that for you? Let me think about it…. Are you talking about that four-eyed geek? Whenever you want! I would prefer not to… I prefer the old Ken. Causes Kentin to blush. Are you kidding? My silence comes with a price….

She explains how Castiel doesn't want to play, and Alexy wonders if he'll accept if multiple people ask him. Thanks for walking me back. Haha, I never thought about it like that!

It was released on January 21, It was written and developed by Beemoov. Starting from where Episode 12 left off, your Candy stumbles upon Amber kissing a mysterious boy while trying to find Lysander to talk to him about the school project. Your Candy is shocked by the kiss and doesn't recognize the boy. Amber taunts your Candy about the kiss and about paying for the cellphone, and your Candy thinks she should leave since the boy doesn't look amused.

It was originally released on July 6th It was written and developed by Beemoov. Candy wakes up on the plane as she and her spouse are approaching land and enjoys the tropical views. Candy and her spouse arrive at the hotel, the Altingia Grand Lodge Hotel and head to the honeymoon suite which is decorated with flower petals and includes a private pool. Candy and her spouse have separate showers after which there is an optional sex scene. The following morning at breakfast, they are advised by Darma that an excursion they have booked is happening now.

My candy love episode 13

It was originally released on March 4, It was written and developed by Beemoov. Your Candy arrives to school the next day feeling uneasy due to her encounter with Deborah the day before. As fate would have it, the first person she sees that day is Deborah, who is acting overly cheery and causes your Candy to feel even more uncomfortable. Down the hall she spots Iris and Violette , which would explain why Deborah is putting on such a charade. Once she leaves, Iris approaches your Candy and is happy the two seem to be hitting it off well. Iris thinks your Candy and Deborah are alike, thinking that they both are friendly and ready to help anyone. Once she leaves, your Candy thinks about what she should do. Even though Deborah told her to keep quiet about their conversation yesterday, your Candy feels if she tells the others about it, that they will believe her.

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They discuss where the concert should be held, since it may annoy the neighbors if it is held in the courtyard. Nathaniel: A good thing done! I have a hard time believing you and I found time to get together. After this distracting dispute, you return to your search that was interrupted during the last episode. To get the balls stuck up high? HSL Episode My Candy Love - Episode 13 Guide. Your Candy tells him about the concert idea and Nathaniel thinks it's a great idea and offers to help when needed. You must have had dates in the past few years? He questions why she hangs out so much with Alexy, although your Candy shrugs it off by telling him Alexy is easy to talk to because he's gay. Whenever you want! When she returns, Rosalya passes out the snacks and drinks while everyone talks with one another. But anyway! Ha ha, I never thought about it like that! For Illustration.


Outfit 40G Amp 40G Illustrations: 1 in total. Castiel isn't fond of the idea of helping the school earn money and refuses. We should do it again sometime! You are going to convince Castiel, Armin and Nathaniel to help clean the basement. Ha ha, very funny… How much did you pay him to do that for you? I admit it bothers me a little to know that a paparazzi might be hiding in one of those bushes, waiting to take the perfect picture. Go to find Nathaniel to organize the concert. Causes Kentin to blush. You start this episode in your room. The two part ways and your Candy goes home and thinks about what an eventful day she had. No, I can take care of it alone thanks. Team up with Rosalya. You will buy an outfit instead of the amp. When she asks Nathaniel, sadly he lent his money to Amber so she could buy a new phone and can't contribute. I've been keeping track of my experiences and I thought I would share it with others.

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