magus era novel

Magus era novel

If you have ever heard about me, magus era novel, you should have known that I am the type to seek revenge for the slightest grievance, and I'm also famous for never betraying my ancestors! The protagonist of The Magus Era.

Novel info. The Magus Era. Rating: 7. Latest chapter. Chapter Go on A Long Journey.

Magus era novel

Description Chapters. Long ago, there were people who stood upon the earth with their heads held high. They never bowed to anyone because of their indomitable spirit. They were capable of controlling wind and lightning, and conquering dragons and serpents. They seemed strong enough to split the earth and shatter the stars with their fists. They traveled throughout the land and called themselves Magi. Eventually, one of them would become a Supreme Magus! These men are the ancestors of human beings. Their blood is what we all share today. Qing Long is the former strongest man in the world. Forces from both inside and outside of the clan want this young and talented boy to die. Under great pressure, Ji Hao makes a deal with a mysterious man, who resides in his spiritual space, never showing his real face.

From that day, his body continued to deteriorate year after year. My Disciple Died Yet Again.

Written by the Author Blood Red. Long ago, there were people who stood upon the earth with their heads held high. They never bowed to anyone because of their indomitable spirit. They were capable of controlling wind and lightning, and conquering dragons and serpents. They seemed strong enough to split the earth and shatter the stars with their fists.

Long ago, there were people who stood upon the earth with their heads held high. They never bowed to anyone because of their indomitable spirit. They were capable of controlling wind and lightning, and conquering dragons and serpents. They seemed strong enough to split the earth and shatter the stars with their fists. They traveled throughout the land and called themselves Magi. Eventually, one of them would become a Supreme Magus! These men are the ancestors of human beings. Their blood is what we all share today.

Magus era novel

Jump to ratings and reviews. Want to read. Buy on Amazon. Rate this book. Chapters Long ago, there were people who stood upon the earth with their heads held high. They never bowed to anyone because of their indomitable spirit.

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ShoeIsEating lnUser It is a complicated world with many species and lands. Qing Long is the former strongest man in the world. Fans See all. Sci-fi , Fantasy. They never bowed to anyone because of their indomitable spirit. Summary Long ago, there were people who stood upon the earth with their heads held high. Thread Question The Magus Era. Fantasy , Romance , Adventure , Adult , Harem. Transcending the Nine Heavens.

Long ago, there were people who stood upon the earth with their heads held high. They never bowed to anyone because of their indomitable spirit.

Reply 1 0. Recent blog posts. Their blood is what we all share today. Handsome Male Lead. Immortal Path to Heaven. Thread by: Artesia , Jul 20, , 4 replies, in forum: Novel Discussion. Dragon-Marked War God. Murdering Heaven Edge. Thread The magus era. Martial World. Not your preferred language?

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