mature tumblr

Mature tumblr

Fic authors self rec!

You got a hogwarts house in your bio? Like, obviously Matt deserves crap for how he's been handling this situation, but I feel like people have been focusing on the wrong thing. A Gundam, labelled "Predstrogen getting banned" fires a laser, which in turn is labelled "Transfems are targets of disinformation and false reports, and need all the love and support they can get. Underneath the laser is an onlooker who remarks "Wow!! Fuck the CEO in particular!

Mature tumblr

We recently introduced Community Labels to give everyone more control over their dashboard experience. With this new feature, you can adjust your feed to your preferred comfort level by setting the types of content you want to see. It was our first step toward a more open Tumblr. So, even if your creations contain nudity, mature subject matter , or sexual themes, you can now share them on Tumblr using the appropriate Community Label so that everyone remains in control of the types of content they see on their dash. If you come across these types of content, please continue to report them to us. We hope this shift creates more room for artistic expression to flourish on Tumblr while empowering each of you to craft your own experience and safely explore and discover the things you love. Happy belated Lunar New Year, Tumblr! Please enjoy these dragons! Originally posted by midnightmart. Originally posted by mochipong. Originally posted by asunnydisposish.

What's more is that since these works are obviously mature tumblr a minority, people are even less enthused about weeding out the things that don't fit because we actually want more POC and Queer content. Tagged: doodlemature tumblr, artbig city greenschip whistlerwhere is the babe fanart guys .

After some desperate googling for a known workaround and being unable to find even a single mention of it, I decided to take on the challenge myself. You can also add the code via the Advanced Options menu , which is actually even better if you can get it to work, it depends on how your theme was coded , because it will then automatically be reapplied to a lot of themes without having to remember to manually add it every time if you change your theme in the future. Obviously this will only remove it from your own blog for anyone who may visit it. Unfortunately I do not have an easy tutorial on hand for this one as the method will depend on your specific ad block app or extension. I'm not letting my entire blog be penalized for a couple rare singular posts that may or may not even be 'mature' enough to warrant it tumblr may force us to use community labels and they may have full control over the new blogview but MY custom blog layout has always been and always will be MINE to format and present however I want that's the whole point tumblr psa tutorial my words tumblr themes wendy's help desk.

I think of this page as my 'Greatest Hits' collection. Somewhere to put my most popular pictures that you might have seen somewhere on the internet. And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. It is a narrow mind which cannot look at a subject from various points of view. Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer. In my mind, I am bold and forthright, but what comes out always seems to be so meek and polite. Keep your face to the sun and you will never see the shadows. Less flapping, more flying!

Mature tumblr

Earlier this year, The New Yorker reported that Tumblr was already attracting a younger demographic that other social platforms like Facebook and Twitter want to attract. Tumblr users got a hint this change was coming when Tumblr introduced community labels in September. These labels allow users to set preferences to restrict specific content from their feeds. When Tumblr banned adult content in , it was partly because problems with child sexual abuse materials led Apple to ban the app from its store. Tumblr decided it couldn't afford to be dropped by Apple and issued a blanket ban on adult content. Forbes reported that, although fewer than 1 percent of its user base produced adult content, consumers of that content comprised a quarter of Tumblr's users. Banning the content caused mass protests, including top creators, who then also complained that Tumblr's content filtering was incorrectly targeting and deleting their posts. In , the Electronic Frontier Foundation documented how Tumblr struggled with automated content removal of posts that did not violate its adult content ban.

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Like, werewolves are emphatically not real wolves in the wild , they are wolves that are also human , and obviously it depends on the writer and the lore but being part man and part beast means that one should of necessity affect the other, and there's no reason to think that if werewolves were real, they'd behave just exactly like wild wolves do. Including pack alphas who assert their dominance by beating up anyone who tries to challenge their leadership. At first, Arthur took no notice of the growing attachment between the queen and Lancelot. Originally posted by frogwhomp. Originally posted by fedzzzart. Tagged: big city greens ,. Originally posted by slightlycreative. Home Ask Submit Archive Theme. Some belated hourly comics for ! Mindless destruction. Tumblr Tuesday: Black Femmes in Art Hello, please enjoy these extremely exquisite artistic renderings by your local Black artists on Tumblr. Obviously this will only remove it from your own blog for anyone who may visit it. Methinks part of the struggle is that, when writing is supposed to be a hobby, it's hard to see the point of struggling through the act of it, knowing you're not the very best you could but it can feel like should be, and all of it for… what?


It turns out that if you see a dress on a fictional dog and think of children having sex, normal people do not think you're a safe person to be around. Are you a Black artist or creative on Tumblr? There are kids here! Originally posted by okubunny. But even if it doesn't, it was really nice to see a glimpse of what life must've been like before people would agree in most situations that something normal was creepy. Like, that if you got food throughout the other three seasons, the food from the first rations might be rotten or bad before winter even hits. They aren't just willy nilly critiqued for being POC or Queer, they're critiqued because they have the same issues you find in White and cishet writers and stories that we normally don't feature in "our" spaces. What's more is that since these works are obviously still a minority, people are even less enthused about weeding out the things that don't fit because we actually want more POC and Queer content. Originally posted by alleannaharris. If you put your fic on ao3, the OTW is ready and willing to defend your right to do so in court if it comes to that. Originally posted by lostbluejayart. If you come across these types of content, please continue to report them to us. Join in by tagging your work Black artists on Tumblr for a chance to be featured in the Radar, on blackexcellence , and in our global promotional unit. Originally posted by capydoodle.

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