Monster school

Monster School was a popular series about a class of monsters that are going to their school to learn how to be a monster properly and be slightly more advanced with Herobrine as the teacher together with a witch named Hildegarde. Monster school to Willcraft having depression, and increasingly getting tired of doing Monster School content and just wanting to move on, the series was unfortunately cancelled in Each episode is a new lesson, monster school, and the monsters are usually given a task without any instructions, monster school.

The series has officially been ended as of 15 March Willcraft wasn't finding enjoyment out of making them anymore and he was outgrowing it, he was also worried about his future career and that Monster School wouldn't be sustainable for him anymore so he just stopped producing them. A lot of animators decided to ripoff his series by using the same concept of characters in premise and has currently become a genre although it really isn't according to Willcraft. The series would start of with a view of the camera gliding through the classroom. Herobrine would point at the board with his stick, and the subject of the episode would appear on the board. Judging by the how fun the project is, the students reactions would vary.

Monster school

Not your average school. The series revolves around Minecraft mob students being taught how to be a monster. The teacher is none other than Herobrine himself. The first episode, Crafting, was uploaded on December 11, , which instantly gained popularity, and gave Willcraft's channel recognition. For now. Soon other channels created animations based on Monster School, such as Platabush. Guess what mob he is. All-Ghouls School : Except featuring your Minecraft hostile mobs. Anti-Villain : Most of the students are rather chill, unless it's Zupay, Zombieswine, or Multus' right head. Bad Santa : Averted with Endie, who gives nice presents to his classmates in a Christmas episode. Played straight in the same episode, when Zupay dresses up as an evil Santa and he gives people murderous presents. Badass Adorable : Mucus is Baby Slime size and counts as this on some episodes. Berserk Button : If Endie looks at someone's eyes, he goes crazy. He regrets it afterwards.

Blaise - [Blaze] An easily enraged blaze. He also likes violent sports.


In , other people started making their own takes on Monster school, although most didn't really change the format that much the only really notable youtubers to come out of this were Stillcraft and Craftedthings. In , the series only contiuned to have more people make their own takes on it and a lot of videos exploded, some new youtubers also came from this time like MrMcSnuffyFluffy and CC Mega Productions. In the series was still doing fine, however a lot of youtubers started running out of ideas for videos which resulted in Monster School videos that were less creative than last year, Willcraft who started Monster School also quit making those videos this year. A lot of original youtubers from started quitting making Monster School videos due to low view counts or they adapted to the new Monster School format. In nothing changed too much however this was the year when various memes started getting associated with Monster School and people started to notice that Monster School was not how they remembered, clickbait Monster School videos also started to go rampant at this time. In it was mainly the same except Monster School youtubers picked up new trends into their videos and abandoned older ones, NSFW Monster School videos also started to appear a lot which turned off a lot of people. The new Monster School format has not changed much since then and will only continue to have more trends come and go for the series. Somehow in the series got a little too overloaded due to taking Inspiration from Platabush, a very popular Monster School Youtuber. Spider is less used in the Monster School videos.

Monster school

Everyone info. Monster School Mod offers each user to get acquainted with the students of the unusual educational institution. You will not meet the usual students and teachers here.

Fifa 17

The whole point was to see how many of them can survive the students' tricks. The first episode, Crafting, was uploaded on December 11, , which instantly gained popularity, and gave Willcraft's channel recognition. Berserk Button : If Endie looks at someone's eyes, he goes crazy. Monster School - Stealing - The students learn how to sneak into a human's house and steal his things. Sign In Register. Meet the Students - The names and personalities of the students were revealed. Jerkass : Zombieswine, who is also the class bully. Follow TV Tropes. Bad Santa : Averted with Endie, who gives nice presents to his classmates in a Christmas episode. Meet the New Students.

Monster School XGame Global. Contains ads In-app purchases. Teen info.

Zombee - [Zombie] A zombie that wants to learn, but his lack of brain makes it a bit hard. He cries afterwards. Zupay and Endie both got A's again. Zombieswine managed to brew a potion that made him grow using a mushroom from the inside of his ear, because Hildegarde turned his head into a mooshroom for not paying attention in class. At the end of the video, the students grades would be shown next to an icon of the student's head. Start a Wiki. Monster School - Stealing - The students learn how to sneak into a human's house and steal his things. There was no grades shown in this episodes, causing many negative reactions. Wiki Content. Witton - [Wither Skeleton] A stupid and clumsy wither skeleton who loves combat with swords which suits his wither skeleton personality. The students learned how to craft things.

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