Maegor the cruel

As his moniker suggests, he is known as one of the most tyrannical kings to ever rule the Seven Kingdoms. King Aegon the Conqueror had two children by his two sister-wives: maegor the cruel firstborn son Aenys with his sister Queen Rhaenysand his second-born son Maegor with his sister Queen Visenya Targaryen. The Targaryens had incestuously married brother to sister for generations whenever viva bicycle to "keep the bloodline pure", in the custom of their Valyrian ancestors. For that matter, Aegon I broke not only the Faith's rules against incest, but its rules against polygamymaegor the cruel, as he was married to both of his sisters at the same time, maegor the cruel.

George R. Martin created an extensive history for his fictional world that inspired Game of Thrones. Throughout the story, the history is referenced, making it feel as real as a world with dragons can. And in the years since, the history has become its own story. Many Game of Thrones projects are in the works , including the story of the first Targaryen King, Aegon the Conqueror.

Maegor the cruel

This raises the question: why was the third Targaryen king remembered as the proverbial tyrant in Game of Thrones? Aenys was always regarded as the heir apparent although he was quite frail, whereas Maegor was a skilled swordsman from a young age. Visenya gifted him the Valyrian steel sword, Dark Sister , and Aegon knighted him at the age of sixteen the youngest at that time. When Aegon died in 37 AC, Aenys ascended the throne. Shortly after, a series of rebellions took place, one of which Maegor himself crushed. To reward his success, Aenys named him the Hand of the King as the previous one died while fighting the rebels at Harrenhal. He held this position for two years, until he decided to marry again. This marriage drew the ire of the Faith — to the extent that he was sent to exile in Pentos. The Faith Militant soon launched a rebellion against Aenys, after he announced the marriage of his son and daughter. Overcome by stress, he eventually died in 42 AC. Visenya immediately brought Maegor back to Westeros, where he claimed the throne. Severely injured, he was comatose for thirty days until Tyanna of the Tower, a courtesan from Pentos, helped him recover. When he woke, he mounted Balerion and burned down the Sept of Remembrance.

Nonetheless he was always a brutal, ruthless man with strong sociopathic tendencies: meting out disproportionate retribution against his enemies exterminating entire family lines if a single member maegor the cruel himand showing cruelty to animals as a boy he killed a horse in its stable because it had kicked him. However, she gave birth to a monstrosity, eyeless and twisted. The Princess and the Queen 7.

Maegor was the only son of Aegon the Conqueror by his sister-wife Visenya and the half-brother of Aenys I. Unlike his half-brother, Maegor was more like his father and grew up to become a strong warrior, being knighted by his father at age sixteen, the youngest at the time; even before then, Maegor was besting knights much older than he was. His mother gave him Dark Sister upon his knighthood. Unlike his brother, he refused to bond with any dragon other than Balerion , as he considered the Black Dread as the only dragon worthy of him, and waited for his father to die to bond with the beast. He intended to marry his niece Rhaena Targaryen, only for the High Septon to propose his niece Ceryse Hightower instead, but the marriage proved to be infertile, this caused him to seek other brides. Upon his half-brother Aenys' ascension to the Iron Throne, the Faith of the Seven launched a major uprising against the Targaryen dynasty. Whilst they accepted Aegon on the throne due to his strength and his conversion to the Faith, they could not stomach the thought of his sons, born of incest, following him.

George R. Martin created an extensive history for his fictional world that inspired Game of Thrones. Throughout the story, the history is referenced, making it feel as real as a world with dragons can. And in the years since, the history has become its own story. Many Game of Thrones projects are in the works , including the story of the first Targaryen King, Aegon the Conqueror. As the history of Westeros makes it to screens, there are many moments worth seeing as the country faced many conflicts, but one that hasn't been discussed is the story of Maegor the Cruel. Westeros has no shortage of terrible kings.

Maegor the cruel

This raises the question: why was the third Targaryen king remembered as the proverbial tyrant in Game of Thrones? Aenys was always regarded as the heir apparent although he was quite frail, whereas Maegor was a skilled swordsman from a young age. Visenya gifted him the Valyrian steel sword, Dark Sister , and Aegon knighted him at the age of sixteen the youngest at that time.

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Aenys was always regarded as the heir apparent although he was quite frail, whereas Maegor was a skilled swordsman from a young age. However, Alyssa did not appear. By this point his mental state was becoming increasingly unhinged even relative to his prior actions , because none of his wives could produce him an heir - many whispering that he could not continue the Targaryen dynasty on his own. Maegor was one of the youngest men to ever be knighted. Maegor's story has already become important as the franchise's newest series references the notorious king. He had one deformed stillborn son with Alys in 44 AC, whom Tyanna claimed to be the result of a secret affair. Studio HBO. Though his ascension was contested, Maegor quickly slew anyone who spoke against him and was recognized as king through fear. Elinor Costayne Black Bride Deceased. He actually seemed to take her death in stride, but Aenys's widow Alyssa Velaryon - who had been held prisoner on Dragonstone - used the confusion of Visenya's death to escape, along with her two youngest children, Jaehaerys and Alysanne, and Visenya's own sword Dark Sister.

For the main character index, see here For the main Crownlands entry, see here.

King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men? A Son for a Son 2. Maegor, however, refused to bond with any of the other half-dozen dragon hatchlings at the time, claiming none were worthy. Bloody though his actions were, they were actions that he sanctioned and often carried out himself to the letter, whereas certain kings left ruling entirely to their Hand and indulged their own desires and fantasies in the meantime. Frightened, Aenys fled King's Landing entirely and retreated to the Targaryen fortress-refuge at Dragonstone - where he soon died of cramps brought on from the stress. Sign In Register. His cruelty echoed through generations, making him the kingdom's primary example of an evil king. Maegor is depicted in one of four statues in the throne room of the Red Keep, hooded and holding the sword Blackfyre. As a veteran of many battles, he and Balerion made short work of the Faith's rebellion that killed his brother. Of all the Targaryen kings who ruled Westeros, Maegor was the second and last following Aegon the Conqueror whose marriage was polygamous. Prince Aegon was the new rider of his father's dragon, Quicksilver, by this time over 30 years old and a full-grown adult beast.

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