Jamai raja serial video

Television serials are introducing small stories into their regular track to grab attention of the viewers.

Jamai Raja is a tale of Siddharth Khurana Sid , an hotelier, who falls in love with Roshni, a social worker. Sidhharth marries Roshni and lives with his in-laws. Siddharth, despite being an owner of a 7-star hotel, gives up his high-class status and embarks on a journey to settle the disputes between Roshni and her idealist mother, Durga Devi, known as DD. The story is about a son-in-law who puts his mind, body, and soul into binding relationships. Roshni Patel is a social worker who manages NGOs for kids, whereas her mother Durga Devi Patel is a rich jewellery designer who only cares about money and status. Siddharth gives up his high-class status for love and lives with Roshini and his in-laws. Jamai Raja TV serial is a drama TV show which comprises three seasons with a total of episodes with an approximate duration of 22 minutes each.

Jamai raja serial video


Roshni learns Siddarth's truth Watch. Hitler Didi Watch.


Episode 1 - Jamai Raja E1 22m 4 Aug. Episode 1 - Jamai Raja Watch. Episode 2 - Jamai Raja E2 22m 5 Aug. Episode 2 - Jamai Raja Watch. Episode 3 - Jamai Raja E3 21m 6 Aug.

Jamai raja serial video

Jamai Raja transl. Son-in-law, The King International title: King of Hearts is an Indian television drama series, aired on Zee TV , that premiered on 4 August , [4] [5] and ended on 3 March after a three-year run. Jamai 2. It premiered on 10 September Durga Devi DD Patel and her daughter have many misunderstandings, and differences between them. DD is a wealthy jewellery designer. Her daughter, Roshni Patel believes that her mother does not love her and does not give her time, and only loves money. Due to this reason; she hates DD and never behaves well with her.

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Siddharth and Roshni's performance - Jamai Raja Highlights. Piyaa Albela Watch. Roshni Patel is a social worker who manages NGOs for kids, whereas her mother Durga Devi Patel is a rich jewellery designer who only cares about money and status. Episode 1 - Jamai Raja E1 22m 4 Aug. Kumkum Bhagya Watch. Roshni asks Siddarth for help. Episode 5 - Jamai Raja Watch. How many awards did the cast of Jamai Raja TV show receive? Television actress Shiny Doshi who currently plays the role of Radha in Shrimad Bhagwat Mahapuran was seen celebrating her birthday with her close pals. After several events, Roshini and Siddarth fall in love with each other and get married. Siddarth clicks a selfie with Roshni. Kasamh Se. Grazing Goat Pictures Pvt.

Siddharth, a hotelier, takes up the responsibility of repairing the relationship between his independent wife, Roshni, and his enterprising mother-in-law, Durga Devi.

Episode 3 - Jamai Raja E3 21m 6 Aug. Drama Romance. Roshni and Siddarth's honeymoon Watch. Siddarth apologises to a furious Roshni Watch. Zindagi Ki Mehek Watch. All 86 Articles 82 Videos 4. Read ePaper. Show Released Date 4 Aug Roshni apologises to Siddarth Watch. What is the production company behind Jamai Raj TV serial? Television actress Shiny Doshi who currently plays the role of Radha in Shrimad Bhagwat Mahapuran was seen celebrating her birthday with her close pals. DD's words hurt Roshni.

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