lttp map

Lttp map

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This is a list of locations found in A Link to the Past. Where it all begins. Just a single house where Link lives with his uncle , located South to Hyrule Castle. Inside the treasure chest you can find the Lamp. It is also one of the three locations available to start the game if the last save was in the Light World.

Lttp map

Welcome, Guest. Please login or register. Home Help Search Login Register. Pages: [ 1 ] Go Down. JonLeung Administrator Posts: The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably. Maxim Hero Member Posts: Some years back I remember Edge magazine or was it their Retro special? The reason I mention this: you can't appreciate how cool maps look printed until you see them close up. It somehow reinforces the "art-ness" of it compared to looking at it on a computer screen.

Great Bay Temple

In normal gameplay, the difference between these divisions rarely matters, however with glitches, it's important to know that the routines for transitioning between Supertiles and transitioning between Subtiles are different. Transition Corruption glitches will behave differently depending on which type of transition the player is using. Additionally, the player can interact with Supertile transitions while in EG or through clipping. If the player crosses a Supertile boundary at the edge of the map, they will "wrap" to the other side. Vice versa for transitioning west in Supertile Transitioning north in Supertile 00 leads to the Triforce cutscene rather than wrapping the player down to F0 like normal. Wrapping the map has a major consequence of despawning all sprites in the underworld.

Community Wiki Discord Forums. The Legend of Zelda. The Adventure of Link. Walkthrough 1. Parapa Palace 2. Midoro Palace 3. Island Palace 4.

Lttp map

This is a list of locations found in A Link to the Past. Where it all begins. Just a single house where Link lives with his uncle , located South to Hyrule Castle.

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The Twilight 3. Temple of Wind 5. Kakariko Village: Twilight 6. Fortress of Winds 4. Palace of Winds 6. Gerudo Town. This is the first place Link sets his feet after defeating Agahnim. Swamp Palace. His first visit here is in search of Sahasrahla. We all know that is does, but has Nintendo ever addressed why?? Collection 5. The "blend into the wall" gimmick is cool and unique, and I like how they took a chance with changing up how you get items and the dungeon order, but why couldn't they have created an original world map? Misery Mire is the sixth dungeon in the Dark World. Link must defeat Moldorm to win the Pendant of Wisdom.


The Ether Medallion is required to enter the dungeon. A secret cave masked by a waterfall, which hides one of the two Mysterious Ponds in the game. A small lake located in the Northeast corner of the Dark World. Oracle of Ages. Eastern Palace 3. Video Walkthrough 6. This page was last modified on 6 July , at Transitioning north in Supertile 00 leads to the Triforce cutscene rather than wrapping the player down to F0 like normal. Inside, Link will find the Blue Mail. Explorer's Crypt 8. Same world, different Link. Cave of Flames 3.

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