Miniature horses for sale in washington

Welcome to Thistle Fields Miniature Horse Farm where we breed, show and sell high quality miniature horses. A couple of years later, my husband died, leaving me to raise 3 young sons by myself. My horse plans were put on a back burner for 10 years.

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Miniature horses for sale in washington

Tiny Little Filly. This filly is the long awaited foal of one our favorite mares. At birth, sh.. Buckskin Mini Mare. Mini Pony. Meet Apple Jack he is quite the character no kick or bite. Gentle learning.. Looking For a Mini Horse. Doesn't have to be bro.. Small Mini Wanted. Seeking a small miniature horse 27 to 30 in. Miniature Stallion. Dun Stallion Miniature Horse.

Contact us. I'm currently concentrating on breeding conformationally correct dun, agouti, roan, cream, champagne, splash and silver minis. Ad Type For Sale 4.


Looking for a pet? Look no further! At Little America Mini Horses, we have one of the world's largest herds of horses to choose from to find your perfect companion. Want to start showing? Little America Miniature Horses compete at shows for the American Miniature Horse Association throughout the year and have a number of show-quality miniature horses for sale. Looking to find the perfect mate for your miniature horse? Or maybe you want to start your own herd? In our herd you'll find the perfect color and perfect size of miniature horse. We are a family owned and operated miniature horse farm located in central Texas just south of the Texas capitol of Austin, at the edge of the famed Texas Hill Country. Little America is home to over outstanding miniature horses.

Miniature horses for sale in washington

Welcome to Thistle Fields Miniature Horse Farm where we breed, show and sell high quality miniature horses. A couple of years later, my husband died, leaving me to raise 3 young sons by myself. My horse plans were put on a back burner for 10 years. Since then, I have been expanding and refining my herd slowly but surely. I currently own 31 miniature horses and 3 miniature donkeys.

Decathlon pusula

Eager and energetic. He out of leopard appaloosas. Thistle Fields always has a few quality miniature horses for sale. Champion 1. You've created an email alert. Bay Pinto Miniature Horse. Adorable Colt, I do Have Pics!!! For Sale. Subscribe to our newsletter. Absolutely Gorgeous Stallion. Horses for Lease. Chestnut 1.

Tiny Little Filly. This filly is the long awaited foal of one our favorite mares. At birth, sh..

Golden Future Flame. This filly is the long awaited foal of one our favorite mares. Harness 1. Flaxen Mane 1. Sign up to receive the latest news, advice and ads, straight to your inbox. For Sale. Driving Prospect. You can unsubscribe at any time. Colt 1. Yearling Miniature Colt. Business types. Foals are listed on the Foals or For Sale page. He has two half blue eyes. This filly is the long awaited foal of one our favorite mares.

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