Marvel odin vs zeus

In Marvel Comics, there are numerous factions of gods, with the most important of them all being the Asgardians and the Olympians. On the small screen, Moon Knight showed ancient Egyptian gods.

Marvel power levels are always fascinating, sparking plenty of debate within the fandom. One of the most common fan debates asks who would win in a clash between Zeus and Odin. Both gods have done amazing things in the past, but what would happen if they turned their weapons against each other? Here is everything you need to know about this showdown of the gods. Usually, Marvel tries to keep people at the same general power level on equal footing.

Marvel odin vs zeus

Who would win in a fight? The all father Odin with his awsome wite beard with the odinsword and odinforce or Zeus the the Billion thunder chardged skyfather. Ok heres the rules. The fight is 4 rounds with certain thing in each round Round one nouthing but pure strenth a fisty fight all the way end when some one gets knocked out. Round two nouthing but magic is used till the fiirst person burns out or gets tired. Round three weapons only to first blood. Rounf four no holds bar strength magic and wepons are all in first one to die well is is the loser. Give your answer for each round and explain why yyou chose that character if you want. Odin in every round except strength, that guy made a good point about the odin sleep With the vast magical power of the Odinforce Odin could temporarily increase his own superhuman physical attributes, fire powerful bursts of energy for destructive purposes, teleportation between dimensions, grant living beings or inanimate objects a variety of superhuman abilities, control the lifeforce of other Asgardian" Odin wins, Zues just isnt at Odins level Stalemate 3. Stalemate or Odin, he is better warrior. It is simply giving one of the equals powerfull weapon. Round 4 could go either way so I say stalemate.

Now at marvel?

Wiz: One referred to as a God shows the strength of that person. Wiz: Odin, the Allfather of Asguard's true origin has always been shrouded in mystery, but has been presumed to be the son of Bor, the son of Buri, the first Aesir of Asgard and Bestla, a giantess. Wiz: Yeah.. While Odin was still in his youth, he fought aside two of his three brothers, Vili and Ve to defeat Ymir, the mighty frost giant, and out of his corpse, construct Asgard into what we all know today. Boomstick: That's creepy as hell, but also damn awesome at the same time! Wiz: When his father died, his brother Cul took the throne of the Allfather and spread madness through out the realms, in an attempt to stop him, he stabbed his eye on the Yggdrasil, the world tree!

Welcome to Comic Book Questions Answered — where I answer whatever questions you folks might have about comic books. Today, we're taking a closer look at the battles between Marvel's Odin and Zeus to see which one of these pantheon patriarchs would come out on top. This is a weird one, because Marvel, for the most part, has had this big thing about presenting a certain segment of the Marvel god pantheon as being basically equals of each other. We saw this again in Kieron Gillen and Richard Ellison's Journey Into Mystery , during the "Fear Itself" storyline, where Odin's older brother, the Serpent, was ravaging Earth and Odin was debating whether it made sense to just wipe Earth out and start all over again if that's what it took to stop the Serpent. The other gods disagreed with this plan and Zeus was quite happy to let Odin know what he felt about the plan by taking him on. However, while they might SAY that the gods in the Council of Gods are all pretty much equal, that certainly isn't what they've done over the years. Odin has pretty clearly been shown to be demonstrable more powerful than the other gods.

Marvel odin vs zeus

In Marvel Comics, there are numerous factions of gods, with the most important of them all being the Asgardians and the Olympians. On the small screen, Moon Knight showed ancient Egyptian gods. Zeus in Thor: Love and Thunder brings a whole new corner of the Marvel Comics universe to the screen, and opens the door for characters like the god Hercules to make their MCU debuts in the future. In the comics, all Skyfathers possess a tremendous level of power, and Zeus is of course no exception. There are few characters capable of even rivaling him in combat, one of which being Odin.

Sweetpea and willow

Really DC doesn't come into this at all and again, when Zeus is getting small Cameos in comics and Odin has been centre stage more often it doesn't give us a gauge of Zeus at full power. And he did. Originally posted by Linkalicious I think they are equal, and the only reason people really think Odin is that much stronger is because he gets a lot more exposure due to Thor as oppose to Hercules. Odin fo the win. So the fact that Thor was able to hold his own against Zeus speaks volumes, and I think is good enough evidence to say that between Odin and Zeus, Odin is more powerful than Zeus, perhaps even more than just "Slightly more powerful. Each character is rated in six categories—intelligence, strength, speed, durability, speed, energy projection, and fighting skills—with each receiving a ranking between one and seven. Originally posted by olympian Crom was cool. He isent at marvel. Boomstick: That's creepy as hell, but also damn awesome at the same time! What the hell has DC Zeus got to do with this? Better fighter. Boomstick: And it was in the second bout of this tournament that Zeus would meet his greatest foe Adam, the father of Humanity. Marvel power levels are always fascinating, sparking plenty of debate within the fandom.

Marvel power levels are always fascinating, sparking plenty of debate within the fandom. One of the most common fan debates asks who would win in a clash between Zeus and Odin. Both gods have done amazing things in the past, but what would happen if they turned their weapons against each other?

Thor: Love and Thunder footage has provided a clearer overview Russell Crowe's Zeus, and while the full extent of MCU Zeus' power remains to be seen, plenty of hints and demonstrations have come to light so far. When Morpheus had to make a decision on whom to give the key to Hell; Odin, Thor and Loki turn up to represent the Asgardians, asking for the key. Zeus's superior strength doesn't really mean a whole lot when there's magic amplification involved, and I doubt the battle would be one of strength anyways. Death Battle Fanon Wiki Explore. Oh i know he had his two brothers and maybe his famous spear that never missed his target his bros im sure wer in that war. On the small screen, Moon Knight showed ancient Egyptian gods. In the comics, all Skyfathers possess a tremendous level of power, and Zeus is of course no exception. Stalemate if we use the handbooks as well and I agree with Alfheim Marvel has choosen to focus on Asgard and that why we see the greatest feats from Odin. Originally posted by quanchi just cuz u can create life doesnt mean u can defeat someone in battle. He and Marvel zeus decided not to fight because they said that they where evenly match. Wiz: One referred to as a God shows the strength of that person. They play bigger roled than Zeus and the greek gods.

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