Lindsey vonn nude hack

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Minnesota native and Olympic ski champion Lindsey Vonn is branding as a "despicable invasion of privacy" the stealing and leaking online of nude photos of her by someone who hacked her cellphone. The hacker also leaked at least one old private photo of Vonn's ex-boyfriend Tiger Woods, a lawyer representing both of them in this incident told the Star Tribune. In a statement issued Tuesday, a spokesman for Vonn said, "It is an outrageous and despicable invasion of privacy for anyone to steal and illegally publish private, intimate photos. Lindsey will take all necessary and appropriate legal action to protect and enforce her rights and interests. Attorney Michael Holtz, acting on behalf of Vonn and Woods, said, "We have issued takedown notices to various websites who have posted the illegally hacked photos of our clients. Almost all sites have complied or will comply with our demand.

Lindsey vonn nude hack

When nude photos of Lindsey Vonn were leaked to websites, a representative for the Olympic skier did not mince words. She believes the individuals responsible for hacking her private photos as well as the websites that encourage this detestable conduct should be prosecuted to the fullest extent under the law. But what would prosecution to the fullest extent look like? While the statement is adamant, the path from here is murky. More: Lindsey Vonn responds to leak of nude photos of herself and ex-boyfriend Tiger Woods. More: Lindsey Vonn wants to race with the men, whether international officials approve or not. As laws vary state by state, Vonn, Tiger Woods and others who have had their photos leaked, will find different factors at play in potential lawsuits. One of the most famous incidents of hacking celebrities came in Edward Majerczyk, 29, of Chicago, was sentenced to nine months for hacking electronic accounts and stealing private information in January. Though the case itself is one of the most famous examples of celebrity photos being leaked, Pinguelo cautioned that the sentencing was not standard. While celebrities were vehemently upset, pinpointing exact damages under the law can be cloudy territory. As far as prosecution for websites hosting the images, Pinguelo says in most cases it is unlikely that any criminal charges would be brought, and in civil suits, sites could argue their First Amendment privilege. Neither Majerczyk nor Collins were charged with sharing the pictures — punishment typically comes based on hacking, or other means of obtaining pictures without consent.

More: Lindsey Vonn wants to race with the men, whether international officials approve or not.


Lindsey Vonn is speaking out after a website published hacked nude photos of her and her ex, Tiger Woods. The year-old Olympic athlete said she will take "all necessary and appropriate" legal action against the hackers and the sites who published the graphic photos of her and Woods. Her representative told the Big Lead, "It is an outrageous and despicable invasion of privacy for anyone to steal and illegally publish private intimate photos She believes the individuals responsible for hacking her private photos as well as the websites that encourage this detestable conduct should be prosecuted to the fullest extent under the law. Vonn and Woods dated until Vonn, who is currently preparing for the Winter Olympics, is one of many celebrities whose photos have been leaked.

Lindsey vonn nude hack

The photos were taken several years ago while Vonn, 32, and Woods were dating. She believes the individuals responsible for hacking her private photos as well as the websites that encourage this detestable conduct should be prosecuted to the fullest extent under the law. Vonn, who split from Woods in , has been dating former Los Angeles Rams assistant coach Kenan Smith since last year.

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More: Lindsey Vonn wants to race with the men, whether international officials approve or not. Vonn, 32, is continuing her comeback from surgery after she broke her right arm in a training crash last November. When nude photos of Lindsey Vonn were leaked to websites, a representative for the Olympic skier did not mince words. As laws vary state by state, Vonn, Tiger Woods and others who have had their photos leaked, will find different factors at play in potential lawsuits. One of the most famous incidents of hacking celebrities came in Thanks for contacting us. Lindsey will take all necessary and appropriate legal action to protect and enforce her rights and interests. The hacker also leaked at least one old private photo of Vonn's ex-boyfriend Tiger Woods, a lawyer representing both of them in this incident told the Star Tribune. Minnesota native and Olympic ski champion Lindsey Vonn is branding as a "despicable invasion of privacy" the stealing and leaking online of nude photos of her by someone who hacked her cellphone. Holtz said that if any sites persist in keeping the photos online, "we will pursue legal action against them swiftly and vigorously. Though the case itself is one of the most famous examples of celebrity photos being leaked, Pinguelo cautioned that the sentencing was not standard. Edward Majerczyk, 29, of Chicago, was sentenced to nine months for hacking electronic accounts and stealing private information in January. She believes the individuals responsible for hacking her private photos as well as the websites that encourage this detestable conduct should be prosecuted to the fullest extent under the law.

When nude photos of Lindsey Vonn were leaked to websites, a representative for the Olympic skier did not mince words.

Lindsey will take all necessary and appropriate legal action to protect and enforce her rights and interests. We've received your submission. The hacker also leaked at least one old private photo of Vonn's ex-boyfriend Tiger Woods, a lawyer representing both of them in this incident told the Star Tribune. After claiming her 77th World Cup win in January, the two-time Olympic medalist needs nine more to catch record-holder Ingemar Stenmark. As far as prosecution for websites hosting the images, Pinguelo says in most cases it is unlikely that any criminal charges would be brought, and in civil suits, sites could argue their First Amendment privilege. Pinguelo offers some advice. In cases of leaked photos such as Vonn's, legal consequences can be murky. The recovering golfer has hired a lawyer, according to a TMZ report Monday , and said he will sue if the website Celeb Jihad does not take his photo down. The year-old Vonn, who grew up in the Twin Cities and trained on slopes in the area, and the year-old Woods had been a couple for about three years until spring Lindsey will take all necessary and appropriate legal action to protect and enforce her rights and interests. Facebook Twitter Email. Almost all sites have complied or will comply with our demand. Holtz said that if any sites persist in keeping the photos online, "we will pursue legal action against them swiftly and vigorously. More: Lindsey Vonn wants to race with the men, whether international officials approve or not. She believes the individuals responsible for hacking her private photos as well as the websites that encourage this detestable conduct should be prosecuted to the fullest extent under the law.

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