mordekaiser op gg

Mordekaiser op gg

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Mordekaiser op gg


Their range allows for them to poke you and then walk away to avoid minion damage whereas a melee champion would never be given such luxury.


Focus the biggest threat on the enemy team with your Ultimate R in team fights to get them out of the way for your allies. Store as much damage as you can on your W before looking to trade. The shield can provide can make the difference between winning a fight and losing it. Mordekaiser is easily kited by ranged champions. Make sure you let them use their dashes or movement abilities first so it makes landing your E easier. Check out the latest and best Mordekaiser Probuilds used by pros from around the world, featured by lolvvv. New champion is live! Check out the latest meta Smolder build now! Dive into even more Mordekaiser builds stats with additional analysis from our friends at LoLalytics. League of Legends.

Mordekaiser op gg

Twice slain and thrice born, Mordekaiser is a brutal warlord from a foregone epoch who uses his necromantic sorcery to bind souls into an eternity of servitude. Few now remain who remember his earlier conquests, or know the true extent of his powers—but See More. Mordekaiser gains a powerful damage aura and Move Speed after landing 3 attacks or spells against champions or monsters.

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But until 6, you should absolutely dominate in lane and the only thing he can do is sit at a long distance and farm with cleaver. He isn't too nimble so he cannot dodge your Q very well. Know that you are receiving advice from a person with enough game knowledge to give you good advice. Just be a meatshield for your team. Its okay. Summoner Spells. He HAS to use ultimate to do anything into you, as without ults, you win straight up. At that point, feel free to come on and ask me questions live at any point in time. Her abilities are just so "uncounterplayable", in that her animations are just really fucked up. He will either get behind your turret to try to proxy OR he will wait in the first bush for your first minions to come and then leave a poison trail that will kill all of your minions. Apologies for not being able to use my own video. This is a very skill based lane. Kayle is usually an annoying laner for immobile champions like Mordekaiser but Morde has higher ranger so you can pretty much lock down the lane completely.

Learn more about Mordekaiser's abilities, skins, or even ask your own questions to the community! If you're looking for the best rune build for Mordekaiser we've got you covered.

This ability has so many uses and can be used to outplay so well. Create and share Champion Guides and Builds. Olaf isn't much good for team fights but with this build, you can do something instead of nothing. Cons - Immobile and Very Easy to kite. What is Splitpushing? But otherwise, just try to make sure he has to overextend from his bushes. She is just sooo much stronger. Going Resolve is good into this lane as it focuses on surviving which is what you need to do into Fiora. You are going to need either Ghost or Ignite to beat him. You too will die.

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