Ios uiscrollview

This tutorial assumes you understand how to use Interface Builder ios uiscrollview add objects and connect outlets between your code and storyboard scenes. Use the Download Materials button at the top or bottom of this tutorial to download the starter project, then open it in Xcode. Continue using the iPhone 8 simulator for the rest of the tutorial, ios uiscrollview.

Scroll views have two main purposes:. Scroll views are created as any other view is, either programmatically or in Interface Builder. After that, only a small amount of additional configuration is required to achieve basic scrolling capabilities. A scroll view is created and inserted into a controller or view hierarchy like any other view. There are only two additional steps required to complete the scroll view configuration:.

Ios uiscrollview

UIScrollView has gone through some major improvements. Starting with iOS 11, Apple introduced content and frame layout guides to make it a little less confusing to configure the content inside of your scroll view. Xcode 11 also added these layout guides to interface builder. I will also show you how the scroll view can move your content out of the way of the pop-up keyboard. Are you working on a project that cannot target iOS 11 yet? No worries. I want to give you a sense of what we are building, so you can follow along and see how the view is constructed. I created a view with some labels, text fields, and an image. If you want to see the finished project, I put the entire project on GitHub. Here is what it should look like in portrait and landscape:. For demo purposes, I colored the scroll view with a yellow background and the content inside with a blue background. When in portrait mode, the content will not scroll until the keyboard covers up the bottom of the view. In landscape mode, the content can scroll vertically. Now add some constraints to your scroll view to place it where you want it in your main view. The following are the four constraints that I added to get the scroll view constrained to the super view.

I also check to see if the whole textview is in the visible area, rather than just its point origin. Mike Woelmer says:.

Since the introduction of Auto Layout to iOS, there is a new way you can configure your scrolling content. With Auto Layout, the amount of code you have to write is greatly reduced. One of the big pain points with the old way of setting up a UIScrollView was communicating the content size to the scroll view. It was fairly straightforward to calculate your content size if the content in the UIScrollView was an image. But it was not as easy if your scroll view included a mixed bag of buttons, labels, custom views, and text fields. Lengthy code adjustments were needed to reflect constant changes in device rotations and phone size differences. I will also show you how the scroll view can move your content out of the way of the pop-up keyboard.

In order to make the UIScrollView scroll, you have to manually tell it how tall and wide the content is. Before you can do that, you must create an outlet, as shown below. If you want to embed a tall image into the scrollView, then you can set the contentSize to the size of the image, as below. This assumes that you've also created an outlet for the Image View and added it as a subview of the scroll view. Create a comma-delimited list of all the delegates that your view controller supports. Don't paste the snippet below. Instead, go to your view controller, and add the UIScrollViewDelegate in the same place that's shown in the snippet. This is telling the scroll view to call the view controller with the scroll view event methods.

Ios uiscrollview

Scroll views have two main purposes:. Scroll views are created as any other view is, either programmatically or in Interface Builder. After that, only a small amount of additional configuration is required to achieve basic scrolling capabilities. A scroll view is created and inserted into a controller or view hierarchy like any other view. There are only two additional steps required to complete the scroll view configuration:. You can optionally configure any visual cues your application requires like vertical and horizontal scroll indicators, drag bouncing, zoom bouncing, and directional constraint of scrolling. Open the ScrollViewDemo project from the project files you downloaded. It contains a simple project with a single view controller in the storyboard that has been linked to the ScrollViewController class created in the project. I have also included an image named image. The above creates a scroll view and an image view.

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Peter Smith says:. Keep up with our latest posts. There are only two additional steps required to complete the scroll view configuration:. The above creates a scroll view and an image view. August 11, This is SO helpful, thank you very much. Look at the section titled Pure Auto Layout Approach and read the third bullet. All books. Your view hierarchy should look like the image to the right. Sivaganesh says:.

I love building tools with software, and that is why I am currently the Lead Developer for Green 13 Solutions.

Scroll views have two main purposes: To let users drag the area of the content they want to display To let users zoom in to or out of the displayed content using the pinch gestures A common control used in iOS apps — UITableView — is a subclass of UIScrollView and provides a great way to view content that is larger than the screen. May 13, Please share if you have any insight. July 9, The Background scroll view has an image view with all its edges pinned to the scroll view with no padding. Hi, Mike, I download your sample code and compared with mine, everything is same. The constraints to the content layout guide are special constraints that have no effect on the size or position of your content view. Sara says:. Now we need to register for keyboard notifications. Edge Constraints Attach four constraints top, bottom, left, right from our single content view to the scroll view. As the final step, I check to see if the active text field is visible and scroll the field into view if it is not. In the above code we set the zoomScale to 1. It comes in handy when you are laying out elements that will likely be out of view when you first run the app, like the elements at the lower half of our scroll view. This is what the frame layout guide is for. September 7,

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