

Official definition: A person who experiences sexual attraction but lithosexual not want it reciprocated. Kaira's understanding of that definition: Meet Bob, lithosexual. Bob is a lithosexual.

Lithosexual also called Akoisexual is a sexual orientation on the asexual spectrum. Someone who is lithosexual may experience sexual attraction but does not want it reciprocated. The lithosexual person may be uncomfortable at the thought of someone being sexually attracted to them, or they may lose their sexual feelings if they learn it's reciprocated. As such, lithosexuals do not feel compelled to seek out a sexual relationship. Like with any sexual orientation, lithosexuals can have any romantic orientation. Lithosexual can be a sexual orientation on its own or can combined with other orientations.


Lithosexuality is a sexual orientation referring to people who may experience sexual attraction but do not want these feelings reciprocated. A lithosexual person experiences sexual attraction to other people, regardless of gender, but do not want these feelings reciprocated because they are not comfortable with the idea of a sexual relationship, or because the idea of mutual attraction is unwanted to them. It is also possible that the sexual attraction fades as soon as they find out the other person is also sexually attracted to them. Lithosexuality is on the asexual spectrum and belongs to the lesbian and asexual communities. This means that a lithosexual person is also an asexual person. The definition of the Ancient Greek root "litho" is "stone" or "rock. Note that lithosexuality says nothing on someone's gendered preference; a lithosexual person may be attracted to the same gender, any other, or all genders; these categories are not mutually exclusive. Another important distinction to create is that one's lithosexuality - whether they experience sexual attraction - says nothing about someone's romantic preferences. For example, a lithosexual person may still experience reciprocated romantic attraction without having their romantic feelings fade. The romantic orientation counterpart to lithosexual is lithoromantic. Lithosexuality is also called akoisexual, lithsexual, or akoinesexual. These can be used interchangeably, although we understand it may be a bit confusing.

No one is stopping you from any of that.

Hey guys, gals and non binary pals! Today is the fourth day of Asexual Awareness Week. Are you aware yet? If you want to see the previous days, you can click here or on the category at the bottom. A lithosexual person may find that they have a crush on someone. However, once that person expresses an attraction to our lithosexual person, their attraction fades.

Lithosexual also called akoisexual is a sexual orientation on the asexual spectrum. Someone who is lithosexual may experience sexual attraction but does not want it reciprocated. As such, lithosexuals do not feel compelled to seek out a sexual relationship. Like with any sexual orientation, lithosexuals can have any romantic orientation. This categorizes lithsexuality broadly within asexuality , as functionally it tends to result in not being interested in having sexual relationships, which one would assume require mutual sexual interest and affirmative consent given the Theory of Critical Social Justice and the disposition of its adherents—see also, rape. A lithsexual person might feel attraction to other people, but that sexual attraction would vanish—usually due to somehow feeling uncomfortable with it—if it were known that the attraction is mutual. Under normal circumstances, one might be forgiven for believing that this is either a form of sexual social anxiety or something to do with an attachment disorder, but within Theory, it is an identity category because that is useful for identity politics and making quirky young people feel special and unique whereas mental illness is not.


The asexual spectrum or asexual umbrella is a group of sexual orientations that all fall under the umbrella term of asexual. Individuals on the asexual spectrum may completely lack sexual attraction or feel it so little that they relate more to the asexual experience than to the allosexual experience. The common link between individuals on the asexual spectrum is that they do not feel the "standard" amount of sexual attraction or feel it in the "standard" way. Individuals on the asexual spectrum are often referred to as "ace-spec" for short. Ace-spec individuals can have any romantic orientation , including aromantic. While there are numerous ace-spec identities, some are more common, like asexual, demisexual , and greysexual , and can stand on their own as identities.

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The lithosexual person may be uncomfortable at the thought of someone being sexually attracted to them, or they may lose their sexual feelings if they learn it's reciprocated. How many times do I have to explain it? On top of that, you are then blatantly twisting what I've said and throwing the twisted version back as an incredibly unimaginative strawman. Kaira's understanding of that definition: Meet Bob. I THINK how people generally try to explain lithosexual is Bob is sexually attracted on some level to Katy and enjoys thinking about her when he masturbates, he doesn't actually want to have sex with her though because If Katy wanted to have sex with him he'd be instantly turned off, so he could never have sex with her even though he is aroused by her. Another commonly made mistake when is trying to convince them that it shouldn't be a problem if someone likes them back, and encouraging them to engage in sexual activity with that person anyway. One where a Lith wants to give pleasure without reciprocation - meaning the partner would need to DESIRE to receive so they couldn't be ace, or could be almost anyone who enjoys receiving , one where a Lith needs an asexual partner apparently to get off because the ace won't reciprocate any kind of sexual desire. Guest Posted December 7, No it wasn't rape because I was consenting but yeah, damn fun for people with that specific type of fetish for sure - that being the type of fetish where the desire is not in any way reciprocated. Is my understand of lithosexual correct? Lithosexual also called akiosexual is a sexual orientation on the asexual spectrum. An asexual partner would be excellent for Bob, as long as that particular asexual individual is neither sex-repulsed nor opposed to compromise. Ergo, he is only copable of wanting it with a woman who truly, truly does not want it and does not wish to consent to it on any level, because only in that way can he maintain arousal. You are literally saying here that someone who enjoys sex can by definition not be asexual. Yes because I clearly did not have any active desire for the sex in any way.

The asexual spectrum , abbreviated as acespec , [1] refers to sexual orientations that are asexual or are closely related to asexuality. Identities under the asexual umbrella are closely connected as part of a broad community. Asexual refers to people who do not experience sexual attraction toward others, [2] as well as people who experience limited or conditional sexual attraction [3] and relate to the label asexual more than other sexual identity terms.

I'm like that myself in some ways and can't actually enjoy 'receiving'. You enjoyed it, therefore you desired it. Just now, Mysticus Insanus said:. Sexuality Wiki. A willingness to engage in pleasurable sex even from an ace would still appear like mutual sexual desire from the outside. TheAP Posted December 7, Flags and Symbols. Lithosexual , also known as lithrosexual, lithsexual, akiosexual, quoisexual or koi-sexual, is the sexual orientation of a person who experiences sexual attraction to another person but does not want it to be reciprocated. Loading Comments Lithoromanticism Another important distinction to create is that one's lithosexuality - whether they experience sexual attraction - says nothing about someone's romantic preferences. To understand why there are so many terms that are all defined as the same sexual orientation and mean the same thing, we need to explain the root of the word. The romantic counterpart to lithosexual is lithromantic. Oh, I'd agree that the vast majority of liths are very clearly sexual , and in no way on the so-called "ace spectrum". An asexual partner would be excellent for Bob, as long as that particular asexual individual is neither sex-repulsed nor opposed to compromise. However, "any normal sexual person" would become active and reciprocate, and the overwhelming majority of sexuals would prefer it if they did so.

1 thoughts on “Lithosexual

  1. I can not participate now in discussion - it is very occupied. But I will be released - I will necessarily write that I think.

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