In fraganti murcia

The crime was a reprisal for the assassination a few hours earlier of Lieutenant Castillo of the Assault Guard, who was well known for his commitment to the Socialists, whose militia he had trained, in fraganti murcia. Calvo Sotelo was the most important victim and practically the last before the Spanish Civil Warof the wave of political violence that in fraganti murcia out in Spain after the triumph of the Popular Front in the February elections that caused deaths between February and July deaths were caused by leftists, by rightists —half by Falangists: 61— and 84 by the forces of law and order. The victors in the war proclaimed Calvo Sotelo as the "protomartyr" [5] of their " Liberation Crusade ".

National Police agents have detained in flagrante to the members of a specialized group, presumably, in giving 'overturns' to drug trafficking organizations. In the operation, 13 people have been arrested and six searches have been made in which three firearms, bulletproof vests, emblems and clothing similar to those used by the FSE have been intervened, almost Those arrested, who operated in different parts of the country, also engaged in other criminal specialties, such as robberies, illegal arrests, drug trafficking or money laundering. Among those arrested is one of the most active butroneros in the Community of Madrid. The investigation began at the end of last year after learning of the illegal activities of an organization that would have stolen 2. In addition, they were related to a violent robbery committed in a house in Madrid and another assault perpetrated in Murcia. The investigations carried out made it possible to identify the members of the gang, as well as to locate the ships and security addresses they used.

In fraganti murcia


It is not surprising that, in fraganti murcia, today [], he was the driver of the Assault van number 17, so infamous, stubbornly refuses to talk to anyone about what happened on the night of July 12—13,


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In fraganti murcia

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The PCE presented a bill on the afternoon of the 13th itself and which was published by Mundo Obrero which called for nothing less than the suppression of the right wing opposition "Article 1. According to Luis Romero p. They "justified" it in the preamble of the proposal where he held responsible "the reactionary and fascist elements, declared enemies of the Republic", for the "assassination of the best defenders of the people and of the regime" in reference to Lieutenant Castillo and accused them of "conspiring against the security" of "the people". In the early morning hours of the following day, Tuesday, July 14, Antonio Piga Pascual, accompanied by three other forensic doctors , [] performed the autopsy on Calvo Sotelo's corpse. Tools Tools. Barcelona: Planeta. For her part, the French governess fulfills the order and warns her brothers. According to Gibson, giving credibility to Burillo's testimony before the judges of the General Cause, he went to Pontejos around a. The contest, then, if it finally arises, will have to take place in conditions of extreme harshness". Unquestionably, there is a great majority of Spaniards who love republican legality, who are not frightened by the progress of the legislative provisions, and who contemplate with tranquility any work of social justice. To the cadres of the socialist militias he urged them to maintain "constant communication among themselves to help each other and to concentrate wherever necessary in order to inexorably crush fascism, as soon as it wants to begin its announced uprising against the Republic and the workers". The following day, Wednesday 15, censorship did not prevent the monarchist newspaper ABC from publishing an obituary for the death of Calvo Sotelo which occupied the entire front page and in which the word "assassinated" appeared. Knowing the intentions of the reactionary elements who are enemies of the Republic and of the proletariat, the political and trade union elements represented by the signatories have united and have established an absolute and unanimous agreement in offering the Government the support and help of the masses who are concerned for everything that means defense of the regime and resistance against everything that can be done against it. In the doorway of the building where Calvo Sotelo's house was located there were two policemen on night guard.


But let there be order in the streets, in the workplaces and in the homes. The working class cannot be defeated. The stolen documents were immediately burned by the militiamen Although he was not an eyewitness to the events since he did not wake up , he gathered what he heard his mother and the other people in the house say. He also ordered that the doorman of Calvo Sotelo's estate and all the witnesses in the house who were not relatives be taken to the court. The purple tide takes over the streets and squares of the Marina Alta: the feminist struggle raises its voice for equality. He asked to speak with Prieto, with Lamoneda or with him. As for the consequences that are now being talked about, I do not think we should fear them. He also certified that death was instantaneous due to "bulbar syncope of traumatic origin" and that the corpse did not present any wound or bruise that could indicate that there had been a struggle in the van, denying a sensationalist report that appeared in the press. We are not ready for this farce. Stanley G. It has been a barbarity of incalculable consequences", Vidarte told him. His family, the national forces he represented, his friends and co-religionists, ask for a prayer for the eternal rest of his soul. Other Falangists have confirmed this testimony. He frequently invoked the intervention of the Army to put an end to the "anarchy" brought about by the Popular Front Government and was informed of the plans of the uprising led by General Mola —he even offered himself to the latter as another combatant under the orders of the Army.

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