
Stores credentials for authentication.

Moebooru is a well maintained Danbooru-style image tag system, used by Yande. It is written in Ruby, and can be a bit of a challenge to install. Since many other installation guides are insufficient, we've noted down our entire installation and configuration process for Eikonos. Create a specific non-login daemon user just for moebooru Though it will have bash shell for setup purposes temporarily. The examples below use PostgreSQL 9. Debian: Alternatively, you can get it from jessie-backports and newer. Now log in and create the moebooru database and user with createdb permissions: make sure to give it a very good password!



Note: If you change ruby editions later on after installing gems, make sure to run gem pristine -- all to delete the previous ones, moebooru. Now log in and create the moebooru database and user with createdb permissions: make sure to give it a very good password! While this is beyond the moebooru of this guide, moebooru should strongly consider using SSL certificates, moebooru, which are now free with Let's Encrypt.


You can still run it locally using your own database and images. Moebooru's tags use the dash "-" as the delimeter, but the search can guess what tags you are looking for even if you use spaces. Moebooru supports multiple images per post, which is great for comics and posts with lots of variations. You can apply image filters such as brightness, contrast, and hue in realtime. There is also a very fun pixelate filter that can make everything look like a pixel game.


This application's goal is to be the best available booru client in all aspects. To suggest a feature, join our discord server. Following tags is the major feature of Yummybooru. Following a tag allows you to see all images posted since the last time you checked them. When following a tag, you can see new posts by clicking on "following" in the left navigation view of the start screen. You will see all followed tags and how many new posts were made since the last time you checked them. Gallery apps will ignore this folder, so the images are not shown in your gallery. I recommend switching this on except if you wifi is reeaaaallllly slow. Switching it off will result in smaller images with worse quality being saved to your storage. An ugoira is a format made by pixiv, similar to a gif.

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Initialize database with this command there will be some errors reported with ERROR : must be owner of extension plpgsql which is normal, proceed. Get a single Pool by ID. Get an array of Notes that match a query. One special build dependency is llvm Finally, log out and log back into the moe user, and set rubinius 3. Generated using TypeDoc. Note: We're not really sure whether the below method of enabling caching works. Note: This issue only occurs when you are using the default cache instead of Memcached. Follow the RVM installation instructions, as replicated below:. Get an array of Wikis that match a query. When you start moebooru again, memcached will be active. Create a specific non-login daemon user just for moebooru Though it will have bash shell for setup purposes temporarily. Now log in and create the moebooru database and user with createdb permissions: make sure to give it a very good password! Note that this will start the server in development mode , which is somewhat slower.

The Danbooru catgirls, seen on the site's homepage to indicate how many posts are currently hosted on the site. Different Boorus might include different characters in their place, though still maintain the same purpose. The name is derived from Danbooru which means "cardboard" , which was the first site of this type.

Generated using TypeDoc. Rubinius is particularly tough to compile, and as of we have not been able to compile it with Debian Jessie. More More. Just use standard Ruby 2. Note: You will have to restore these each time Moebooru is updated with git pull , so keep them in a safe place. First, download and install chruby as a user with sudo privileges. Now log in and create the moebooru database and user with createdb permissions: make sure to give it a very good password! For RVM, just install any ol' ruby 2. Warning: If this postgresql server is on the same machine, make sure the firewall is configured to prevent remote access to postgresql ports. First, do a bundle config for pg since we're using a specific postgresql version:. Salt used when hashing passwords, depends on the site you want to access.

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