Lucy snoopy

Lucille " Lucy " Van Pelt is a fictional character in the syndicated comic strip Peanutswritten and drawn by Charles Schulz. She is the older lucy snoopy of Linus and Rerun.

Lucy is one of the most recognizable members of the Peanuts gang, and over the course of the comic stirp's enduring run, she was responsible for many of its funniest moments. At the heart of some of the series' most iconic reoccurring jokes — such as the football gag, and her psychiatry booth — Lucy stands out as one of Peanuts funniest characters. Lucy is an extremely interesting character, and arguably one of the Peanuts' most complex. She struggles to get along with others but cares about those around her at the same time. Additionally, she has many confrontations with characters especially with Snoopy, yet she shows she loves the dog when she says one of her most famous lines " happiness is a warm puppy. Given the numerous times that Lucy has tricked Charlie Brown into kicking the football, only to take it away from him every single time, anyone else would have flat out decline to play with her after one time. Unfortunately for Charlie Brown, his trusting nature makes him keep falling for it, time and again.

Lucy snoopy

Lucille "Lucy" van Pelt [2] sometimes referred to as her full name by Peppermint Patty is a major female character in the Peanuts comic strip by Charles M. Schulz and the animated TV specials and movies based on it, making her debut in Her closest friends are Patty and Violet , and she is the elder sister of Linus and Rerun , who she bullies and belittles. She is the eldest child and only daughter of Mr. Lucy has the third most appearances in the TV specials, ranking below Linus, who appears in all but two specials, and Charlie Brown and Snoopy, who appear on every special and movie. Lucy was introduced into the strip on March 3, , as a wide-eyed baby who constantly tormented her parents. Very early on, Schulz eliminated the circles around her eyes and allowed her to mature to the age of the other characters. She soon grew into the familiar bossy, crabby, selfish girl known to Peanuts fans today. Lucy is usually seen wearing a pair of white and black saddle shoes and a dress with puffed sleeves and a large bow in the back. In the television specials, the dress is colored blue.

Aside from her infamous football prankLucy often just walks right up to him unprovoked to call him different insults, such as "dumb" and "weak". She has taken her anger out on Schroeder's piano, throwing it into the Kite-Eating Tree and throwing it down lucy snoopy sewer, but each time Schroeder orders a replacement piano. But years from now, lucy snoopy, when you and your husband come over to my house and ask me to co-sign for a loan for you, I might remember it".


Lucy is one of the most recognizable members of the Peanuts gang, and over the course of the comic stirp's enduring run, she was responsible for many of its funniest moments. At the heart of some of the series' most iconic reoccurring jokes — such as the football gag, and her psychiatry booth — Lucy stands out as one of Peanuts funniest characters. Lucy is an extremely interesting character, and arguably one of the Peanuts' most complex. She struggles to get along with others but cares about those around her at the same time. Additionally, she has many confrontations with characters especially with Snoopy, yet she shows she loves the dog when she says one of her most famous lines " happiness is a warm puppy.

Lucy snoopy

Our website uses cookies to improve user experience. If you continue browsing without changing your settings, you consent to our use of cookies. Quiet, kindhearted introvert Marcie has lots of brilliant ideas to help her friends achieve goals and solve problems. But when the world takes notice and the spotlight lands on her, sharing those ideas becomes a challenge. The Peanuts gang are anxious about starting at a new school, so Lucy starts her own school instead.

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See main article: Sally and Lucy's relationship Lucy is shown to be a good friend to Sally Brown despite playing tricks and being mean to Sally. Poor Charlie Brown could stand to be not so trusting, especially when it comes to Lucy. In the strip, she tries to get Schroeder's attention, as usual, explaining to him about the hardships that come with a lost love. Schroeder also once had Snoopy kiss Lucy to get out of kissing her himself, by having Snoopy act as his "representative" to deliver a kiss on Beethoven's birthday. There are some strips in which it appears that Schroeder has some feelings for Lucy but, on the whole, Lucy's love for Schroeder goes unrequited , for the love of Schroeder's life is his music and his piano. Though there is no specific date when it is, it is mentioned constantly throughout March and April, meaning that she could possibly be an Aries. Schroeder kisses Lucy on Beethoven's birthday in a comic strip from December 16, Despite her initial dismay over his birth lamenting that she was experiencing a "rerun" with another baby brother, thus giving him his nickname , Lucy would take on a mentor role for Rerun, teaching him important things he needs to survive in life, such as how to tie his shoes. Another thing Lucy is very well known for is her psychiatry booth , where she gives people lousy advice for a nickel. Finally, in this strip, Charlie refuses to take part in it. Sign In Register. She soon grew into the familiar bossy, crabby, selfish girl known to Peanuts fans today. Of course, Linus completely misreads the reaction, thinking that he has just solved his big sister's problems.

Lucille " Lucy " Van Pelt is a fictional character in the syndicated comic strip Peanuts , written and drawn by Charles Schulz. She is the older sister of Linus and Rerun. Lucy is characterized as a "fussbudget", crabby, [1] [2] bossy and opinionated girl who bullies most other characters in the strip, particularly Linus and Charlie Brown.

Even on the diamond, Lucy flirts with Schroeder, who plays catcher on Charlie Brown's team. The football trick would become an iconic moment for the Peanuts , remaining one of the things most synonymous with the comic strip. Indeed, Lucy seems to be rather thin-skinned when it comes to being insulted herself. But years from now, when you and your husband come over to my house and ask me to co-sign for a loan for you, I might remember it". Perhaps it is karma for constantly messing with Charlie Brown, but Schroeder does not return Lucy's affection. Schulz: Conversations. Lucy has short, black hair and wears a blue dress with blue socks and saddle shoes until the late s when Schulz began showing the strip's female characters in pants and shirts in order to keep their outfits more contemporary. Though there is no specific date when it is, it is mentioned constantly throughout March and April, meaning that she could possibly be an Aries. And even later in the strip, she gives hints to marriage with Charlie Brown. More than once in the course of the strip they have resorted to fist-fighting, Snoopy often wins by default by trying to kiss or lick Lucy's face. However, in this strip, Lucy's peer is not tolerating it. Retrieved August 31, Snoopy knows this dance annoys Lucy to no end, but he doesn't care because he thinks she's simply jealous of how happy he can be. The horrified look she has on her face, after Snoopy dances around her and kisses her, says all the reader needs to know about Lucy's feelings toward the famous beagle at this moment.

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