Lapiz lazuli steven

I'm tired of lapiz lazuli steven blame. That mirror was a prison and fusion was the same! During her alignment with the Gem Homeworldshe was caught in the crossfire of The Rebellion and got poofed by Bismuth.

Lapis Lazuli is one of the most popular characters of the critically acclaimed TV show Steven Universe. And for good reason. She is a very complex character whose origins are still shrouded in mystery. For some of us including myself, we can relate to Lapis very much. There is more to life than being stuck in the past, which the show again shows how it is not always that easy for some people. Yet as with most popular large fandoms, there is always going to be some rather, well, lousy and often unconstructive criticism among fans. Sometimes it just becomes downright ugly.

Lapiz lazuli steven

Throughout Steven Universe , Lapis transformed from a trauma survivor trapped on Earth who wanted nothing more than to escape and return to Homeworld, to a Gem on the run confused about her place in the universe and scared of the Diamond Authority, to a full-fledged Crystal Gem willing to do whatever it takes to stand up for her home and for the people she believes in. It's one of the best examples of character development we get throughout a series that's absolutely chock-full of it. Through all that development, there's bound to be a handful of things that even dedicated fans might have missed about her character. Today, we'll be taking a look at ten things that even die-hard fans might not have known about Lapis Lazuli. Lapis is a survivor of some pretty extreme trauma, having been poofed and then mistaken for a Crystal Gem and imprisoned , alone, for thousands of years- all due to a rebellion that she'd been mixed up in, not having wanted anything to do with it. Ever since Steven freed her, she's been slowly working on different ways to cope with her new life and with her own past, both her imprisonment and the horrible things she did prior. One of these coping mechanisms is her rather dark sense of humor, as in the movie after Peridot mentioned that it took her a while to stop trying to kill Steven, a laughing Lapis adds that she's 'still on the fence'. This is a fact that can be relatively easy to forget, as Steven healed Lapis' cracked gem fairly quickly after she emerged from the mirror, but her cracked gem affected her physical form. We've seen a similar thing happen with Volleyball whose injury refused to heal because of mental trauma despite her actual gem being fine. In Lapis' case, her cracked gem caused her pupils to appear differently than normal. We're unsure if this actually impacted her eyesight in any way, but if it did, she didn't act like it. When put into situations where it looks like Lapis isn't going to be able to win, she adopts quite the pessimistic personality.

One of these coping mechanisms is her rather dark sense of humor, as in the movie after Peridot mentioned that it took her a while to stop trying to kill Steven, a laughing Lapis adds that she's 'still on the fence'. She delivers a frantic message to Steven about the lapiz lazuli steven invasion and begged him to submit to Homeworld should they cross paths in " The Message ", lapiz lazuli steven, giving similar advice when Steven stumbled across her in "Jail Break" by mentioning that Homeworld might go easy on them if they follow orders.

Maybe I'm not alone. If they're gonna punish me like a Crystal Gem, I might as well be one, right? You got room for one more? A Gem formerly of Blue Diamond's court with water-manipulating powers that was once poofed by Bismuth, and trapped in a mirror after being mistaken with a Crystal Gem during the war, and used as a tool for around 5, years, but fortunately she was set free by Steven. Her release was the focus of "Mirror Gem" and "Ocean Gem". She used to despise Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl for forgetting she was trapped in a mirror and for being the reason why Homeworld mistook her for a Crystal Gem, but after her liberation in "Super Watermelon Island" , she has more or less put her resentment of them aside for the time being. She loves and respects Steven and has become fiercely protective of him after freeing her.

I'm tired of the blame. That mirror was a prison and fusion was the same! During her alignment with the Gem Homeworld , she was caught in the crossfire of The Rebellion and got poofed by Bismuth. Homeworld mistook her for one of the Crystal Gems and imprisoned her within a magical mirror with the intention of interrogating her about her supposed comrade's whereabouts. After being abandoned by the Homeworld Gems fleeing the Corrupting Light , Lapis would remain in the mirror for thousands of years until she eventually convinced Steven to free her. Once Lapis returned to Homeworld, she was forced back to Earth by Peridot and Jasper , the latter of whom she fused with into Malachite in order to protect Steven. Following Malachite's defeat in " Super Watermelon Island ", Lapis realized she had no choice but to live on Earth after betraying Jasper, subsequently making her an enemy of Homeworld.

