Mei gun

Legg inn en kommentar. As it was just going to be used on stage I did not have to spend ages making it perfect, only recognizable. Since Blizzard are being really cool and have published reference kits, getting blueprint mei gun the gun was quite a breeze, mei gun.

Mei, also known as Dr. Mei-Ling Zhou, is a damage hero in the video game Overwatch. A world-renowned climatologist, she was recruited by Overwatch to study abnormal climates in an Antarctic base. However, when the base was hit by a deadly storm, Mei and her team went into cryostasis as a means to survive until they could be rescued. Nine years later, Mei emerged from cryostasis as the only surviving member from her team. Upon receiving a signal from Overwatch, she built an endothermic blaster and eventually left the base to rejoin Overwatch.

Mei gun

Mei is a Damage hero in Overwatch and Overwatch 2. She is one of the 21 heroes included in the game's release on 24 May Her Endothermic Blaster unleashes damaging icicles and frost streams, and she can Cryo-Freeze herself to guard against counterattacks, or obstruct the opposing team's movements with an Ice Wall. Mei is a fighter who is good in 1-on-1 fights. Her slowing effect from Endothermic Blaster will give her an advantage with most fights. Icicle deals heavy damage when used correctly, making her a threat at both short and long ranges. Ice Wall can be used to trap or distract the enemy, as it can completely block the enemy's vision, or split some of the enemies from the others. Mei's Cryo-Freeze creates thick ice around herself, restoring her health and rendering her invulnerable, allowing her to play like a semi-tank. Blizzard is a very strong Ultimate, able to turn the tide of battle when used correctly. Not being a true tank, Mei can still be outdamaged and killed easily. Her primary fire deals moderate damage. Due to lacking raw killing power and mobility tools, playing Mei well is challenging.

Yes, it was cold. However, he can easily Sprint out of your Endothermic Blaster's range if he hasn't been hit by it yet, and while your Icicles are powerful at mei gun distance, his Heavy Pulse Rifle is far more consistent at dealing damage to you, mei gun. Keep in mind that the healing from Mercy's Caduceus Staff will outheal her ally from Mei's Icicle headshot, so targeting Mercy should always be prioritized over her patient.


All Mei's hero and gun skins. Mei is a climatologist who has taken the fight to preserve the environment and protect the world into her own hands. While she was stationed at Ecopoint: Antarctica, Mei performed research on climate anomalies in the region. Mei travels to remote regions around the world, investigating ecopoints abandoned since Overwatch was shut down. Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook. Classic Mei is a climatologist who has taken the fight to preserve the environment and protect the world into her own hands.

Mei gun

Mei is a Damage hero in Overwatch and Overwatch 2. She is one of the 21 heroes included in the game's release on 24 May Her Endothermic Blaster unleashes damaging icicles and frost streams, and she can Cryo-Freeze herself to guard against counterattacks, or obstruct the opposing team's movements with an Ice Wall. Mei is a fighter who is good in 1-on-1 fights.

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Proximity mines are easy to clear with Blizzard as well, so try making that apriority if you think we will use them. While he can use Wraith Form to escape your slowing effect, you can go right back to slowing him once he materializes, and you can take that time to heal yourself with Cryo-Freeze if you wish, or create an Ice Wall to block him off from you and your team. Developer Comment: Since we previously made Mei's primary fire relatively more expensive, she spends more time out of ammo and this was particularly noticeable when unable to reload while in Cryo-Freeze. Yes, it was cold. While both your Icicle and Blizzard Ultimate can be Deflected, your Endothermic Blaster's primary fire can only be blocked and your Ultimate's area of effect damage cannot be blocked nor deflected. Roadhog's low mobility also makes him an easy target to get stuck in your Blizzard. Having received Winston 's recall order, Mei travelled to Watchpoint: Gibraltar , where she met Winston and Tracer who had rejoined Overwatch. Overwatch 2 Co-op. Oxton was able to get inside the Titan to deliver the improvised explosive, freezing the Titan, which subsequently shattered under its own brittle weight. Using him to get to higher ground, or covering him during his ultimate, he is definitely a top pick for getting him inot position. Customer Reviews. No one knew they were here.

Mei is one of the heroes in Overwatch. She is a climatologist who is on her own adventure to preserve the environment and ecosystem after waking up from a decade-long cryostasis sleep.

Spread angle :. Her deeds were reported on by Olympia Shaw. Photo by Cosplay. Proximity mines are easy to clear with Blizzard as well, so try making that apriority if you think we will use them. Watch out for D. Ice Wall. Mei is a fighter who is good in 1-on-1 fights. Developer Comment: Mei is still underperforming after her last set of changes, so we are increasing the effectiveness of primary fire and improving the quality of life to Deep Chill. This is a foam replica that does not actually fire bullets. Mei's Cryo-Freeze creates thick ice around herself, restoring her health and rendering her invulnerable, allowing her to play like a semi-tank. Overwatch Atlas News. Blizzard will only be useful if Pharah is somehow grounded while she's waiting for Jump Jet to cool down; while this is unlikely to happen, you should take advantage of the occasion should it arise. Cryo-Freeze plays a large role when engaging Mei in close-range. Ice Wall can also split the enemy team from Ana, making her or her team easy targets.

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