Janice rand star trek

Janice Rand was a female Human Starfleet officer in the 23rd century. She began her service career in the operations division in the mid- sjanice rand star trek, serving aboard the USS Enterprise during its five-year mission under Captain James T.

Kirk William Shatner , Mr. However, many fans may not know that the character of Yeoman Janice Rand was also supposed to be a major Star Trek character. Rand was Captain Kirk's personal Yeoman, and there was also a fair amount of unresolved romantic tension between the two, although they were never portrayed as having anything other than a professional relationship. In the initial concept and marketing for TOS , Rand was supposed to be a major character and function as an important advisor and confidant to the Captain as well as being Kirk's love interest. Janice's appearances and dialogue were consistently cut down during the production process, however, essentially relegating her to the role of a side character throughout TOS season 1. The official story was that Rand's presence was getting in the way of the producers' desire for Captain Kirk not to be tied to one love interest.

Janice rand star trek

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Grace is probably best known for her portrayal of Yeoman Janice Rand on the original Star Trek series. Grace continued to delight fans in personal appearances at conventions and events throughout North America and Europe. Grace Lee Whitney died at age 85 of natural causes in her home in Coarsegold, California on May 1, Add to list. Photos Known for:. Excelsior Communications Officer. Commander Rand.

By this time, she had hoped that Rand had moved over to become a counselor — an idea originally suggested by a fan. The God Thing Planet of the Titans. Yeoman Transporter chief Communications officer.

JG Janice Rand in Yeoman Janice Rand in She began her service career in the operations division in the mid- s. Initially, Captain Kirk was disgruntled that Starfleet had assigned a female yeoman to his command. However, after seeing Rand's efficient work ethic in action, Kirk grew to respect her as a crewmember and friend. Despite their professional relationship, an undercurrent of sexual attraction remained between the two. U nder stressful situations, Kirk, however, could not requite the feelings Rand felt for him, due to his position as ship's captain.

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the finale of Picard and the continuations of Discovery , Lower Decks , Prodigy and Strange New Worlds , the advent of new eras in Star Trek Online gaming , as well as other postth Anniversary publications such as the new ongoing IDW comic. Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. Janice L. She soon moved off of Earth with her parents, who were explorers, and spent most of her early life aboard ships or stations. At an early age, Janice and her family were traveling when their ship's warp engines blew. They were forced to travel for three years at sub-light speed until they reached the planet Saweoure. Because the family did not have money to spend on repairs, they sold their spaceship and settled on Saweoure, where they were forced into slavery. One night Janice and her two brothers, Ben and Sirri , managed to escape Saweoure by sneaking aboard a cargo shuttle and hiding in a cargo container. After this the Rands sneaked into the refugee camp on Faience.

Janice rand star trek

In its first two seasons, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds debuted updated versions of some of the characters from Star Trek: The Original Series , but several important faces have yet to be introduced. Kirk William Shatner takes over command of the iconic starship. As the timeline of Strange New Worlds moves closer to the events of Star Trek: The Original Series , the opportunity arises for more classic characters to appear. In the Strange New Worlds season 2 finale , Lt. So far, Strange New Worlds has done an excellent job of casting legacy characters, enriching their backstories without detracting from their original portrayals. Although there was an undercurrent of attraction between Rand and Kirk, they kept their relationship professional. Rand became a valuable and respected member of the Enterprise crew, and she was friends with many of the bridge officers, including Uhura and Sulu. Janice was originally meant to be a more significant character in TOS , but Yeoman Randwas written off the show in season 1.

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I called casting and asked for a script, wondering if it was because I had [a] no speaking part. She and Janice are old friends. Whitfield, Stephen E. Season 1 2 3. Roddenberry later blamed NBC for her release and said he regretted it. Kirk William Shatner , Mr. ISBN Janice Rand. In April , a phone call from Grace Lee Whitney's agent which she waited at home to receive, in hope her agent would announce to her that "Police Story" had been sold, actually informed the actress that, though "Police Story" had been unsuccessful, Gene Roddenberry wanted to her to play a part in Star Trek. A duplicate of Captain Kirk was created during a transporter malfunction that contained his negative qualities, lust and violence. Following the relaunch of Star Trek in with a new cast playing those roles seen in The Original Series , there was commentary online about the lack of female characters and whether Rand might be appearing in future installments.

Kirk William Shatner , Mr.

Alone in the corridor with the Captain, crying and upset, she found comfort in his arms. Retrieved May 5, It was directed by Tim Russ, who she had worked with on Voyager , and featured a number of other former Star Trek actors. Yeoman Rand was among the most popular members of the Enterprise Szablon:'s crew, second only to Lieutenant Uhura , who was her good friend. Yeoman Janice Rand in Decades later, Whitney recollected, " Szablon:' You know,' he said after we'd been talking a while, 'the thing that is so fascinating about Janice Rand is her repressed desire—her hunger for sex. She doesn't admit it — not even to herself. Explore Wikis Community Central. Brewis told Whitney, " You have a contract for thirteen episodes. A duplicate of Captain Kirk was created during a transporter malfunction that contained his negative qualities, lust and violence. Star Trek recurring characters.

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