mayan galactic signature

Mayan galactic signature

Every day and every person has a Galactic Signature. There are unique possibilities!

The day you were born on the 13 Moon calendar is coded by your Galactic Signature. By playing the role of your galactic signature, you allow yourself — your mind, body and spirit — to vibrate to that particular frequency and you broadcast it out to everyone around you. This is your gift to the world. Hunab Ku — a day of pure timelessness. If you were born after noon local time, use March 1 to find your galactic signature. Taking the role of your Galactic Signature is the first step in entering the fourth-dimensional synchronic order.

Mayan galactic signature

Bridging our male and female aspects - a wee theory The first mayan calendar that I discovered was Tortuga's 'Dreamspell' calendar. I and my friends were continually blown away by how well this calendar 'worked'! Our Galactic Signatures were bang on, our Wavespells were always intense and significant, our year cycles oh-so accurate, our 4 revolving Theme Years very telling and true. In a nutshell, Dreamspell worked! Just as western astrology is divided the siderealists vs the traditional , so is the mayan calendar community. I wondered how the Classical mayan calendar would fit into the big picture for me. I was not about to give up being a White Crystal Mirror my Dreamspell Galactic Signature for anything because it deeeeeply resonated with me! I remembered that palmists read the left female and right male hand differently - and, indeed, if you look at the lines on your left and right hands they are different because they tell a different story. This led me to the thought And instead of living in only one realm - we will be integrating the male and female into one Whole. Bridging the Male and Female energies Your Dreamspell Signature represents your Potential, your Destiny.

Blue Storm Cauac. Reflecting others back to themselves, endlessness, shattering truth, mayan galactic signature, clarifier, spiritual warriorship, discrimination, timelessness, clarity, hall of mirrors, sword of truth, facing shadow, integration of paradox. Red Skywalker Ben.


Has strong emotions or personal forces that affect others deeply. Mayans think that Serpent people are charismatic yet, mysterious. You are always noticeable, but very little is known about you. You are passionate, striking, and have strong instincts, making you a natural leader. You can act as a bridge between the limited world and the spiritual yearnings. Knowing your high spiritual potential, you can use it for psychic or spiritual healing. Health, healing, and medicine are vital areas in your life [ Your capacity to handle stress is better than many other people.

Mayan galactic signature

Opening the 9 Time Dimensions Activating the Noosphere. The times we are living in require higher thinking. There has never in the history of the Earth been a time like this. We are now participating in what is called the biosphere-noosphere transition: When life on Earth the biosphere evolves into an awakened planetary mind noosphere. Only by lifting our minds to planetary consciousness and beyond can we realize solutions to the multiple challenges facing our planet today.

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Remember the purpose and commitment you have in the larger pattern. Face your shadow. Reflecting others back to themselves, endlessness, shattering truth, clarifier, spiritual warriorship, discrimination, timelessness, clarity, hall of mirrors, sword of truth, facing shadow, integration of paradox. Be centered in the present moment. Intention, true identity, foundation of Essence Self, aligned manifestation. Free yourself from the illusion of safety as you enter into the manifesetation of emerging possibilities. Year And instead of living in only one realm - we will be integrating the male and female into one Whole. White Dog Oc. If you like what we are doing and wish to see it continue, please make a donation.

The Maya understood that Time is the Cosmic Canvas upon which we paint the legacy of our human lives. A life well-lived is a celebration, a communion, and a co-creation with the natural cycles of the Cosmos and the intelligence of the Divine. Thousands of years ago, The Maya built a thriving civilization with relics that stand to this day, and a calendar system that still teaches us how to synchronize ourselves with the higher harmonic order of our galaxy.

Take off the veil of forgetfulness. Bridging the Male and Female energies Look at the mirrors provided by other people and life situations as gifts. Be vulnerable, sensitive, and openhearted. See how you maintain the illusions in your life. Blue Night Akbal. Speak your truth directly. Meditate on the codes and see what insights arise. Observe without drawing conclusions. Jose Arguelles' essential cosmic teachings. Bring your emotions out of drama into a place of choice, receiving their teaching and healing the root cause. Cleanses will empty and prepare your vessel for higher frequencies.

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