jetpunk united states map quiz

Jetpunk united states map quiz

It's a way more recognizable shape than, jetpunk united states map quiz, say, Wyoming By the way i'm 7 and from Britian! Like why Michigan has a non-contiguous upper peninsula or the fact that when Texas first joined the US it had territory that extended as far north into what is now Wyoming. Suffice to say, it's a long story.

Not a fake British, as you might assume. I recently started teaching Greek mythology and history! How funny that I see your message right after I start! And with to spare! You can do it. My Scottish brain was all over the place. The journey to sub-minute begins

Jetpunk united states map quiz

I just tried for the first time and got I need to improve my typing accuracy and speed. I've memorized all the counties, but typing them in 90 minutes a real challenge. After exhausting my resources I started to type in English surnames which worked like a charm and also English first names for men which were somewhat less successful. Is this lucky or what? Clever game plan, I commend you. I pressed "give up" after a semi-valiant effort and then the loading sign showed up for 2 mins, then the page was unresponsive, then I pressed "Wait" and the loading sign emerged once more. And then there was no hope left. So the tab met its end. Pretty sure that's the biggest achievement of my life to date lol. How much time does everyone have on their hands? I'm up to with a few significant slow-downs along the way.

I've memorized all the counties, but typing them in 90 minutes a real challenge.

YAkosaysB0T5WANA I would consider adding the full name, but only if the quiz doesn't get reset as a result, considering that resetting a quiz is a hassle to the people who already took it, especially when nothing noteworthy changes. The shortened names I used were within reason, no one calls the United States 'United' as that isn't specific at all, however if you call the nation 'St. Vincent' rather than its full name people clearly understand what you mean. I don't believe that comparison can be made, and again my main concern is simply not resetting the quiz. It originally took some time to try and get call the names to fit on the page, but luckily the 'clickable-map quizzes' have become much more flexible and you can fit much more text in the answer column.

Create Account. Featured Quizzes. User Quizzes. Create Quiz. Data and Charts. Badges and Games. About JetPunk. JetPunk Shop. Take a Random U. State Quiz.

Jetpunk united states map quiz

It's a way more recognizable shape than, say, Wyoming By the way i'm 7 and from Britian! Like why Michigan has a non-contiguous upper peninsula or the fact that when Texas first joined the US it had territory that extended as far north into what is now Wyoming. Suffice to say, it's a long story. Not nearly as long as Greek history but interesting all the same. It's difficult but interesting. Had minutes left. It has really helped with the geography of my own country. That's excellent, Gobro!

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Thanks Sillie! I hope I explained my point well enough and that I didn't use too much words to say very little. States by Area. Santa Rosa. Not a fake British, as you might assume. Virginia Beach. Like why Michigan has a non-contiguous upper peninsula or the fact that when Texas first joined the US it had territory that extended as far north into what is now Wyoming. Is there no quiz on the site where you get the names of the states randomly one by one and you have to click on the state on the map instead? States with the Most Borders. Note to self: with your typing speed do not start quizzes like this with a cigarette in your hand. All 50 U. I tried those two on the US States Quiz and it didn't work either.

She worked on it for a couple of hours brought into my office and showed her wonderful poster which said. Understanding is more important than memorizing anyway. Nashville is the capital of Tennessee, therefore, it's right in the middle!

Badges and Games. This is seriously dangerous for my computer. Virginia Beach. User Quizzes. Data and Charts. Top 10 Most African-American U. Top 10 Hottest U. There is so many things that are wonderful about this quiz!!! Last 10 U. Kit Carson. Should've been easy, but very difficult to do on a small phone screen. I accept that. Black Hawk. State Quiz - Kentucky. That's how utterly forgettable it is.

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