julie benz feet

Julie benz feet

Share this: Twitter Facebook Like Loading Julie was born in Pittsburgh, PA to a surgeon father, and a figure skater mother.

Feet rating stats total votes beautiful. Filter by:. Got anymore Julie Benz Feet Pictures? Jennifer Aniston. Kate Beckinsale. Sarah Michelle Gellar.

Julie benz feet


Debating between a 3 and a 4, I'm going with 4 today but could likely change in the future if her bunions worsen.


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Julie benz feet

From competitive ice skating to professional acting, actress Julie Benz has had an impressive career. She has also starred in many movies, including Havenhurst, Saw V, and Rambo. Julie Benz is grateful to have fans who are always supportive and respectful. She has claimed that some of her most embarrassing moments are when fans approach her in the stores as she buys underwear. What many people do not know is that she was an ice skater before becoming an actress. Grace Fulton biography: age, height, net worth, movies and TV shows. Where is Julie Benz from? Her family settled in Murrysville when she was two years old. Her father, George, is a Pittsburgh surgeon, and her mother, Joanne Marie, was a figure ice skater. How old is Julie Benz?

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She's very attractive but this is a foot site and long narrow toes aren't my cup of tea. Sarah Michelle Gellar. I struggled with three stars, but I guess I wouldn't call them 'bad' feet She's a beautiful woman! She's still an attention getter though. Tsk, tsk, Julie. Being fit remains a top priority to our favorite vampire babe, and she keeps active mainly through hiking, golfing, Pilates, and Tae Bo. Although that decision may have helped her career as a serious actress, we consider it our loss. If anything could make watching a year-old Stallone attempt to be a badass soldier again, it would be seeing a sweaty Julie trudging through the jungles at his side. Very misleading feet!


Amazing how some think their opinion means more then others. Blacklist user Reply. I have her as a 2. Although that decision may have helped her career as a serious actress, we consider it our loss. She's a beautiful woman! Login to wikiFeet Remember me Forgot my password Sign up. If anything could make watching a year-old Stallone attempt to be a badass soldier again, it would be seeing a sweaty Julie trudging through the jungles at his side. Jennifer Aniston. Be better if she dealt with the bunion issues. She finished 13th, and realized that perhaps professional ice dancing may not be the correct career path. Debating between a 3 and a 4, I'm going with 4 today but could likely change in the future if her bunions worsen. Comment Reblog Subscribe Subscribed. Horrid is really reserved for the Opra's of the world. Championships in junior ice dancing.

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