lt col speirs

Lt col speirs

This site uses cookies to improve user experience. By continuing to browse, you accept the use of cookies and other technologies, lt col speirs. He was on active duty for 22 years, spanning multiple wars.

Captain Ronald C. His unit was absorbed into Easy Company during Bastogne and he was assigned as Company Commander after relieving 1st Lieutenant Dike of duty during the assault on Foye, Belgium. He then went through military training in high school and eventually made 2nd Lieutenant. He was later transferred to Dog Company, 2nd Battalion, and made 1st Lieutenant. After training, he headed to England to await their next mission. At Aldbourne, he married a British widow and together they had a son named Robert. Speirs, his unit and Easy Company eventually dropped into Normandy on 6 June

Lt col speirs

In a military career spanning 22 years, Speirs has been lauded as a hero, embroiled in controversy and celebrated in both print and TV. This website looks at the real man behind the reputation. They were married in 5 and lived in Dalmuir, just outside Glasgow. By this time, Robert was a journeyman engineer. He was responsible for fitting out the large guns on the Royal Naval battleships which — according to family legend, included HMS Hood. Whilst in Plymouth, Robert and Martha had had three daughters and a son. As a result, Robert saw many men leave to pursue opportunities abroad in America. Initially, Robert travelled to America alone. So when he found work in Boston with Hunt Spiller Co. Robert now began planning for the family to join him. Martha and their five children boarded the SS Winifredian in Liverpool on 13th December, , 9 sailing for Boston to be reunited with Robert.

Speirs eventually volunteered to fight in the Korean War and was commander of a rifle company, making one combat jump.

The paratroopers had only rifles, machine guns, and grenades with which to conduct the battle until armored forces arrived. This article appears in: Winter Swirls of black smoke billowed high above the steeples and splintered roofs as Lieutenant Ronald Speirs surveyed the stucco exteriors of storefronts and dwellings pocked by the scars of urban battle. Carentan, the once ornate French commune nestled along the banks of the Douve River, was a charred and blistered shell—a ghostly visage of its former self. Local citizens had long awaited the hour of liberation from Nazi tyranny.

The paratroopers had only rifles, machine guns, and grenades with which to conduct the battle until armored forces arrived. This article appears in: Winter Swirls of black smoke billowed high above the steeples and splintered roofs as Lieutenant Ronald Speirs surveyed the stucco exteriors of storefronts and dwellings pocked by the scars of urban battle. Carentan, the once ornate French commune nestled along the banks of the Douve River, was a charred and blistered shell—a ghostly visage of its former self. Local citizens had long awaited the hour of liberation from Nazi tyranny. Deliverance thundered forth from a devastating barrage of heavy naval guns, American artillery, and mortars raining ruin upon their historic community. Such was the terrible price of evicting the despised German occupiers. Speirs, a Dog Company platoon leader, meandered through the coils of Normandy brush, maintaining a watchful eye on the frontline. His bulky Thompson submachine gun was casually slung over his shoulder. A displaced victim of a petty officer rivalry, the lieutenant was a relative newcomer to Dog Company.

Lt col speirs

In a military career spanning 22 years, Speirs has been lauded as a hero, embroiled in controversy and celebrated in both print and TV. This website looks at the real man behind the reputation. They were married in 5 and lived in Dalmuir, just outside Glasgow. By this time, Robert was a journeyman engineer. He was responsible for fitting out the large guns on the Royal Naval battleships which — according to family legend, included HMS Hood. Whilst in Plymouth, Robert and Martha had had three daughters and a son.


The German paratroopers had none to spare. Speirs preached loyalty to those who earned it. The lieutenant appropriated the seat of the bow gunner and pointed the crew in the proper direction. They had one son, Robert, who grew up to become a lieutenant colonel in the Royal Green Jackets. He was flipping around and groaning and was out of control. With bullets whizzing by, McMillan grasped his walkie talkie and barked into the headset for artillery support. Combat Infantry Badge 2nd Award. Henry Jones. He recovered and returned to Dog Company. Now was the time to vacate. He also shot a Sergeant for being drunk and insubordinate: Speirs reported this to his own commander, who stated he would consider reporting Speirs for charges, but the commander was killed in action shortly after and the matter was never pursued. American Campaign Medal. By continuing to browse, you accept the use of cookies and other technologies. I was doing all right until I went down again. DiMarzio interceded.

In a military career spanning 22 years, Speirs has been lauded as a hero, embroiled in controversy and celebrated in both print and TV.

The information proved of great value to his unit. Fortuitously, troopers of the strained Easy Company were at hand to help quell the sudden incursion. During Operation Market Garden, he swam across the Neder river with vital information, in spite of being wounded in the buttocks by a machine gun, which was still firing at him. The lieutenant appropriated the seat of the bow gunner and pointed the crew in the proper direction. He held no illusion as to the surprises Germans had in store. Navy and other friendly weapons as we moved in. DiMarzio said he saw Speirs shoot the sergeant in self-defense. Joseph J. So, he ran through the town and across German lines, connected with the other soldiers, relayed the order, and then ran back through the occupied town. Food and toiletries were welcome amenities in the ramshackle encampment. April 11, aged 86 St.

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