Mjt guitars
Post by ryandennis » Mon Jul 25, am. Post by Telliot » Mon Jul 25, am.
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Mjt guitars
Two things are most important to us. High Quality and excellent Customer Service. We believe in doing things the right way no matter how difficult it is. And we believe in providing unparalleled one-on-one service in the custom guitar ordering process to every single person. We offer the most authentic Vintage Inspired guitar finishes in the world. Our goal is to keep the golden era of guitar making alive today! Nitrocellulose is the most abundant organic polymer on earth. It is dissolved in a solvent, Lacquer. As well as its depth of beauty and luster. Most guitar companies have modernized, adding plasticizers or switching to Synthetic Polyurethane in order to achieve a quicker and easier process. Welcome to the best guitar community in the world!
It's an allparts neck that supposedly is one of the U. I know several people on this forum have worked with MJT on their builds so I had a few questions about the quality I should mjt guitars expecting, mjt guitars.
Two things are most important to us. High Quality and excellent Customer Service. We believe in doing things the right way no matter how difficult it is. And we believe in providing unparalleled one-on-one service in the custom guitar ordering process to every single person. We offer the most authentic Vintage Inspired guitar finishes in the world.
Mjt guitars
That man was Mark Jenny. His idea was to be able to have his own vintage feeling and looking guitar, without paying the thousands of dollars it would cost to have an original. Mark started by simply meeting an internal desire for authenticity and discovered a growing community of like-minded people along the way. Never truly intending to sell his work, he took to newly developed internet forums to share it. His focus was on the artistry of handmade, handcrafted quality guitar finishes for a passionate group of lovers of a bygone era. Soon, fans of his guitars began asking him to make them one of their own, and the rest is history. But Mark needed someone to organize this idea so that it could be available to as many players as possible. Since that time, many members of the Jenny family and close friends have helped build MJT into what it is today. A family-owned and operated company that can now offer that same level of vintage authenticity, handcrafted quality, and individual care to every single guitar player out there.
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Beauty from every angle guitar guitars guitarplayer guitarsofinstagram custom customguitars customguitar guitarist guitartok guitartoks guitarfactory guitarbuilding guitarmanufacturing mjtguitars vintage vintageguitar americanmade madeintheusa statocaster telecaster jazzmaster work hardwork howitsmade behindthescenes. The cool thing about fretless is you can hit a note You'll end up with a guitar better than another built from the 'same' parts - except those are not built from the best bit - just lots of very good bits. Do you know what paint was used? Post by ryandennis » Mon Jul 25, am. Welcome to the best guitar community in the world! The big difference is being able to pick the best bits from the production line at Fender - a big production line by any guitar builders standards. I'm sad to say but I have ran into a few issues already just at first glance. Want your own MJT Lydia? Post by Ret Samzzaj » Tue Jul 26, am. So I bought some basic quality tools and learned on a garbage neck. No mix ups like that for me. This unique body style was the perfect addition to our guitar family and is a great example of how much we love working with our community to make MJT into the guitar shop that YOU want it to be! Most guitar companies have modernized, adding plasticizers or switching to Synthetic Polyurethane in order to achieve a quicker and easier process. Mar 25, San Diego CA.
Forums New posts Search forums. If it's something that is going to bug you, quite understandably, send it back and hope for the best. Those pics do a great job of telling the story. Search Advanced search…. Sound wise the one I put together is definitely on par with the Custom shop. Last edited by ryandennis on Mon Jul 25, am, edited 1 time in total. I've never owned played another that comes even close for me. You should upgrade or use an alternative browser. Mystery part guitars are always hard to sell. Board index Contact us. I know this isn't necessarily their fault but it is sad to see. Jan 14, 9, Edmonton, Alberta.
Rather quite good topic
Let's be.