Jim gordon wife

In most incarnations, Gordon is the police commissioner of Gotham City, jim gordon wife. Since the s, he is somewhat skeptical of Batman's vigilante method but recognizes the necessity of Batman and the two have a mutual respect and tacit friendship. Some continuities have depicted him to have villainous sons, including James Gordon, Jr.

Everyone could use a friend like Jim Gordon. With all that on his resume, no one could blame Jim Gordon for thinking about retirement. In other words, no matter his age, we suspect Jim Gordon is nowhere near done. Visit our official movie page for all the latest trailers, articles and news on the film! LOG IN.

Jim gordon wife

She is the mother of James Gordon, Jr. Her history and fate have been repeatedly retconned over the years. The first wife of Gotham City police commissioner James W. Gordon and the mother of James Gordon, Jr. Barbara and James then a police lieutenant moved to Gotham from Chicago, Illinois, shortly before the couple discovered that they were expecting their first child. A short time later, Lt. Gordon was assigned to track down the mysterious " Batman ". After James, Jr. This and other tensions in their marriage eventually led Barbara to divorce her husband. At some point after the events of Year One , Jim and Barbara took in and adopted their niece Barbara, whose parents had died in a car accident.

Many scenes in the series portray Batman and the Commissioner having clandestine meetings at the Bat-signal, jim gordon wife. He ends up becoming a bounty hunter after he declined his reinstatement as a detective.

Before Barbara, James Gordon, in some pre-crisis stories, was married to an unnamed woman and with her had a son named Tony Gordon. Some accounts depict her having died. The earliest version of Gordon's wife can be traced back all the way to World's Finest 53 August The two are shown to have a rocky relationship that gets repaired by the end. Gordon starts an affair with Sarah Essen at this time, which the corrupt Gotham Police use to try and ruin Gordon. Barbara sticks with him however.

Gotham isn't the first show you'd look to for a surprise, happy wedding. But this is exactly what the series gave us with its latest episode, "The Trial of Jim Gordon. So, who were the lucky bride and groom? Which two characters decided to tie the knot and break the mold of comic book canon? Jim Gordon and Leslie "Lee" Thompkins. Now, right off the bat, we can address the elephant in the room. No, Jim and Leslie aren't married, or even a couple for that matter, in the comic books. But then again, Gotham has never been known for sticking closely to the source material.

Jim gordon wife

The war between DC Comics and Marvel is something volumes have been written on. One could argue that in its simplest and most modern form, it comes down to whether Batman and Superman are better than the collected Avengers. Regardless of your stance on this debate, fans all seem to agree that Batman is awesome. He's symbolic of what one man can do without superpowers, and proof that we can bounce back from even the most terrible tragedy. Or maybe, Batman is evidence that revenge can consume but never create. Because the lessons of the Dark Knight are many and varied. What we do know is that everybody loves Batman. And everybody loves Batman villains. Dick Grayson?

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After nearly killing his mother, and capturing his step-sister, James Jr. In Dougall, Alastair ed. Maybe they thought his name was Commissioner? Eventually, Batman meets up with Gordon and persuades the detective that they need each other's help. Season 2. After telling Jervis to kill Lee, he shoots Vale instead, not knowing that Gordon expected him to do so. During Gordon's brief career as Batman when Bruce was suffering total amnesia after his temporary death in his last fight with the Joker, Gordon meets with Bruce Wayne and introduces himself as Batman, noting how strange it is to be saying that to Bruce, but his response could suggest that he considers it strange based on the public perception that Bruce Wayne was Batman's financial backer rather than making it clear that he knows who Bruce was. Batman offered to prove his trust by revealing his secret identity, but Gordon refused to look when Batman removed his mask. Fox, Jeremy C. Just as other continuities, his daughter, Barbara, who is 15, becomes Batgirl. In the s Batman: The Animated Series , Gordon is voiced by Bob Hastings , and his relationship with Batman was similar to that in the comics, with the alliance largely kept between Batman, Gordon, and Harvey Bullock. In the movie , Gordon explicitly states his desire not to know for such a reason. Likewise, in the s Detective Comics storyline Blind Justice , the world at large incorrectly supposes Batman is dead and Gordon comments to Bruce Wayne that Batman has earned the right to retirement if he so desires.

Born in Chicago, Sarah Essen endeavored to become a police officer.

Gordon [1]. Barbara then presents him with his newborn daughter, whom they name Barbara Lee. Although the Batman seemed to fight on the side of justice, his methods and phenomenal track record for stopping crimes and capturing criminals embarrassed the police by comparison. Returns In Batgirl vol. Gordon admitted that he knew of her life as Batgirl, but was pleasantly surprised to know of her career as the computer information broker of the heroes. Following Bruce Wayne's apparent death in battle with the Joker during the events of Batman vol. However, Jeremiah — after being dosed with Crane's gas and driven insane — soon threatens Gotham City as well, with help from Ra's al Ghul. In the Batman - Vampire trilogy in the Elseworlds series, Gordon is shown to be aware of Batman's connection to Alfred Pennyworth by the second graphic novel in the trilogy, working with Alfred as Batman succumbs to his new, darker nature, but his knowledge of Batman's identity as Bruce Wayne is virtually irrelevant as Batman had abandoned his life as Bruce Wayne after he was transformed into a full vampire while fighting Dracula. Gordon retired from the police force after having served more than 20 years in it. Retrieved March 8,

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