Knights of the templar symbol

Relatively little is known about the founding of the Knights Templar.

The Knights Templar had many symbols that represented and inspired them during the Crusades. While it is difficult to find relics from nine centuries ago, knowledge of the symbols and their meanings have fortunately not been lost to time. Below we list some of the most significant Templar symbols and what they represented. Knight Templar Seal Source: www. Grand Masters frequently used this as one of their seals in the period — So, what exactly does this image represent? There is no definite answer but there are some interesting theories.

Knights of the templar symbol

Templar Symbols. Relatively little is known about the founding of the Knights Templar. It is established that in nine French knights gave the Patriarch of Jerusalem a vow of chastity, poverty and obedience. They pledged to do everything in their power to protect the roads and pilgrims in Palestine from robbers and Muslims. Since the goals of the new community were in the interests of the Franks in the East, they received support from both spiritual and secular authorities. King Baldwin II of Jerusalem gave these knight-monks a part of his palace, which, according to legend, adjoined the temple of King Solomon. He participated in the development of the charter of the Order, which was approved at the Council of Troyes in Hugo de Payne was recognized as a Grand Master. The charter of the Order was based on the rules of St. Augustine, the statute of the ancient canons of the Holy Sepulcher, as well as the charter of the Cistercians.

However, it does not claim any direct lineal descent from the original Templar order. London's Temple Church has curious animal, human and demon heads spaced around its internal arcade and green-man heads sprouting foliage from their mouths above its original entrance, on the exterior.

Templar Symbolism. One thing the armed forces and the Church have in common is a love of symbolism, and of insignia with symbolic importance. This is true today and was ever so, and it was so particularly in the Middle Ages. It would hardly seem surprising, therefore if the Military Orders, who were at once soldiers and monks, should have developed various devises to identify themselves and to express or hint at what they stood for. Such symbols appeared on the Templars' clothing, shields and equipment, on their flags, on their buildings, on their tombs and in their manuscripts.

Before delving into the seal that has become synonymous with the Knights Templar, it is crucial to understand the purpose of such seals. During the Middle Ages, affixing a seal to a document was the most common way to validate its authenticity. These seals were images carved into a block, which, when pressed into warm wax, left an inverse image of the carving, similar to a modern photo negative. Ecclesiastical bodies, monarchs, individuals, and organizations like the Templars each had their unique seals. Symbols carry varying meanings, and extensive studies have been conducted on symbolism, notably by the renowned psychologist and occultist Carl Jung. The image of the two knights riding a single mount was believed to represent their vow of poverty. However, this interpretation seems to be more of a poetic tradition, as early as the Council of Troyes, when the Latin Rule was composed, individual knights were allowed to own three horses, and Grand Masters were permitted to own even more. Some theorists have proposed that the dual knights on a single mount symbolize the homosexuality that the knights were accused of practicing.

Knights of the templar symbol

They became one of the most powerful and wealthiest European institutions during the Middle Ages , holding vast lands and wealth. Originally, the order was created to protect pilgrims traveling to Jerusalem to participate in the Crusades. However, over time they became involved in many other activities — including wars, money lending, maritime trade, and even kidnapping people for ransom! In addition to their military exploits, the Templars also played an important role in developing European architecture including the Gothic style , finance through Banking Orders , building such as fortified buildings , and medicine. So, what happened to them? Their enormous wealth was confiscated by royal officials — some of which have been used throughout history to fund various causes such as wars or religious initiatives. Today, there is little evidence left that links these famous knights with anything other than historical legend.

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At the cathedral, to test the guilt of the accused, their cloaks were thrown into the fire, but the Templar cross on none of them was on fire. The central Templar cross is surrounded by 4 further Templar crosses and quatrefoil, all signifying protection from illness. Perhaps they drew some comfort from them. They white cloaks over long, darker coloured robes. Its wearer may be guided to an Enlightened and Happy Future. Grand Masters frequently used this as one of their seals in the period — They were monks on one side, but warriors on the other. In the face of death, they turned with prayer to the Mother of God, who was considered the patroness of the Templar Order. Product Code: KT15 This traditional and sacred Templar cross has been discovered within secret shrines and on the graves of celebrated Knights Templar, sanctifying their resting places with respect and in celebration of their pure and noble status. When the white Pigeon hovers ahead of the Grail procession and smokes with a golden censer, everything around is filled with the fragrances of the Garden of Eden.

The Knights Templar had many symbols that represented and inspired them during the Crusades. While it is difficult to find relics from nine centuries ago, knowledge of the symbols and their meanings have fortunately not been lost to time. Below we list some of the most significant Templar symbols and what they represented.

Download as PDF Printable version. The Knight Templar degree is associated with elaborate regalia costume the precise detail of which varies between nations. Relatively little is known about the founding of the Knights Templar. Beauceant Beauceant is a black and white rectangle of silk fabric. Templar Helmet Templar. A similar six-pointed design also appears repeatedly in the decorations of Montsaunes illustration 'O'. They were known for their armor of white mantles representing purity with red crosses. This is opposed to the standard degree system found elsewhere in Freemasonry, and they are the only ones not to deal with the Hiramic Legend. The lamb is symbolic of the martyred Christ and also referenced in the Bible through the words of John the Baptist after he has baptized Jesus, "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. Augustine, the statute of the ancient canons of the Holy Sepulcher, as well as the charter of the Cistercians. For Christians, the rose symbolizes martyrdom, as well as charity. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Knights Templar Freemasonry. In Hoc Signo Vinces Templar.

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