Jackie moon movie

Jackie Moon : In the anals of history people are going to be talking about three things: the discovery of fire, invention of the submarine, and the Flint, Michigan Mega Bowl. Jackie Moon : Everybody panic! Oh my God, jackie moon movie, there's a bear loose in the coliseum!

Living… in Flint, Michigan. Profession… owner, coach, and power forward for the Flint Tropics. The Tropics are all but broke, and Jackie puts most of his energy towards boosting attendance with wacky promotions: wrestling a bear, jumping 47 feet of ball girls on roller skates, providing free corn dogs if the Tropics score points. Relationship Status… married to Stacey. She is a very attractive Flint Tropics ball girl and since they have an open relationship, Stacey has slept with half of Flint. Jackie, on the other hand, has never slept with another woman.

Jackie moon movie

By Tom Tapp. There was certainly something amiss. As the Warriors took the court, the last man out of the tunnel was a little chubbier and a lot hairier than the rest. He was also wearing a Flint Tropics uniform. Moon, who bears a striking resemblance to and may actually be Will Ferrell, was the subject of the film Semi-Pro. Warriors guard Kay Thompson is a huge fan, having dressed up as Moon for Halloween a few years ago. Moon did not disappoint. Seriously, free throws are, like, my best thing. On his way out of the building, Moon stopped by to warn the refs about the raccoons. Interviewed on TNT afterward Thompson, who has just come back from the latest of two serious injuries, indicated that Moon provided inspiration. So I appreciate his coming out and…What a hooper. He can play! Subscribe to Deadline Breaking News Alerts and keep your inbox happy. Deadline is a part of Penske Media Corporation.

Monix : Oh yeah Jackie Moon : [to referee] Suck my cock!

Jackie Moon : In the anals of history people are going to be talking about three things: the discovery of fire, invention of the submarine, and the Flint, Michigan Mega Bowl. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Semi-Pro R 1h 31m. Play trailer

Jackie Moon : In the anals of history people are going to be talking about three things: the discovery of fire, invention of the submarine, and the Flint, Michigan Mega Bowl. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Semi-Pro R 1h 31m. Play trailer Comedy Sport. Director Kent Alterman.

Jackie moon movie

Sign In. Edit Semi-Pro Jackie Moon Woody Harrelson Lynn Andy Daly Lou Redwood Andy Richter Bobby Dee David Koechner Commissioner Rob Corddry Kyle Matt Walsh

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The second bounces off the rim but Monix tips in the rebound right at the buzzer for two points to win, sparking a wild celebration in the arena and the streets of Flint. Stuntman and trainer Randy Miller doubled for Ferrell during the wrestling match with the bear. There's gorgonzola, muenster, and cottage. On his way out of the building, Moon stopped by to warn the refs about the raccoons. The gun fires a bullet. Going into the Spurs game, which Jackie declares the "MegaBowl", the Tropics are in fifth place and with a win they would make it into fourth, even though they will not be allowed into the NBA. Quotes Jackie Moon : In the anals of history people are going to be talking about three things: the discovery of fire, invention of the submarine, and the Flint, Michigan Mega Bowl. At the beginning, he wears orange Adidas shoes with blue stripes. Funny Movies. Read Edit View history. Peter Cornell Vakidis. Favorite Movies. Father Pat the Ref : [blows the whistle] Traveling!

Semi-Pro is a American sports comedy film. The film was directed by Kent Alterman in his directorial debut , written by Scot Armstrong , and produced by Jimmy Miller. As of , it is the only film directed by Kent Alterman.

Lou Redwood : Jive turkey is a little over the line, my man! Maura Tierney Lynn. User reviews Review. Jackie Moon : Oh fuck that shit! Running time. Semi-Pro received generally negative reviews from critics. Cornelius Banks : [smiling] Woah! Bobby Dee : I think so. Bobby Dee : He just said you suck cock! Create a list ». Jackie trades the team's washing machine to the Kentucky Colonels for Ed Monix, a backup point guard who won an NBA Championship with the Boston Celtics , but did not play during the playoffs. Jay Phillips Scootsie Double Day.

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