Mosasaurus vs megalodon
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Sometimes we get rather interesting questions through the contact for at FossilEra. One person wondered who we thought would win in a hypothetical fight between two of the top, prehistoric marine predators, Megalodon and the Mosasaurus. So here goes.. Mosasaurus hoffmanni vs. Carcharocles megalodon. Much like the heated debates that plague comic book shops around the world of Batman vs. Superman, Hulk vs.
Mosasaurus vs megalodon
Mosasaurus was a reptile, and like all other reptiles it had to breathe air, so it would need to come to the surface now and again to fill its lungs with oxygen, mosasaurus vs megalodon. Suddenly the megalodon twists with a burst of speed and rushes the Mosasaur, not allowing it to get an upper hand by positioning itself to strike from below.
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Mosasaurus vs megalodon
Sometimes we get rather interesting questions through the contact for at FossilEra. One person wondered who we thought would win in a hypothetical fight between two of the top, prehistoric marine predators, Megalodon and the Mosasaurus. So here goes.. Mosasaurus hoffmanni vs. Carcharocles megalodon. Much like the heated debates that plague comic book shops around the world of Batman vs. Superman, Hulk vs. Wolverine, Iron man vs. Batman, the Justice League vs. The Avengers, or any other plethora of battle combinations, paleontology nerds have arguments very similar just for the fun of it.
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The Fight Scenario After all of these facts an obvious winner emerges, so for the sake of a more interesting article I give you the following scenario … A crazy time traveler with a penchant for watching prehistoric beasts battle to the death has captured both a mosasaur and a megalodon and placed them into a massive tank ripe for aquatic gladiatorial combat. They had a slim body plan with a long strong tail and swam with a serpentine undulation of the whole body using the limbs more for maneuvering than locomotion. Mosasaurus Mosasaurus had around massive teeth , which were conical and sharp, fitted into a jaw that was long and tapered. So here goes.. You can unsubscribe at any time. In a hypothetical face-off, the respective attributes of these creatures would play an important part in determining the outcome. It is often considered one of the largest predators to have ever existed. Place your bets now. The extinction of aquatic reptiles, the large mosasaurs in particular, at the end of the Cretaceous allowed for massive sharks like megalodon to evolve to fill the void left behind. The body shape of a megalodon is likely similar to a larger and more robust great white shark. With its elongated body, powerful jaws, and formidable teeth, the Mosasaurus was undoubtedly a top predator in its ecosystem. Mosasaurus was a reptile, and like all other reptiles it had to breathe air, so it would need to come to the surface now and again to fill its lungs with oxygen. If megalodon exhibitied behavior like great white sharks and was an ambush hunter, it would have taken prey by surprise from below and made precision strikes to immobilize its prey with a amazingly strong bite. It would just take one catastrophic bite for the Megalodon to end the battle. Armed with rows of serrated teeth that could be up to 18 centimeters 7 inches long, the shark was capable of crushing bone and tearing through flesh with a whopping 40, psi bite.
Mosasaurus was a ferocious predator in the ancient oceans of the Cretaceous period While dinosaurs dominated the land, Mosasaurus used its long tail and stumpy, paddle-like limbs to cruise through the water, devouring all kinds of prey with its massive jaws and sharp, cone-shaped teeth. Mosasaurus is one genus, or group of species, out of dozens that made up a diverse family of marine reptiles called mosasaurs.
While a similar length, the Megalodon had a much more robust body and huge jaws built for devouring whales and other large marine mammals. The megalodon just swims in a steady, watchful way with its piercing black eyes. The time traveller shows displeasure at this outcome, wanting the much cooler aquatic reptile to win over a bloated shark. It was peerless and, given its diet of marine mammals like whales, it was likely more experienced with facing larger prey. This might give the reptile the upper hand, but equally, the situation would be reversed if it found itself in deeper open water against the behemoth shark. Mosasaurus was equipped with strong flippers for propulsion and a tail for efficient swimming and is possibly capable of reaching speeds of around 48 kilometers per hour 30 miles per hour in short bursts. Megalodon was an apex predator that had no rivals and nothing that posed a physical threat to its supremacy. With ammonites reaching from mere inches to 4. Please check your spam or junk folder You can also add newsletters iflscience. This was not a predator that took large bites out of its prey but one that pierced its prey and swallowed it whole. The Mosasaurus's agility and reptilian armor could potentially provide an advantage in maneuverability and defense against the Megalodon's powerful bites. They circle closer together, the mosasaur slinks through the water in alternating slow and then faster nervous bursts of speed when the megalodon swims a bit closer.
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