marsh mistborn

Marsh mistborn

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! Marsh was a half-skaa Seeker from the Final Empire on Scadrial. He was the brother of Kelsier, and the brother in law of Mare. At some point he was captured and seemingly killed by the Lord Ruler, but it was later revealed that he was still alive, marsh mistborn been transformed into a Steel Inquisitor, marsh mistborn.

He's more of a dog person but fairly neutral towards cats. Kelsier is a cat person. Brandon himself is a cat person he has a cat. RAFO… Good question. Marsh will Marsh is only a little bit involved in this Era. You'll see more of him later.

Marsh mistborn

Send all your submissions for Who's that Cosmere Character? For every episode, we randomly draw a set of clues from all submissions, so yours might take some time to appear in an episode! Clearly, there is a plan for Marsh down the road. I don't think Sanderson would make him immortal and keep him around for no good reason. So what's going to be his story going forward? Marsh is currently probably one of the most if not the most heavily ruin-invested individuals in the cosmere, save Harmony himself, and as lost metal tells us that's not likely to change. Hemalurgy was different in the era of the final empire, and you just can't have as many spikes now as Marsh does. Sazed, meanwhile, has a problem. He has more ruin in his system than he does preservation, and it's making things difficult for him. Perhaps one way to solve this issue is to shunt that extra ruin into an avatar, a minishard. And who better to make an avatar of Ruin than the person already most heavily aligned with him? Ruin is the end of all things. The fall of the great civilization, the mountain ground into dust, the star that goes out.

It was barely recognizable as human.

He loses his autonomy to Ruin , the god of chaos, and turns against his former crew members later in the series. Marsh is a solemn and imposing figure. When Vin first sees him in Mistborn, she describes him in the following way:. He wore modest clothing—a simple shirt and trousers with a loose ska jacket. Marsh is a misting Seeker, meaning he has the ability to burn bronze, allowing him to detect the presence of another allomancer nearby.

Information about books that have not yet been released, like Stormlight 5, is allowed only on meta-pages for the books themselves. For more details, see our spoiler policy. To view an earlier version of the wiki without spoilers for a book, go to the Time Machine! It is a fact. Marsh is a half- skaa bronze Misting aka a Seeker from the Final Empire on Scadrial , and an Inquisitor that carries out the will of Harmony. He is seen as the personification of death throughout Elendel Basin , and eventually even on other planets, such as Lumar. Before becoming an Inquisitor , Marsh is stern and determined, earning him the name " Ironeyes " as a result of his piercing gaze.

Marsh mistborn

Hello New User! Welcome to Mistborn Wiki! Here we have information on Brandon Sanderson 's book series " Mistborn ", and we appreciate any information you want to add but first check out the rules! If you see something that violates the rules, please immediately report it to one of our Administrators or Moderators , and if you would like to apply to become a Moderator please submit an application to one of our Administrators. Remember that the Wiki Staff are here to keep the Wiki safe, please respect any choices made by them. We all hope you enjoy you time here!

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Following the Siege of Luthadel , when Sazed finally realized there was a problem, Ruin again brought Marsh, who was more and more aware that his actions were not his own, to distract Sazed and prevent him from warning Vin about giving up the power at the Well of Ascension. This could show many cool stories like, Marsh's training to become an inquisitor bit like scary hogwarts or others. Posted January 4, When Marsh's father discovered the truth of their parentage, he had their mother executed by obligators and attempted to do the same to the brothers, who fled. Recommended Posts. Brandon Sanderson I can't canonize that, yet. Upon becoming an Inquisitor, he gained further abilities in Allomancy and Feruchemy through the use of Hemalurgic spikes. His transformation into an Inquisitor and his subsequent struggle against Ruin's control left an indelible mark on the history of Scadrial, shaping the world's future. You've said that Ironeyes is in fact Marsh. Sign In Sign Up.

Send all your submissions for Who's that Cosmere Character?

So what's going to be his story going forward? He appears to feel a kinship with other spiked individuals, referring to Wax as his brother. While you and your thieving friends partied, I hid runaways. He was highly skilled and taught Vin how to use bronze effectively. Even so, Marsh harbors some envy towards his brother. They're dead. During his few moments of lucidity, he repeatedly attempted to kill himself so that Ruin could no longer control him. Mare provided the perfect explanation for their tension. It actually worked into the story as I was writing this very chapter. It was bliss, true, but it was false.

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