mega marital problems lyrics

Mega marital problems lyrics

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Mega Marital Problems is the fifth track from Starbomb's self-titled debut album. Wily, Mrs. Mega Man and his unnamed wife enter couples therapy, and are shocked to find out that Dr. Wily is their therapist. However, Wily asserts that he is no longer evil, though in an unconvincing way. He asks Mega Man to explain his marital troubles over a "hot beat. Mega Man interjects, declaring she wants to start doing more "weird stuff" in the bedroom, which Wily backs her up on.

Mega marital problems lyrics


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Sign In Register. Artist: Starbomb. Album: Starbomb Ex Plus Alpha. Hello, Mega Man Und Mrs. Mega Man Velcome to couples therapy I'm Dr. Wily Dr. You're a therapist now?! But you're evil and bent on world domination! Not anymore Those days are behind me. Well, you see, Doc, I've got a pretty nice life.

Mega marital problems lyrics

Lyrics submitted by CygnusX3 , edited by Ashram. So, it's pretty obvious that this song is about Mega Man's marital problems and his attempts to solve them. I absolutely adore this song! Danny's voice, as both Zero and Dr. Wily, just sends chills down my spine! Log in now to tell us what you think this song means.

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Don't question it. These Lyrics are yet to be verified. Ou ficar assada por bolas de fogo. But I got a little problem. I'm gonna end your life. Maybe she'd like shocks. Last edit almost 8 years ago. When it comes to making love. Translation in Portuguese. Cookie Policy. I cut Cut Man. Just went down like little bitches. Well, you see, Doc, I've got a pretty nice life. Como meu. I'll slap a stamp right on my package.

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It's Dangerous to Go Alone. Leigh Daniel Avidan. Now Ice Man is here. Twitter Reddit. And deliver your wife the cock. Zee doctor is talking. Privacy Policy. Or getting burned by fireballs. Mas ela diz a mesma coisa, como um disco arranhado Zer must be. Deve haver. For the satisfaction. Women can't resist. Matthew Olker.

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