Music map

Music-Map creates for you a map of artists similar to an artist that you like based on people's opinions.

Musicmap uses cookies to gather data which is solely being used for statistical purposes. It does not collect personal data, only anonymous data. These cookies are used to give you a more personalized experience and to gather data regarding music taste. Musicmap is ad-free and will never work with personalized ads. Musicmap also uses cookies for social media if you use any of the share buttons to allow integration with these media.

Music map


Mainly because literature that covers all popular music at once is very, music map, very scarce. All information these cookies collect is aggregated and therefore anonymous.


Marek Gibney of the AI company Global Network Of Discovery GNOD has created a really clever interactive music map that plots through search terms, the name of an artist and those artists that are closest in style to the artist searched. The closer the other names are to the original artist, the closer they are in style. Each artist on the page can be clicked, which then puts them at the center of the map with other artists revolving around them. The closer two names are, the greater the probability people will like both artists. Click on any name to travel along. Gibney also created Gnoosic , a learning AI that asks the user input three of their favorite artists in order to provide a list of new similarly styled music to discover. In this instance of Gnod all is about music. It will ask you what music you like and then think about what you might like too. When I set Gnod online its database was completely empty.

Music map

Created by the Spotify-owned music data service Echo Nest , Every Noise At Once is an interactive map highlighting just that…every musical genre ever created! Every Noise At Once allows users to listen to any and all musical genres with samples of each aggregated where you can click on each and listen. They have everything from trance, metal, and pop to classical, jazz, and getting into quite obscure territory also. The below is the best screenshot we can get to show the full map, but click on the link above to find the full interactive version.

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Never worry about spotty connections No Internet access? Yet, they are still far better than nothing, and very useful when mastered. Great for quick bits of information and interesting ideas around whatever topics you are interested in. The exact year of origin is very disputable or sometimes even uncertain. Although many parts of this fifth world are well documented and its oral history is often told in literature and documentaries, a structural analysis of the whole is — due to its complexity — lacking, especially compared to the other worlds. Musicmap does not host any physical media, only links to other websites. App Store. By choosing the right amount of genres, determining forms of hierarchy and analogy and ordering everything in a logical but authentic manner, a satisfactory balance can be obtained. Why We Love Music Music is related to our cognitive capacity, comprehension, and self-awareness. A music genre after all, cannot die. If you want to learn more about the general uses of cookies, including how to stop them being stored by your computer, please visit Cookiepedia - all about cookies. Lately, the term EDM has received a new and narrower meaning as mainstream-friendly dance music, which has provoked aversion for the term.

For years, the Knoxville music scene has lived in the shadows of the Music City mecca three hours to its west. And while the Scruffy City has produced some incredible talent over the years — Kenny Chesney , Con Hunley and Brent Smith of Shinedown, to name a few — a new generation of artists with Knoxville ties have put East Tennessee back on the map as a musical incubator to be reckoned with.

When we want to place an artist on the art timeline, we should keep in mind that generalisations are useful only up to a point. By clicking on the accept button, you allow musicmap to collect data and to store cookies. When the situation is more complex proto-phases, timespans, different waves , more accurate information can be found in the description. The upper level displays only the super-genres. It also implies that the other super-genres the ones in between can be seen as fusion genres of these clusters, with the exception of Pop and Downtempo. If you lose track of date, you can easily check your chronologic context without zooming out by hovering over a thicker horizontal line, which represents the start of a new decade. Disdain for certain music genres is often based on ignorance. Log In Collections. When does a super-genre cease to perpetuate new styles? Unlimited history. Researchers try to develop adequate algorithms that analyze any given audio signal, break it down into its various components, and process a singular outcome: a tag in the form of genre. Keep reading for FREE. I have only been using it for a few days now, but I have found answers to questions I had never consciously formulated, or to problems I face everyday at work or at home. These cookies enable the website to provide enhanced functionality and personalisation. Thinner horizontal lines are placed biannually.

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