Iron man movies cast

Robert Downey Jr. Terrence Howard James 'Rhodey' Rhodes. Gwyneth Paltrow Virginia 'Pepper' Potts.

Iron Man is a American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name. In the film, following his escape from captivity by a terrorist group, world-famous industrialist and master engineer Tony Stark builds a mechanized suit of armor and becomes the superhero Iron Man. A film featuring the character was in development at Universal Pictures , 20th Century Fox , and New Line Cinema at various times since , before Marvel Studios reacquired the rights in Marvel put the project in production as its first self-financed film, with Paramount Pictures distributing. Favreau signed on as director in April , and faced opposition from Marvel when trying to cast Downey in the title role; the actor was signed in September.

Iron man movies cast

Still traumatised by the events of "The Avengers," Iron Man battles an enigmatic terrorist called the Mandarin with the help of Col. James Rhodes and a precocious young boy. Close Ad. New This Month. New and Upcoming Netflix Shows and Movies. New and Upcoming Hulu Shows and Movies. Naked Wines has a Great Offer. What to Watch. If You Like Director 1 Credit.

Retrieved August 21, June 23,

Six months after Iron Man , Tony Stark resists calls from the United States government to hand over the Iron Man technology, which is causing his declining health. Meanwhile, Russian scientist Ivan Vanko Rourke uses his own version of the technology to pursue a vendetta against the Stark family. Following the critical and commercial success of Iron Man in May , Marvel Studios announced and immediately set to work on producing a sequel. In July, Theroux was hired to write the script and Favreau was signed to return as director. In the early months of , Rourke Vanko , Rockwell, and Johansson filled out the supporting cast.

Sign In. Edit Iron Man Tony Stark Terrence Howard Rhodey Jeff Bridges Obadiah Stane Gwyneth Paltrow Pepper Potts Leslie Bibb

Iron man movies cast

Emma-Jane Betts. Published: Sep 4, Where is the Iron Man cast now? Directed by Jon Favreau, many of the actors who appeared in Iron Man have gone on to have thriving careers. Robert Downey Jr. Going by Tony Stark — the brilliant playboy billionaire — by day and the armored superhero by night, Downey would steal hearts as the MCU character for years. Fans would see Downey Jr. Obadiah was a family friend to the Starks, who, in a stunning act of betrayal, turns on Tony in a bid to take over Stark Industries.

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Personal assistant Pepper Potts places the original reactor inside a small glass showcase. Retrieved December 5, Ross A. Stan Lee Executive Producer. New and Upcoming Netflix Shows and Movies. James Rhodes and a precocious young boy. Archived from the original on March 8, Archived from the original on November 5, Paul Sklar Utility Stunts. Swingers Couples Retreat May 31,

After being held captive in an Afghan cave, billionaire engineer Tony Stark creates a unique weaponized suit of armor to fight evil. View More. Imaginative illustration of an epic story.

I don't know. Richard F. July 18, Simon David Kenny. Producer 2 Credits. Heroes take over the silver screen". The Mandarin. Glenn Goldstein Afghani Insurgent uncredited. January 20, Mark Kubr. Retrieved October 22, Paramount Pictures [a].

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