mother vore

Mother vore

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Mother vore


I will award 75 GPs to anyone who submits families.


Mother vore MoorMyrtle-Drgoomer on DeviantArt. Face the Consequences. A Day Inside Mommy's Tummy. Se Ela Soubesse. Son Hates School. Survive Your Mom. When your sister is hungry and eats you. Showing His Love. Anal vore 1.

Mother vore

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. In a world where people can swallow other people whole, digest them painlessly, and reform from being digested, a mother enjoys swallowing and digesting her six children to have an evening to herself. Safe, soft, consensual, non-fatal, non-sexual child-on-child vore. Digestion and implied reformation. What is says on the can.

Device syn

So if the mother does both to her child ren and she only has one child, she can only do one act. Mothers eat, unbirth and breast vore their kids, but nicely. Noticing Newbies. If you add to a Writer's choice, please have three families. Please use spell check and try to maintain good grammar. Copiers, Printers and More! Campfire Creatives. The Plug Page. Self Help. After a week, I start to open up my eyes and I can see the world around me for the first time. Visit Notebook. Review Forums. She then gave me some milk that she stolen from the Miltank.

Log In or Create an Account. Log In Create an Account. General Rating.

Listed in Folders Personal Stories. Eventually, she starts swallowing me whole with a wet gulp. After a week, I start to open up my eyes and I can see the world around me for the first time. Banaue Chills A poem about the winter-like chills of Baguio. Log In Create an Account. Send Email. She talked in a nice sweet tone. Vampires are people too. Vanilla: Where? It's a nice cozy bed in there, and you won't feel any pain. The chapter must end before the child ren gets out of their mother. No digestion. General Rating. After I was born, I can't open up my eyes no matter how hard I try. Members:

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