Lindsay and heather

Do NOT post any information relating to episodes that have not aired. This article focuses on the interactions between Heather and Lindsay.

Do NOT post any information relating to episodes that have not aired. This article focuses on the interactions between Gwen and Lindsay. Despite Lindsay initially being a friend and ally of Gwen's worst enemy , Heather , the two show occasional signs of being friends, especially after Lindsay's friendship with Heather dissolves. Although Gwen is annoyed by Lindsay's stupidity, she holds no personal grudge against her for it and thinks of her as a friend. Lindsay seems to like Gwen because of her pranks and dislike towards Heather, especially after the conflict between her and the latter becomes mutual.

Lindsay and heather


Later, Lindsay notes that she wants Gwen to win the competition. Heather says that she and Lindsay are friends, but only for now, without really knowing what Heather means.


Do NOT post any information relating to episodes that have not aired. As t h e c a m p e rs build their own bikes using supplies from a pile of old bike parts and then race them in a dangerous motor cross, one person takes somebody who has never learned how to build or ride a bike on a joy ride. In the end, one camper betrays their servant , leading to an explosive elimination. Heather orders a frightened Lindsay to trim her untrimmed toenails. The episode opens the day after Bridgette 's elimination , with the remaining campers hanging out by Lake Wawanakwa , relaxing and throwing a frisbee around, while Heather and Lindsay are lounging on the dock. When a fly hovers around Lindsay and Heather, Lindsay tries to hit it with a fly swatter.

Lindsay and heather

Do NOT post any information relating to episodes that have not aired. This article focuses on the interactions between Heather and Lindsay. Lindsay finds out that Heather has been using her throughout the entire first season. Lindsay, along with Beth , are easily tricked by Heather into making an alliance with her. Lindsay is oblivious that Heather is just using her, and thinks of her as a friend. Throughout Total Drama Island , Lindsay helps Heather move farther into the game, and continues to support her even after Beth leaves the alliance. Lindsay eventually finds out that she is just a pawn for Heather when she betrays her in That's Off the Chain! There is still a lot of tension between the two girls in Total Drama Action , as they would often make fun of one another. Despite this, their interactions were more subdued, due to them being on different teams and Heather not making it to the merge. In Total Drama World Tour and Total Drama All-Stars , the two barely interact at all, due to them being on separate teams and Lindsay's early eliminations in both seasons.

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Heather affirms that she didn't and vows to take her down eventually. Blogs Forum Proposals. When she finds out that she never even tried to light it, Heather irritably compares talking to Lindsay to talking to an eggplant. Later, Lindsay accidentally burns Heather's eyebrows, and contributes to lock her in the fridge. Heather says she can change it and also find other people to take with her to the final three. During the challenge, Heather looks for Lindsay and when she sees her, she throws a canoe at Tyler when he distracts her from serving their team in the dodgeball game. Later in the main lodge, Lindsay is worried that her meal might go against her diet, Gwen promises her that due to the nature of Chef 's "food," she doesn't think that it will be a problem. Also, Lindsay calls Heather "some Eggs Benedict" referring to her as a traitor and complains about the "contagiousness" of her mean attitude. Lindsay forgets Heather's name for the first time ever by calling her Hannah. While discussing the final vote, Lindsay makes a snide remark about Heather's backstabbing ways. Lindsay laughs at the happy face drawn on the back of Heather's head drawn by Leshawna. Lindsay, proud of her authority, later appears in the confessional stating, "How do you like me now, Heather? She also steals her gun and calls her "Lindsiot". The latter yells angrily calling the other contestants, including Lindsay, "fools" and implies they can't do anything right.

The campers are challenged to create their own bikes and then race against each other, using each others bikes in the first race and using their own if it finished the race in the second

When Lindsay is confused by the concept of communal bathrooms , Gwen explains it to her and then calls her an "idiot", causing her to bawl and Gwen to cover her ears. Heather states that she doesn't need Beth and Lindsay by calling them mindless sheep. Gwen mentions that she likes Lindsay and Beth , even if, according to Bridgette , they don't seem to like her back. On her way to the infirmary, she says she regrets trusting her. Heather then convinces Lindsay to build her bike for her. It is this incident that finally causes Lindsay to reconsider her view of Heather as a good friend. Lindsay does not notice Gwen's sarcasm and continues to worry about her appearance, annoying Gwen by telling her she could use a tan herself. She is seen laughing when Heather is hit by golf balls. Animals Mutants Pets. This article focuses on the interactions between Gwen and Lindsay. Both girls are locked out of the cabin at the end of the episode. Lindsay is upset at her because of Trent helping her team win challenges instead of their own. Lindsay conspires with Heather to create a forged love letter from Trent , in order to break him and Gwen up. After several painful dares, Heather finally receives Lindsay's and remarks that Lindsay is too stupid to come up with "anything bad". In the confessional , Lindsay expresses that she will continue to like him against Heather's wishes.

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