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Częścią Festiwalu jest wystawa nagrodzonych form przestrzennych, które od roku instalowane są na terenie Gdańska. Niektórych już dawno nie ma. Inne stoją do dziś. Aby znależć kesza musisz ułożyć puzzle. Additional Hints No hints available. What are Attributes?



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Thanks for sharing. Here is your html-code: Why are you reporting this puzzle? Please note that the information provided may be forwarded to the person responsible for the allegedly infringement. Hold on! All the pieces are there. Look for the dots along the edge of the screen to find missing jigsaw pieces. If there are leftover pieces, try to change the background color to make the holes easier to spot! Please note that we usually do not reply to reports.


So, are you ready to be curious, creative, and kind with us? Check the infoboxes to the right and join us in Jigidi-land! Try out the daily jigsaw puzzles, or follow us on Facebook and Twitter to get our daily treats directly in your news flow. Some of us enjoy variety in the challenges we give ourselves. Do you also love numbers? And they are great when you only have your mobile device and find it too small for a jigsaw puzzle. Create beautiful, personal greeting cards and send them to friends and family as online jigsaw puzzles on social media or by email. When you join Jigidi, you can save your progress, create your own puzzles, and communicate with your fellow puzzlers from all over the world.

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