institute of war lol

Institute of war lol

Factions began with the Mirrorwater story arc. Factions is a volunteer-run community game mode for League of Legends. We set up custom matches between the factions institute of war lol the League setting, like Noxus and Demacia, using faction-specific Champion lists.

Want to contribute to this wiki? Sign up for an account, and get started! You can even turn off ads in your preferences. Come join the LoL Wiki community Discord server! Set in an alternate Runeterra , each champion is a warrior fighting on the Summoner's Rift. Though the rigid laws, empires, and political turmoil that lead to the Rune War have since faded into antiquity, the tales of legendary battles fought on the Fields of Justice are kept alive by the remnants of the Magelords and Protectorate.

Institute of war lol

Want to contribute to this wiki? Sign up for an account, and get started! You can even turn off ads in your preferences. Come join the LoL Wiki community Discord server! The Institute of War was the headquarters of the League of Legends , a Valoran -based organization of summoners founded 22 years after the fifth Rune War, to serve both as a political mediator as well as a dispute-settlement organization in order to prevent the onset of a sixth war that would finish obliterating Runeterra. Until only twenty years ago, Runeterra was on a collision course for disaster. As quickly as Runeterra's denizens would band together in ancient times as tribes, opposing tribes would war to settle their disputes. No matter the era, the preferred choice of warfare has always been magical. Armies would be enhanced or decimated by spell and rune alike. Champions made the most of magical items forged for them as they led or supported armies. Summoners—often the de facto leaders of Valoran's political forces—would unleash mighty magical powers directly against foes and their holdings with little regard for consequence. With such an abundance of raw magical power at their disposal, there was little motivation to explore more environmentally-friendly forms of warfare.

It kinda feels like that while faction lore writers actualy managed to do interesting stories around the institute and summoners the official team failed and dropped it. This may sound logical, and I support it on some level.

The League of Legends is essentially an in-game reason for the game League of Legends to exist. Everyone on Runeterra was at war with each other and things were real bad. After two great wars it was determined that war was bad and hurting the planet, endangering all life on Valoran the continent that basically everyone lives on in LoL. This was basically a mock battlefield. The goal would be to solve conflict.

Want to contribute to this wiki? Sign up for an account, and get started! You can even turn off ads in your preferences. Come join the LoL Wiki community Discord server! The Institute of War was the headquarters of the League of Legends , a Valoran -based organization of summoners founded 22 years after the fifth Rune War, to serve both as a political mediator as well as a dispute-settlement organization in order to prevent the onset of a sixth war that would finish obliterating Runeterra. Until only twenty years ago, Runeterra was on a collision course for disaster. As quickly as Runeterra's denizens would band together in ancient times as tribes, opposing tribes would war to settle their disputes. No matter the era, the preferred choice of warfare has always been magical. Armies would be enhanced or decimated by spell and rune alike.

Institute of war lol

The Fields of Justice have a complicated history. Skip to Content. League is a competitive game first and foremost, but one with an enormous world filled with drama. By Justin Mahboubian-Jones. More than ever before, Riot is developing the expanded universe of League of Legends through media beyond the game proper. Comics, short stories and cinematics have all been deployed of late to flesh out background of champions from Kindred to Ekko. The world of Runeterra is rich with these individual narratives, but understanding how they all come together can be confusing. What exactly are Bard, a cosmic protector, and Poppy, a Demacian hero, doing fighting on the same battlefield? More to the point, what on Valoran is the League of Legends?

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The Fields of Justice have a complicated history. Whatever Riot says about you, around here you get to keep your purple robes and magic sphere. The Latest. The League of Legends is supervised by a council of three powerful summoners, known as the High Council of Equity. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Start a Wiki. The retcon would allow for actual battles. League of Legends. Sort: Trending Trending Votes Age. The League invited image captures of the battle results to be posted in an official thread so as to shed light on the odds of victory for each side. Until only twenty years ago, Runeterra was on a collision course for disaster. The fights in the various Fields of Justice over which the League presides are not only of great political interest to Valoran, but also of great social interest. That done, I was just about to get back to work-work — but after seeing this rather astonishing post on the League website , I felt I had to write at least a brief comment here first. You have no power here, Riot TommyGunz or whatever your name is.

Want to contribute to this wiki? Sign up for an account, and get started! You can even turn off ads in your preferences.

Come join the LoL Wiki community Discord server! No matter the era, the preferred choice of warfare has always been magical. About CupcakeTrap. DawnPaladin says:. Sort: Trending Trending Votes Age. Tales of Runeterra League Animation Workshop. The Balance of Power , determined by match outcomes. Likewise, if the new lore really is incompatible with the League, the lore team and I might have to spend some late nights figuring out how to rewrite the history of Factions without the League. I mean Factions, I mean League canon, I mean all of it. Some have surmised that these were involved in the creation of the world itself, but they are be better known for the destruction they can wreak. Are Summoners invincible? CupcakeTrap says:. But the entirety of a League match is represented here as a stage. Don't have an account? The nature of the League of Legends itself was also transformed by narrative rework.

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