Ingilizce otobüs diyalogları

Our wish is for your life to be more convenient and joyful. MediaDict - YouTube Language Study You cannot improve the level of your foreign language just by studying through listening. You need to realize where you have trouble listening to ingilizce otobüs diyalogları you need to get used to the pronunciation to improve your levels. The best way to do this is via dictation, ingilizce otobüs diyalogları.

Waiter: Good evening, welcome to our restaurant. How many are in your party? Waiter: Great. Do you have a reservation? Garson: Harika. Right this way, please.

Ingilizce otobüs diyalogları

Mary Jones: — Evet. Mary Jones: — Tamam, rezervasyon yapabilir miyim? Reservations clerk: — Elbette. Hangi seferi istersiniz? Mary Jones: — İsmim Mary Jones. Reservations clerk: — Northwind Airways, good morning. May I help you? Mary Jones: — Yes, do you have any flights to Sydney next Tuesday afternoon? Reservations clerk: — One moment, please Could you tell me how much a return flight costs? Reservations clerk: — Economy, business class or first class ticket? Mary Jones: — Economy, please. Mary Jones: — OK.

A always.

How do you maintain your health? We go swimming every other day, and in between we go to the gym. And once in a while, we go hiking. Marry and David are in the camping site. Go one block and turn left. Go another block and make a right again.

Levent Serdar: Fill it up , please. A: I guess your car takes unleaded gas. A: No problem, sir. I need a major one. A: Our mechanic will be more than happy to help you. If possible, try to make an appointment with our mechanic. B: YES, most downtown buses stop at this corner.

Ingilizce otobüs diyalogları

B: YES, most downtown buses stop at this corner. A: I want to go to Washington Avenue. Can I take any bus that stops here? B: You can take any bus except number The number 12 turns off at Richmond Street.

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And can I have your name and date of birth please? A in front of. Reservations clerk: — Yes, but you will have to confirm this reservation at least two hours before departure time. Here are some pictures. Your server will be right with you. A and, but. Person 1: How about next weekend? I can put one together on Spotify. Person 1: I was thinking of making some homemade pizzas and maybe some appetizers like chips and dip, veggies and hummus, that kind of thing. And if you need a different size or anything, just let me know. Do you have any specific dates in mind? Reservations clerk: — Could I have your name, please?

Veli: Ok.

Alt Bilgi. Person 2: That sounds perfect. Do you want to come with me? Person 1: How about next weekend? Bob : It is ……………… Main and First Street. I think it would be really fulfilling to help people with their mental health. Person 2: Okay, sounds good. Mary Jones: — Economy, please. Did you say. There are a bunch of stores there. Which one would you like? Ordering Food at a Restaurant Person 1: Good evening, do you have a table for two available? Person 1: I heard about a cute little town a few hours away that has some nice hiking trails and good restaurants.

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