lorraine kelly naked pics

Lorraine kelly naked pics

The Scots telly host covered her face with her hands as her fellow presenter produced a framed clipping from an East Kilbride newspaper.

Culture TV. Piers Morgan shocked Lorraine Kelly with a nude photograph of herself during her 35 th anniversary broadcast. Morgan showed Kelly, 59, her highlights over the years — including her early stint as a reporter and columnist at the East Kilbride News. You can try out a special sunbed that toasts you a beautiful golden brown on both sides. Kelly then asked: "Is this the sunbed picture? Is there a picture of naked Lorraine Kelly on the sunbed?

Lorraine kelly naked pics

The Good Morning Britain host threw the saucy snap into a montage to celebrate 35 years of Lorraine's television career. But Piers, 54, was not going to let Lorraine off the hook so lightly, and planned an elaborate prank to ensure the year-old would be left blushing. The GMB host managed to track down a saucy photo of Lorraine lying on her front on a sunbed, taken during her early days as a newspaper columnist. He teased the giggly star: "What do you remember about your woman's weekly pages that you used to knock out? At first glance, Lorraine appeared to be naked in the snap but looking more closely she appears to be wearing a flesh-coloured bikini. Clocking on, Lorraine turned bright red and squealed "No, please no! In the same time, she has been awarded an OBE, had a penguin named after her, and won countless TV awards. She married cameraman Steve Smith in and the couple went on to have one daughter named Rosie. Do you have a story to sell? Get in touch with us at webcelebs trinitymirror.

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The Good Morning Britain host threw the saucy snap into a montage to celebrate 35 years of Lorraine's television career. But Piers, 54, was not going to let Lorraine off the hook so lightly, and planned an elaborate prank to ensure the year-old would be left blushing. The GMB host managed to track down a saucy photo of Lorraine lying on her front on a sunbed, taken during her early days as a newspaper columnist. He teased the giggly star: "What do you remember about your woman's weekly pages that you used to knock out? At first glance, Lorraine appeared to be naked in the snap but looking more closely she appears to be wearing a flesh-coloured bikini. Clocking on, Lorraine turned bright red and squealed "No, please no!

Lorraine kelly naked pics

Culture TV. Piers Morgan shocked Lorraine Kelly with a nude photograph of herself during her 35 th anniversary broadcast. Morgan showed Kelly, 59, her highlights over the years — including her early stint as a reporter and columnist at the East Kilbride News. You can try out a special sunbed that toasts you a beautiful golden brown on both sides. Kelly then asked: "Is this the sunbed picture? Is there a picture of naked Lorraine Kelly on the sunbed? Oh, there is. Oh no!

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Most read in TV. In Your Area. Piers Morgan shocked Lorraine Kelly with a nude photograph of herself during her 35 th anniversary broadcast. Morgan showed Kelly, 59, her highlights over the years — including her early stint as a reporter and columnist at the East Kilbride News. Is there a picture of naked Lorraine Kelly on the sunbed? US Edition. Oh my god. Irish Sun. And when he the picture was revealed on screen, she yelled: "Oh no! Do you have a story to sell?

The year-old offered to pose for a new life drawing class on Channel 4.

Story Saved. Click to play Tap to play. That made it into the paper. Piers Morgan threatens Lorraine with naked photos for her 35 year special. Get in touch with us at webcelebs trinitymirror. More info. Got A Story? Scottish Sun. Cuttings: Piers framed the feature and gave it to her. Piers Morgan. In the same time, she has been awarded an OBE, had a penguin named after her, and won countless TV awards. Oh, there is. Email us at scoop thesun. My Account.

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