Lapiz lazuli steven

Throughout Steven Universe , Lapis transformed from a trauma survivor trapped on Earth who wanted nothing more than to escape and return to Homeworld, to a Gem on the run confused about her place in the universe and scared of the Diamond Authority, to a full-fledged Crystal Gem willing to do whatever it takes to stand up for her home and for the people she believes in. It's one of the best examples of character development we get throughout a series that's absolutely chock-full of it. Through all that development, there's bound to be a handful of things that even dedicated fans might have missed about her character. Today, we'll be taking a look at ten things that even die-hard fans might not have known about Lapis Lazuli. Lapis is a survivor of some pretty extreme trauma, having been poofed and then mistaken for a Crystal Gem and imprisoned , alone, for thousands of years- all due to a rebellion that she'd been mixed up in, not having wanted anything to do with it. Ever since Steven freed her, she's been slowly working on different ways to cope with her new life and with her own past, both her imprisonment and the horrible things she did prior. One of these coping mechanisms is her rather dark sense of humor, as in the movie after Peridot mentioned that it took her a while to stop trying to kill Steven, a laughing Lapis adds that she's 'still on the fence'. This is a fact that can be relatively easy to forget, as Steven healed Lapis' cracked gem fairly quickly after she emerged from the mirror, but her cracked gem affected her physical form. We've seen a similar thing happen with Volleyball whose injury refused to heal because of mental trauma despite her actual gem being fine.

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To Connie. She officially joins the Crystal Gems in "Reunited" , stating that, if Homeworld is going to punish her as a Crystal Gem, she might as well be one. Given Pearl's comment about the mirror only following orders, it's implied it took a similar feat of willpower for her to talk to Steven in the first place. Powered by a Forsaken Child : Her gem was used to operate a mirror. Even when weakened with a cracked gem, she had enough power to create a massive tower from the planet's oceans and creates water-based clones of the gems that the Gems themselves had no hope of stopping, Lapis Lazulis being made specifically for terraforming entire planets. This comes to a head in season 5 where her fear of the Diamonds causes her to abandon Earth, the life she tried to rebuild, and all the people she loved , ultimately stranding her in a lonely, depressing place of her own making. After she reforms in "Change Your Mind" , she is willing to go up against White Diamond herself, having figured out a few new combat tricks. At the same time, she herself is aware of this and frightened by her own capacity to do horrible things with the control she craves, which holds her back from making real decisions in her life or committing to anything. Hair-Trigger Temper : Considering her cynical personality, it's relatively easy to piss her off. She only stops when Steven rides to the top of her water tower, notices that her gem is cracked and uses his healing powers to fix it, after which she peacefully departs. Lapis, however, didn't know anything about the Crystal Gems and couldn't tell Homeworld she wasn't one of them.

Lapis Lazulis are Gems who have hydrokinetic abilities and were formerly used to terraform planets for colonies.

She is exceptionally powerful, especially when she is near the ocean. Jasper was made her superior and didn't seem to care much for her, having no problems with imprisoning her after finding out Lapis withheld information from her. Though the gem that poofed Lapis in the gem war was Bismuth, they do not recognize each other in the present day, as Lapis did not get a good look at the Gem who poofed her, and Bismuth had poofed other Lapis Lazulis than just Lapis during the rebellion. She wanted to get out of the mirror, and she told Steven how to help her out. Spoilers will be present! Peridot rushes after Lapis after she runs into the barn, reassuring her that there was nothing wrong with thinking the way she has. In "Hit the Diamond", Lapis nonchalantly agrees to play baseball against the Rubies to get them to leave, proving that she somewhat cares about Peridot's safety. She is an interesting and complex character part of a greater force along with the other characters in the show that make Steven Universe such a wonderful show. Bismuth pushes Steven and Lapis aside while they are hugging, but she doesn't seem to be offended by this as she likely knows the seriousness of the situation. Intergenerational Friendship : With Steven and Peridot, the former being 14 years old and the latter having not existed until after the war on Earth, which Lapis was alive for. Odd Friendship : With Peridot, after they got along more after becoming Roommates well, Barnmates technically. In "Mirror Gem" , she mimics Steven's fart noises continuously for hours straight, in "Alone at Sea" she repeatedly sounds the ship's horn and laughs until Steven can barely hear, and her "meepmorp" has a looping clip of Percy saying "I just feel trapped. The only times she "lost" was when she was fused as Malachite and that required a 4-Gem fusion and a literal army to take her down , when she got blindsided by Bismuth, and when Yellow Diamond poofed her with a One-Hit KO lightning blast.

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